Cop Gets Owned By A Law Student

Originally Posted by lexflex81

Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

so should we just ban guns or what?
yes you should, I mean really....what do you think will happen? Do people think their great nation will go up in flames if they can't keep their precious Glock? 

nah I don't think that. I do think things like hunting and home defense will be a lot more difficult though. random idiots and psychopaths should not ruin it for law abiding citizens.

Air JustinXI wrote:
So youre all saying if you saw a dude walking down your street with a gun out in the open you would think nothing of it? You wouldnt call the cops? Im not asking right or wrong just would you or would you not?
what is "out in the open" to you? if a dude is walking through my suburban neighborhood waving his Glock around looking crazy, damn right I'm calling the cops. I'm just really convinced dude in this vid wasn't doing that seeing as how he didn't get tackled to the ground and clearly wasn't doing anything illegal since he walked away a free man.
Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

nah I don't think that. I do think things like hunting and home defense will be a lot more difficult though. random idiots and psychopaths should not ruin it for law abiding citizens.

Hunting (and farmers) and to some extent home defense (even though I still think a gun is OD); ok, I could get that...but this does not mean that people can just walk down the street with a holstered gun. Or own a small arsenal, like they were expecting the zombie apocalypse. That just seems like not mentally sound behaviour to me. And again, the idea that it's your god given right to own a firearm is just plain ridicilous to me.
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by Air JustinXI

So youre all saying if you saw a dude walking down your street with a gun out in the open you would think nothing of it? You wouldnt call the cops? Im not asking right or wrong just would you or would you not?
Calling the cops is perfectly fine.
The cops will check him out... see what he's up to... and move on.
Which is what the cop did/was trying to do...the only issue is the manner in which the prick in the video handled it but somehow there are fools in here "
" his display towards a cop trying to do his job and protect people (as he stated that he was responding to calls of someone walking around with a gun). 
I agree with the people saying the kid seemed like he wanted a confrontation. It seemed like he knew what to say and everything. Especially when he was naming those old court cases
Originally Posted by lexflex81

Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

nah I don't think that. I do think things like hunting and home defense will be a lot more difficult though. random idiots and psychopaths should not ruin it for law abiding citizens.

Hunting (and farmers) and to some extent home defense (even though I still think a gun is OD); ok, I could get that...but this does not mean that people can just walk down the street with a holstered gun. Or own a small arsenal, like they were expecting the zombie apocalypse. That just seems like not mentally sound behaviour to me. And again, the idea that it's your god given right to own a firearm is just plain ridicilous to me.

the arsenal point I can agree with, I honestly don't see a need for multiple assault rifles and the like, but to some it's a hobby. some people just love shooting +%%@. that also brings in the argument "well if I can have one, why can't I have a few more..."

the 2nd amendment thing to me is kinda dumb because it's dated. I do think as long as we have active wars and violence in the world (which will be forever basically
) that we should be allowed to own firearms but I can say that gun laws do need a bit of reform. just my opinion on it though, I know plenty of posters will disagree with my side as well as yours.

I actually don't mind licensed carriers having their weapons in public. as long as they're mentally fit (there should definitely be a competency and stability examination) they should be fine. someone concealed carrying with shooting experience could save lives.
Originally Posted by lexflex81

Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

nah I don't think that. I do think things like hunting and home defense will be a lot more difficult though. random idiots and psychopaths should not ruin it for law abiding citizens.

Hunting (and farmers) and to some extent home defense (even though I still think a gun is OD); ok, I could get that...but this does not mean that people can just walk down the street with a holstered gun. Or own a small arsenal, like they were expecting the zombie apocalypse. That just seems like not mentally sound behaviour to me. And again, the idea that it's your god given right to own a firearm is just plain ridiculous to me.

You know why it's mentally sound to own multiple guns? Because they don't lose value. Another reason why it is mentally sound to own a gun is because you cannot just expect your government, or all of the crazies out there, as well as the rest of the world, to play fair at all times. The closest person in the world to me has been attacked 3 or 4 times by serial killers and rapists. One of them killed and raped 20+ women. She didn't use a gun to protect herself in that situation, but I am just pointing out that the world is not made of pillows. Banning the possession/carry of guns leads to only criminals with guns. Example: Chicago.
Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

Originally Posted by lexflex81

Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

so should we just ban guns or what?
yes you should, I mean really....what do you think will happen? Do people think their great nation will go up in flames if they can't keep their precious Glock? 
nah I don't think that. I do think things like hunting and home defense will be a lot more difficult though. random idiots and psychopaths should not ruin it for law abiding citizens.

Air JustinXI wrote:
So youre all saying if you saw a dude walking down your street with a gun out in the open you would think nothing of it? You wouldnt call the cops? Im not asking right or wrong just would you or would you not?
what is "out in the open" to you? if a dude is walking through my suburban neighborhood waving his Glock around looking crazy, damn right I'm calling the cops. I'm just really convinced dude in this vid wasn't doing that seeing as how he didn't get tackled to the ground and clearly wasn't doing anything illegal since he walked away a free man.

he was probably carrying the gun in a holster, but it was still out in the open.

he didn't have to wave it around, people who aren't familiar with the law called the police out of fear.  most times if you see someone walking down the street with a gun in their hand they have bad intentions.  even the most reckless people will try to be discreet about it (not conceal the weapon, but not brandish it arrogantly.)

the kid in the video knew exactly what he was doing and there's a reason this happened in Portland and not in, say, NYC.

he was trolling. to prove a point, yes, but still trolling.  terry stops are abused and have become a problem nation wide, but in this case the kid baited a cop, who may very well have been a good cop, for attention.  kudos to him.
Can't have a gun out in the open all willy nilly in every state. Not sure where this law student was, but more power to him. I have never seen anyone with it out in the open except suited law enforcement in my state. Would scare the F out of kids.
There's so many dumb !@#!@ in this world. Regardless of whether his behavior was legal or not, carrying a gun down a street is *%!*#$*@# behavior. End of story. I'd like to see what a lot of people would do if their kids lived on the same street seeing a man carrying a gun round.
Originally Posted by lexflex81

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by lexflex81

yes you should, I mean really....what do you think will happen? Do people think their great nation will go up in flames if they can't keep their precious Glock? 

Taking away guns will be taking away one of our core constitutional rights.....
The VAST majority of guns used for criminal purposes are not legally registered to the user anyway. So banning guns will not stop gun crime.
A constitutional right that might have been relevant in the context of the time it was set up (a dangerous, unstable time, birth of a new nation and all of that) but should have no relevance nowadays.
And the fact that there are so many guns around (legal or illegal) ties in to the US mentality that guns are pretty much a neccesity. If people were not so obsessed with owning guns there would not be an extensive black market for illegal firearms IMO. I mean, look at gun crimes in first world countries where guns are illegal. I'll bet the yearly mortality rate would not even touch a weekly mortality rate in a major US city. Of course I realize the damage has been done; if you guys had outlawed guns say, 70 years ago you might not be facing the high gun related mortality numbers you are today. And now that this "right" is so ingrained in the nation's psyche, people would literally be up in arms if you try and take away their guns. But there must be some way to make it more difficult to own a gun or at least try to dam in the power of the NRA nutjobs . Or at least try and raise your children not to believe that a gun is a neccesity or even a right, any sane individual should realize this.
You do know firearms were all but banned in the UK. They have actually seen an increase in violent crime. On the flip side Switzerland, Finland, and Sweden all rank in the top 10 in firearms per capita yet have some of the lowest crime rates in the world.
Some of you need to move around.
This is a daily occurrence in Texas, and the south in general.
Nothing new here.
Also, isn't the main point of carrying a gun to detour trouble?
Doesn't concealing it defeat that purpose?
I've always wondered about that. 
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by Pig Love

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

And Reagan wouldn't let the panthers have guns either just saying
Wow dude, are you always right behind me? Is that you Deuce King?

The Black Panthers weren't killed in dutch ovens you ******.
The where slaughtered in US cities.


Flawless victory.
Originally Posted by ai3mac1

Definitely on the police's side. I don't give a !@!@#@ how many laws he memorized, a +#+*%*+%% walking down a street with a gun exposed is a cause for concern. The cop simply wanted to know why he felt it was normal to do that.

This. And I rarely take a cops side. But this should be common sense.
Dudes on some blasé blasé steeze in here know good and well that if they saw a dude with a gun in plain sight they'd walk the other way or call the police. Yes, I get the fact that in some states you ARE allowed to carry...but it's not something you see every day. ##!*, I've NEVER seen it in my life. So, I don't get the shock from some of you all based off of others reactions.

*FTR, I have no problems with people who do own firearms and take the legal steps to do so.  I just think that there is an overreaction from the side of folks in here questioning why people are taking sides with the police. 
Originally Posted by Yeah

Why would you walk around with a gun in the first place, though?

I mean, it's one thing if the cop tries to make you incriminate yourself or something. It's another thing entirely to walk down a street with a gun in plain sight and try to flex on a police officer.
Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

Originally Posted by Carver

I'm gonna walk around with my gun out, all while recording myself do it, ooo I'm a cool guy..

Stupid as #*!@
none of this would have came out of your mouth if son walked by you
Why not? Do you suspect he would shoot you?
Originally Posted by Jay02

Talk about a dumb example. Are firearms allowed on a campus? Go look up VTech's rules on carrying concealed weapons or otherwise 
The example given does not make sense at all and therefore is NOT relevant to this situation. We're not even talking about intent. We're talking about gun laws, holstered weapons in plain sight, and the law. Something that you're conveniently choosing to ignore.

This bull %%!+ of he could be crazy like any other mass murderer is nothing but fear mongering that shows you're willing to give up civil liberties for safety. Go move to a country living in a police state if you really feel that way about it.

Also your post and other posts like yours shows me how naive yall are about how many ppl are walking the streets with concealed weapons on them daily. Yall just playing that what if game.
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