Cop Gets Owned By A Law Student

Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

Originally Posted by Keif Sweat

Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

none of this would have came out of your mouth if son walked by you
Why not? Do you suspect he would shoot you?

no, I suspect Carver would not walk up to someone who is open carrying and proceed to say what he posted. would prob be more of a "run around the corner, dial 911, and post about it on NT" situation. dude in the video was obviously a rational law abiding citizen. I'm not afraid of guns or people with them unless given reason to be.

this thread is making me think of when they destroyed all the guns on Family Guy
The !@*@.. bish I would have ran around the corner, post about it on NT, then dialed 911.. get your !#@! straight chief
Originally Posted by blakep267

Im not sure why people are getting upset that the guy is being called a douche. Im not saying hes wrong, but his is a ****. Just like that Photographer example a few pages back. The guy taking pics isnt legally wrong, but he is a **** for doing it. Now purposely wearing a gun in a holster around in a fairly safe public area basically wanting to be confronted is a **** move.
This is all that needs to be said.  Anybody who disagrees is weird.
You guys are absolute CHILDREN

Like I don't know how to make it any clearer without flat out just going off with insults but your logic is severely lacking.

You feel safer because you can't see the gun. THE GUN STILL EXISTS ON THE PERSON REGARDLESS. So any hypotheticals with a person displaying a firearm can apply to a person that you don't even know has it.

Seeing a gun is a deterrent to not do anything stupid, you know what someone can do to protect themselves, that doesn't mean they are out trying to kill people.

Some of yall really don't deserve the rights you are given. Siding with a cop to do illegal things because someone displays a LEGAL right. Pure jokes, and a bunch of sheltered children.

If you can't see it, it won't hurt you, so just pull the blankets over your face.
Originally Posted by Carver

Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

Originally Posted by Keif Sweat

Why not? Do you suspect he would shoot you?

no, I suspect Carver would not walk up to someone who is open carrying and proceed to say what he posted. would prob be more of a "run around the corner, dial 911, and post about it on NT" situation. dude in the video was obviously a rational law abiding citizen. I'm not afraid of guns or people with them unless given reason to be.

this thread is making me think of when they destroyed all the guns on Family Guy
The !@*@.. bish I would have ran around the corner, post about it on NT, then dialed 911.. get your !#@! straight chief
This is stupid... It would have been funny if no one payed him any attention...

Its cool to know your rights, but no one is going to openly walk around with a firearm hoping to get confronted by the police just to prove you know the state laws... Its a waste of time and a its fairly disruptive to the community.
@ the person having the gun in plain sight i.e in a holster being more of a target by criminals.

Anyone who believes that is beyond idiotic. It's so funny and sad to see some of yall try so hard to use commons sense and come up with such mentally ill examples and thought processes.
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

How stupid are some of y'all?�

Dude walked in the street..waving a gun around�

Quoting "sections" and all this bs�

Had that camera not been there, cop could've shot him in cold blood.�

Witnesses would've later been saying, "he was waving a gun around earlier in the day"

People are dumb�
The illegal action of a minority of police should not dictate our rights.
Stuff like this (provoking cops with camera handy) goes on all the well as regular citizens carrying openly.

The people you see carrying firearms openly are not the same people you see bucking shots outside the club.

Each bullet is traceable to the registered firearm it comes from. Making it LESS LIKELY to be used in a criminal way.

I don't currently own a firearm but I like having the RIGHT to urchase one if I want/need.�




Here's a better question.
Why do you need to carry a gun when you're shopping at Home Depot? I don't even understand that rationale. You guys are acting like WWIII is about to start at any minute and guerilla warfare is about to go down in the middle of Middle America
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

natisfynest wrote:
If the cop knew his job better this asshat would be in jail right now.

do your research before you post
I think you need to do some research on inducing panic.Whether you agree with it or not if the cop was on his #$@@ this guy would have been arrested for it. Only 2 things have been proven in this video. 1 this guy is a dbag 2. Cops dont have enough training 
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

This is stupid... It would have been funny if no one payed him any attention...

Its cool to know your rights, but no one is going to openly walk around with a firearm hoping to get confronted by the police just to prove you know the state laws... Its a waste of time and a its fairly disruptive to the community.

Word, he is really being a dbag just trying to flex on cops cause he has knowledge. Im from NYC, that kind of stuff would NOT fly out here.

Maybe its different opinions in this topic from people from different states. Either way, blatantly showing off your piece just to get confronted and make a point is stupid.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

This is stupid... It would have been funny if no one payed him any attention...

Its cool to know your rights, but no one is going to openly walk around with a firearm hoping to get confronted by the police just to prove you know the state laws... Its a waste of time and a its fairly disruptive to the community.
Word, he is really being a dbag just trying to flex on cops cause he has knowledge. Im from NYC, that kind of stuff would NOT fly out here.

Maybe its different opinions in this topic from people from different states. Either way, blatantly showing off your piece just to get confronted and make a point is stupid.
The reason this would not fly in NYC is cuz this is NOT LEGAL in NYC. Only ppl allowed to walk around with holstered guns are gov't agents and other cops, even ppl who have license for guns in other states can't rock with their gun in NYC. NYC gun laws are insanely strict and it's ridiculously hard to get a licensed fire arm here, almost as bad as the old drug laws we had. Let it be known though, if it was legal NYPD would start to act right.

I'm from NYC and I'm fine with ppl walking around with firearms as long as it's legal in other states and I applaud dude for doing this (wish I could do the same in BK). This whole he did it on purpose to get confronted is everyone's assumption. The way some ppl want to tell it he was waving his gun around walking up and down the block like a mad man waiting for someone to see and call the cops
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

This is stupid... It would have been funny if no one payed him any attention...

Its cool to know your rights, but no one is going to openly walk around with a firearm hoping to get confronted by the police just to prove you know the state laws... Its a waste of time and a its fairly disruptive to the community.
Word, he is really being a dbag just trying to flex on cops cause he has knowledge. Im from NYC, that kind of stuff would NOT fly out here.

Maybe its different opinions in this topic from people from different states. Either way, blatantly showing off your piece just to get confronted and make a point is stupid.
The reason this would not fly in NYC is cuz this is NOT LEGAL in NYC. Only ppl allowed to walk around with holstered guns are gov't agents and other cops, even ppl who have license for guns in other states can't rock with their gun in NYC. NYC gun laws are insanely strict and it's ridiculously hard to get a licensed fire arm here, almost as bad as the old drug laws we had. Let it be known though, if it was legal NYPD would start to act right.

I'm from NYC and I'm fine with ppl walking around with firearms as long as it's legal in other states and I applaud dude for doing this (wish I could do the same in BK). This whole he did it on purpose to get confronted is everyone's assumption. The way some ppl want to tell it he was waving his gun around walking up and down the block like a mad man waiting for someone to see and call the cops

Thats basically what he was doing... I think he made another video a few years ago and he was brandishing an unloaded rifle infront of people just so he could get confronted by law enforcment and drop "knowledge"
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

How stupid are some of y'all?�

Dude walked in the street..waving a gun around�

Quoting "sections" and all this bs�

Had that camera not been there, cop could've shot him in cold blood.�

Witnesses would've later been saying, "he was waving a gun around earlier in the day"

People are dumb�
The illegal action of a minority of police should not dictate our rights.
Stuff like this (provoking cops with camera handy) goes on all the well as regular citizens carrying openly.

The people you see carrying firearms openly are not the same people you see bucking shots outside the club.

Each bullet is traceable to the registered firearm it comes from. Making it LESS LIKELY to be used in a criminal way.

I don't currently own a firearm but I like having the RIGHT to urchase one if I want/need.�
Here's a better question.
Why do you need to carry a gun when you're shopping at Home Depot? I don't even understand that rationale. You guys are acting like WWIII is about to start at any minute and guerilla warfare is about to go down in the middle of Middle America
cuz these crazed gunmen you guys are so afraid of might just pop up for a shooting spree in Home Depot.

so here's a question for you - would you rather be a sitting duck waiting for your bullet, or would you rather have your licensed and registered firearm holstered on your side ready to take down a most likely untrained person who just happened to snap that day?
Originally Posted by natisfynest

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

natisfynest wrote:
If the cop knew his job better this asshat would be in jail right now.

do your research before you post
I think you need to do some research on inducing panic.Whether you agree with it or not if the cop was on his #$@@ this guy would have been arrested for it. Only 2 things have been proven in this video. 1 this guy is a dbag 2. Cops dont have enough training 

Cite the precedent for the situation you're talking about.
Originally Posted by WaitWut

Originally Posted by Durden7

Kid came across as a massive Dbag.

so youd rather see the kid get harassed and probably cuffed right? im glad he dropped some knowledge power tripping cops

most cops that harass you when they know they wrong are dbags
Did I say id rather see that? 
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Word, he is really being a dbag just trying to flex on cops cause he has knowledge. Im from NYC, that kind of stuff would NOT fly out here.

Maybe its different opinions in this topic from people from different states. Either way, blatantly showing off your piece just to get confronted and make a point is stupid.
The reason this would not fly in NYC is cuz this is NOT LEGAL in NYC. Only ppl allowed to walk around with holstered guns are gov't agents and other cops, even ppl who have license for guns in other states can't rock with their gun in NYC. NYC gun laws are insanely strict and it's ridiculously hard to get a licensed fire arm here, almost as bad as the old drug laws we had. Let it be known though, if it was legal NYPD would start to act right.

I'm from NYC and I'm fine with ppl walking around with firearms as long as it's legal in other states and I applaud dude for doing this (wish I could do the same in BK). This whole he did it on purpose to get confronted is everyone's assumption. The way some ppl want to tell it he was waving his gun around walking up and down the block like a mad man waiting for someone to see and call the cops
Thats basically what he was doing... I think he made another video a few years ago and he was brandishing an unloaded rifle infront of people just so he could get confronted by law enforcment and drop "knowledge"
I mean you saying he did that isn't proof he did that. If there was a vid of it I'd be laughing at how stupid it was it wouldn't change that he is right. At the least he's making others are aware.
I know if I walk down the street with a gun on me either im gonna end up on a slab in the morgue or a cot in the hospital pissing blood and fighting for life.
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Oh brother, I hate people like this.

This. If you're walking through a densely populated area with a handgun on display I want the cops to use whatever force they feel necessary to keep everyone else safe.
Also, some of these posts with the scenarios they're making up wreak of naivety and ppl who have to be a bit sheltered.
Originally Posted by DubA169

I don't understand this country's fascination with guns

it makes people feel powerful, and some folks need that. Now some are going to say, " its for my protection" blah blah blah. Dont you think itd be alot safer and easier to just, idk watch where you go. If you think you need protction at a whole foods, then you are a little paranoid. If you think the neighborhood you are in requires you to be armed, you probabl should move
I don't care about people with their guns out and have definitely saw it before. I don't know why some in here acting like they are drug dealers and/or close to violent situations on the regular with their stances on carrying. Seriously how many of you cats really need guns cause dudes running up in houses or you are afraid for your safety?
if this was here them cops would have washed him then locked his smart !!$ up, props to him tho
i hate to play the "what if" game, but i have a question for those stating that carrying a weapon is a deterrent for troublesome situation/confrontation.

in the case something does happen, ie. road rage, heated argument in the parking lot, any situation where tempers flare and can get physical. is flashing the gun an appropriate means of diffusing the situation? what if it does get physical, will you defend your self with letting off shots?
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