Cop Gets Owned By A Law Student

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Open carry is legal is several states. There was nothing illegal or wrong about what he did.

Law enforcement studies have show that criminals go through extreme lengths to conceal their weapons and citizens who open carry are highly unlikely to commit gun crimes.

Too many Americans think assbackwards, thats why our nation is falling into disrepair....uninformed citizens.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by Pig Love

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

And Reagan wouldn't let the panthers have guns either just saying
Wow dude, are you always right behind me? Is that you Deuce King?

The Black Panthers weren't killed in dutch ovens you ******.

Edit: I'm sorry, this is one of the most ignorant things I have ever read in my life. You actually think that is a relevant comparison? You are a sad, disgusting individual. I wish you the best of luck.

This is the first time NT has really pissed me off.
The sad irony of you telling ppl to read up on something and not being aware of how the original Black Panthers came to their demise. For someone constantly pointing out what the current president and government are doing you'd think you'd be aware of what they've done in the past.

I mean look at you man, you basically over here trying to have a pissing contest.

Yep, Hitler took those guns away recently huh?

The freaking Black Panthers got done dirty by the US govt. WHAT THE HELL ARE MOST OF MY THREADS ABOUT?! Fapping and Chicks?
Originally Posted by Yeah

Why would you walk around with a gun in the first place, though?

I mean, it's one thing if the cop tries to make you incriminate yourself or something. It's another thing entirely to walk down a street with a gun in plain sight and try to flex on a police officer.

It's not unreasonable at all to be sketched out by a random guy walking down the street with a gun, legal or not.

This guy obviously did this on purpose just to show off his "knowledge."  dbag
Originally Posted by Bandit Country

^ yambs been drinkin

concealed weapon permit OK cool, so why was it in plain sight or am i missing something ? that would be against the law here having the gun in plain sight
Corny. But maybe he was doing it for extra class participation or credit or something lol
Originally Posted by akanote

I know son wasn't of African descent
But everyone is of African descent...?

Why do people always have to make these threads into things that they were never intended to be?

I can't think of a reason anyone needs to carry a gun out in the open. Seems like common sense to me. Dude just sounded like a certified prick. I wouldn't be surprised if he purchased a gun for the sole purpose of arguing with a cop.
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by XxxxMT23xxxX

cmon! kid was walking around with a gun in plain sight. CMON! licensed or not, CMON!
Whats wrong with that?
You seriously don't see the problem with that?

I don't know the guy, I'm not sure what he's gonna do with it, but what is the point of even having it out for everyone to see?

Some of y'all dudes are scary as hell.
Its the gun that you can't see, that you need to be worried about.

People who open carry are trained, licensed and law abiding citizens. Their guns have serial numbers on them, which links the firearm directly to them.

They're not going to blast you away out of boredom. This ain't a video game, man. 

Whats the point of having attack dogs around your house?....huge gas guzzling trucks that can crush people like insects?....learning deadly martial arts and walking that streets?

Come on bro. 

you feel safer in your bubble as long as you don't know if the man next to you has a gun under his jacket.

I think its fine to see it.

People might think twice before trying anything slick for example.
Him spewing laws is all funny and what not...until someone like him shoots somebody.

goldenchild9 wrote:

Too many Americans think assbackwards are lunatics

I dont trust anybody walking down a street with a gun.
There are ways we can keep our gun rights without letting somebody walk down the street with a gun in sight. I dont care what the law is the cop is right. The cop or the pedestrians dont know what that kid could do.
Originally Posted by Yeah

Originally Posted by akanote

I know son wasn't of African descent
But everyone is of African descent...?

Why do people always have to make these threads into things that they were never intended to be?


It's because most folks are aware here that this exchange would probably have ended completely differently if the man was black or Latino .Many folks here are aware of the underlying prejudice by law enforcement .
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

I can't think of a reason anyone needs to carry a gun out in the open. Seems like common sense to me. Dude just sounded like a certified prick. I wouldn't be surprised if he purchased a gun for the sole purpose of arguing with a cop.

Its called self-defense.
A law enforcement officers job is not to protect you...that duty falls on your own shoulder. This has been codified in US laws as people have tried to sue police departments for not preventing crimes.

This is why we have the second amendment and why so many states allow open and concealed carry.

What better way to pre-emptively protect yourself from harm than to display a firearm?

You have the right to self-defense, no matter how scared some of ya'll are to use it.
people are just too afraid of guns... which is too bad. I'm more afraid of getting shot by a gun than just the gun itself. Knives are statistically more than 70% accurate on hitting their target compared to bullets which are less than 30%-- ain't nobody afraid of chefs tho.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by sooperhooper

I can't think of a reason anyone needs to carry a gun out in the open. Seems like common sense to me. Dude just sounded like a certified prick. I wouldn't be surprised if he purchased a gun for the sole purpose of arguing with a cop.

Its called self-defense.
A law enforcement officers job is not to protect you...that duty falls on your own shoulder. 
Word to George Zimmerman
So hypothetically speaking, if the state of Virginia had the same law, a cop would've been out of line to stop the Virginia Tech shooter if he saw him walking around with a weapon. I guess the cop would just be in a power trip, huh? Because there aren't any crazy people out there that just might start busting for no reason. Just because it's a law doesn't necessarily make it 100% right or wrong; the law is simply the opinion of powerful rich people, which is why every state law differs.

Walking around with a weapon is not OK.
Originally Posted by Pig Love

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by Pig Love

Wow dude, are you always right behind me? Is that you Deuce King?

The Black Panthers weren't killed in dutch ovens you ******.

Edit: I'm sorry, this is one of the most ignorant things I have ever read in my life. You actually think that is a relevant comparison? You are a sad, disgusting individual. I wish you the best of luck.

This is the first time NT has really pissed me off.
The sad irony of you telling ppl to read up on something and not being aware of how the original Black Panthers came to their demise. For someone constantly pointing out what the current president and government are doing you'd think you'd be aware of what they've done in the past.

I mean look at you man, you basically over here trying to have a pissing contest.
Yep, Hitler took those guns away recently huh?

The freaking Black Panthers got done dirty by the US govt. WHAT THE HELL ARE MOST OF MY THREADS ABOUT?! Fapping and Chicks?
You couldn't even properly reply to what I said. You either purposely avoiding it or simply don't get it. Then you're lost on why ppl label you as just another racist with an agenda.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by Pig Love

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

The sad irony of you telling ppl to read up on something and not being aware of how the original Black Panthers came to their demise. For someone constantly pointing out what the current president and government are doing you'd think you'd be aware of what they've done in the past.

I mean look at you man, you basically over here trying to have a pissing contest.
Yep, Hitler took those guns away recently huh?

The freaking Black Panthers got done dirty by the US govt. WHAT THE HELL ARE MOST OF MY THREADS ABOUT?! Fapping and Chicks?
You couldn't even properly reply to what I said. You either purposely avoiding it or simply don't get it. Then you're lost on why ppl label you as just another racist with an agenda.

He can't really create decent replies he will beat around the bush all day but he will not completely answer a question or reply.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

So hypothetically speaking, if the state of Virginia had the same law, a cop would've been out of line to stop the Virginia Tech shooter if he saw him walking around with a weapon. I guess the cop would just be in a power trip, huh? Because there aren't any crazy people out there that just might start busting for no reason. Just because it's a law doesn't necessarily make it 100% right or wrong; the law is simply the opinion of powerful rich people, which is why every state law differs.

Walking around with a weapon is not OK.
That's is how crazy your thinking is...
THE VA SHOOTER HID HIS GUNS IN HIS BACKPACK and look how much carnage he caused.

If someone has a gun and the intent to do something heinous with it...the only time you are going to see it is when its out and pointed at you or someone else.

If they have a holstered gun on their waist and they're chilling, eating Burger King or walking to the post office...go about your business and stop being so scary.

The police officer with the gun on display has a far better chance of wrongfully killing you and getting away with it than any regular citizen who legally owns a gun.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

So hypothetically speaking, if the state of Virginia had the same law, a cop would've been out of line to stop the Virginia Tech shooter if he saw him walking around with a weapon. I guess the cop would just be in a power trip, huh? Because there aren't any crazy people out there that just might start busting for no reason. Just because it's a law doesn't necessarily make it 100% right or wrong; the law is simply the opinion of powerful rich people, which is why every state law differs.

Walking around with a weapon is not OK.
Talk about a dumb example. Are firearms allowed on a campus? Go look up VTech's rules on carrying concealed weapons or otherwise. Also what is a cop doing on campus? Furthermore, what makes you think the vtech shooter was not concealing his weapons? Do you even know what kind of weapons were used and what kind of guns are allowed to be carried legally? So many flaws and lack of common sense in this post.

Stop concocting bull *$@! hypotheticals to fit your viewpoint and make your argument seem right
Originally Posted by Jay02

Him spewing laws is all funny and what not...until someone like him shoots somebody.

goldenchild9 wrote:

Too many Americans think assbackwards are lunatics
There are ways we can keep our gun rights without letting somebody walk down the street with a gun in sight. I dont care what the law is the cop is right. The cop or the pedestrians dont know what that kid could do.

You don't trust anyone walking down the street with a gun? Yet the cop is right. Some of you fools honestly don't deserve freedom if you're so apt to give it away to some punk with a badge.
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