CORGI SHOE's stash (world's largest private collection) for sale piece by piece

Originally Posted by BubbaEla1

Originally Posted by vegetaray123

Long time no post...Free bump for Corgi...

Whats good?...

Looking to adopt a new puppy here in Vegas...Just moved into our new house and since we have a ton of room I said why not...Plus Gizmo could use the company for all those times we are out and about...So if you know any good places here in Las Vegas let me know and I will be sure to head there first...
vegetaray123, hope all is well sir. I'll need to do a bit of looking for vegas spots but i'll be more enthused to do that than take more pics of shoes and post them. That is becoming something i will put off for anything else.
How aere those NBs treating you?

NB's are NB's...Solid and sturdy as always...

I do appreciate the help...There are a few shelters that I know of here in town but knowing how well versed you are on the subject I figured I would look toyou for guidance before hand...This is becoming a heavy subject for me and I really don't want to take a false step right out of the gate if you catch mydrift...We picked up Gizmo from a breeder (He was our first dog and my first dog since I was very young) but after researching the subject a little bitI've come to see the serious importance of adopting rather than purchasing...Most of these dogs will be put to sleep and even if they are in a no killsheltar they could very well spend the majority of theirs lives in cages...That's no way for mans best friend to live out their days...
corgi, do you have any experience with the recent NB's? i know my store can get me them for good prices, and it's been tempting me for a while now. ijust don't really know where to start when it comes to new balance
Originally Posted by BubbaEla1

Originally Posted by FLINTGREY

Originally Posted by BubbaEla1

Sure, it has nothing to do with the fact that you "think" they are limited and tough to get and that all the sheep around here worship and tribute your posts (glassjaw ref. for jake).
meaning people who buy solely based on the shoes being perceived as limited. Like PEs for example that are alleged to be so limited yet everyone who collects PEs has the same ones or access to the same ones and its just a matter of $$$$. Any of you on NT can get Jordan PEs. Just have a computer and $$$. And those who buy just wont admit that they buy the shoes because they want some thing limited and exclusive and it really isnt about being a jordan fan. Because if it was then they would also feel some enthusiasm about all the Team and hybrid and bells and whistles packages Brand Jordan does. Strictly for having something others dont. And there is nothing wrong with that at all. But just admit it instead of trying to make it like you are in some way a "better" shoe geek/sneakerhead or you are a better collector than someone else. Yet, the sheep on NT still revere these people like they are some kind of shoe diety. Worship and Tribute is an album by the band Glassjaw. Jake is a member on NT who may or may not read this thread.

Niketalk as a community is just a microcosm of all the social and psychological issues that exist in our society, mainly associated with adolescence. i.e.Insecurity, neglect, sensitivity, exceptance amongst one's peers, etc...

Buying/collecting/flaunting/re-selling sneakers is the same as any other vice (sex, drugs, alchol). Think of it like marijuana. Some use it either for it'sintended organic purpose, to escape from reality, "because it makes them COOL", or they exploit it for their own personal benefit while for othersits just a 'gateway' leading onto other various other vices.

Originally Posted by eeBS7eez

corgi, do you have any experience with the recent NB's? i know my store can get me them for good prices, and it's been tempting me for a while now. i just don't really know where to start when it comes to new balance
I havent bought a pair in years. Or a shoe in the last 5-6 years for that matter but NBs are built to last. They are what i wear and have beenwearing for the last 15 years for the most part whether its a 496, 575, 577, 587, 580, 990, 999, 1220, 1500, It all depends on what you are looking for inthem. But they really have a lot of function to them and durability. Even though the majority arent made in the USA anymore the quality still far surpassesmuch of what is being released by other companies today. And personally i wear NBs because i like the way they look. Im sure a few who leave their opinions inthis thread can help answer questions for you likewise.
Originally Posted by eeBS7eez

corgi, do you have any experience with the recent NB's? i know my store can get me them for good prices, and it's been tempting me for a while now. i just don't really know where to start when it comes to new balance

Kind of an open ended question but I'll give you my 2 cents...

It really depends on your personal taste first and foremost...

Secondly it depends on what your looking for in the shoes...Like will you be running with them...wearing them to just bum around etc...

This is why it's always hard for anybody to answer a question like that as it really just comes down to personal prefference...

Anyway as for me I don't really have any experience with the newer NB models...The pair I wear day in and day out is a pair of the Gray 992's I'vehad for a long time now and they only seem to get more comfy by the day...I use them for basically everything beside's running (Ironic since that'swhat they were designed for)...They have been out of production since November of last year but are still fairly easy to find...

I did wear test a pair of 993's in April / May of last year and gotta say that they are amazing...Light...Supportive...and like tanks as they can easilytake a beating and still maintain their composure...These are my most recent experience with a newer NB model...I do have 2 pairs of 993's from when theyreleased early this year but have not yet worn them as my 992's still have tons of life left in them, so I can't really say how they perform oranything...Tons of changes can take place in a shoe from it's wear test stage to it's product release stage...

As far as running goes...Right now I'm actually not in NB's at all as I've been wearing a pair of Asics Keyano's for about 2 months now...Shoeis meh
at best but that's another subject...

If I were to purchase a pair of NB's for running I would def be looking at and am currently looking at the 817's...Shoe has gotten great reviews andseems to be fairly sturdy...

If your looking for a more classic looking type of shoe though stick with the 992's, 993's, 498's, 587's, 580's, 1220's (as Corgimentioned)...These will all give you the retro vibe while providing current running tech...

Like I said though it's all about your own taste...I would encourage you to get out to a local running store and try a few pairs on...Heck even jump onthe in store treadmil (as is customary with a running store) and let them anylize your running pattern...This will tell you if your an under-pronator,over-pronator etc...Really the best thing to do is this...that is if your planning on running in them that is...

This is all in my opinion of course and everybody knows opinions are like buttholes...everybody has one...
yeah, my shop carries new balance so it would be really easy for me to get the fit right, my discount is actually pretty good with them too. i'm going tojot these down and check them out in the catalog in the next couple days.
Originally Posted by kapepper



what up Karl. For those of you who dont know, this dude has a sick OG collection and great appreciation and knowledge. And not just jordan.... Imtalking a true appreciation for shoes. The Histroy, looks, packaging, accessories....Make sure you check his blog.
Originally Posted by The Game is a Foot

Originally Posted by BubbaEla1

Originally Posted by FLINTGREY

Originally Posted by BubbaEla1

Sure, it has nothing to do with the fact that you "think" they are limited and tough to get and that all the sheep around here worship and tribute your posts (glassjaw ref. for jake).
meaning people who buy solely based on the shoes being perceived as limited. Like PEs for example that are alleged to be so limited yet everyone who collects PEs has the same ones or access to the same ones and its just a matter of $$$$. Any of you on NT can get Jordan PEs. Just have a computer and $$$. And those who buy just wont admit that they buy the shoes because they want some thing limited and exclusive and it really isnt about being a jordan fan. Because if it was then they would also feel some enthusiasm about all the Team and hybrid and bells and whistles packages Brand Jordan does. Strictly for having something others dont. And there is nothing wrong with that at all. But just admit it instead of trying to make it like you are in some way a "better" shoe geek/sneakerhead or you are a better collector than someone else. Yet, the sheep on NT still revere these people like they are some kind of shoe diety. Worship and Tribute is an album by the band Glassjaw. Jake is a member on NT who may or may not read this thread.

Niketalk as a community is just a microcosm of all the social and psychological issues that exist in our society, mainly associated with adolescence. i.e. Insecurity, neglect, sensitivity, exceptance amongst one's peers, etc...

Buying/collecting/flaunting/re-selling sneakers is the same as any other vice (sex, drugs, alchol). Think of it like marijuana. Some use it either for it's intended organic purpose, to escape from reality, "because it makes them COOL", or they exploit it for their own personal benefit while for others its just a 'gateway' leading onto other various other vices.

sherlock! hope all is well sir. I hear ya 123%. Its all what you make of it, how you handle it and what you want it to be. I'd rather havesome of that fine statin island dust versus a pair of shoes.
Man oh man....I have never saw a collection of shoes like Corgi has got! Unbelievable is the only thing I can say....I picked up a pair of Neon Yellow Air Max95's (2003) from him last week.... the whole deal was perfect from start to go!
Originally Posted by Roll 22

Man oh man....I have never saw a collection of shoes like Corgi has got! Unbelievable is the only thing I can say....I picked up a pair of Neon Yellow Air Max 95's (2003) from him last week.... the whole deal was perfect from start to go!
i got about 20% listed thus far. I can barely stand to do it anymore and its not like it takes me more than a minute to take the bad pics and postthem. If it wasnt for the Dog of the Day pics i'd be way over doing this.
My collection isnt better than anyone elses. I mean it is to me because its mine, but thats how everyone should feel about their shoes. Sadly people buy basedon what others tell them to buy. They buy based on how many are made or where its sold or which "shoe god" on the message boards says they shouldbuy. Or if some nerd in a shoe magazine tells them what the best shoe is.
Lets face it anyone can have what I have. All you have to do is have the $$$. Now truth be told, i got crazy prices on a large large majority of my stuff andhad some nice relationships globally where i never had trouble getting a shoe or paying a great ticket on them, so its not that easy... but if someone had themoney they could buy the shoes. Just like anyone with shoes who people ballwash on NT or that "16 and under" forum ISS. All those people with themost smoking smiley faces when they post their collctions. All those Jordan collections. All it takes is $$$ at the end of the day. Truly nothing special. Eventhe so called "rarest of rarest" shoes and PEs always can be found and bought.
Whats special is buying what you want. Not letting others dictate what shoes you like, what colors you wear, what styles you buy. Otherwise, its just likespending blindly and anyone can do that. Passion, heart, and individuality are sorely lacking today and it has been like that for years. Maybe strating in theearly 2000s. Next time you are sleeping on a curb for a shoe, or see a pic of a shoe line-up look closely, or getting ready to buy a shoe because its limitedeven though you havent seen a picture of it yet, take a look. Everyone looks the same. All these people who are such "individuals" with their ownpreference and taste all are cookie cutter identical.
The stuff nobody wants becomes the stuff everyone wants. And the stuff that everone thinks is so rare and limited is the stuff that everyone has and isselling.
Originally Posted by BubbaEla1

The stuff nobody wants becomes the stuff everyone wants. And the stuff that everone thinks is so rare and limited is the stuff that everyone has and is selling.
i hate this, it's far too true. it's especially tough for me since i got into shoes more recently than most people. i wish i was this age10 years ago, when there was no such thing as a line-up for a sneaker. when resellers were non-existent. the state of "sneakerheads" (
) is embarrassing to the point where i think about getting rid of all my shoesjust out of affiliation. i hate seeing hypebeasts and having them ask me about my shoes, because they have no real idea. i'm from canada, so the shoes mostpeople see as heat are the gawdy neon dc's everyone buys from the mall.
I like your words up above me, good to have you in the shoe society Corgi!

Respected to the fullest man.

Although I can't condone marijuana usage unless you have Glaucoma
Originally Posted by BubbaEla1

Originally Posted by kapepper


what up Karl. For those of you who dont know, this dude has a sick OG collection and great appreciation and knowledge. And not just jordan.... Im talking a true appreciation for shoes. The Histroy, looks, packaging, accessories....Make sure you check his blog.

Cosign...Blog is AMAZING!

This guy is deeply studied in the shoe world...

The Cortez Skates had me drooling...I could imagine me wearing those to the good ol crystal palace in my neighborhood when I was about 7 or 8...I was all aboutskating at that age...In fact anything with wheels was pretty much my thing at that time...Bikes, Skates, Rollerblades (Yes there is a difference between theseand Skates), even Skateboards...

As far as those Nike Air Pegasus that are posted up over there...They were actually the first pair of runners I ever owned...Wore them to death and really thatis the pair alone that sparked my love affair with running shoes in general...After I had those I always had at least 1 pair of runners in the rotation...

Thanks for the trip down memory lane kapepper
Originally Posted by eeBS7eez

Originally Posted by BubbaEla1

The stuff nobody wants becomes the stuff everyone wants. And the stuff that everone thinks is so rare and limited is the stuff that everyone has and is selling.
i hate this, it's far too true. it's especially tough for me since i got into shoes more recently than most people. i wish i was this age 10 years ago, when there was no such thing as a line-up for a sneaker. when resellers were non-existent. the state of "sneakerheads" (
) is embarrassing to the point where i think about getting rid of all my shoes just out of affiliation. i hate seeing hypebeasts and having them ask me about my shoes, because they have no real idea. i'm from canada, so the shoes most people see as heat are the gawdy neon dc's everyone buys from the mall.
Resellers were always existent. Some of your holy shoe gods on the message boards were and still are the biggest resellers out there. The problemis that everyone else figured out that people will buy blindly based on hype at over-inflated prices. The reseller exists solely because the sheep buy rightinto it. I like resellers. To me they always kept the price down. If theres 500 pairs available, somehow 503 will be on ebay. You hold tight, be patient, andyou can get a shoe some jerkoff slept on a curb 3 days for exactly what he paid or a bit more. If you are going to invest in shoes you have to do it long term.Not this 6 month or 6 day type stuff. The resellers who hold onto their shoes and put them out later make the best margin. Most dont have the luxary to saveshoes because they are spending their last $200 on a shoe that they think they'll get "X" amount for. But they fail to realize that every otherperson they know and in line with them is doing the same thing. They all undercut each other and flood the market
To me the term "sneakerhead" is embarassing. It makes you seem like a toy novelty. Some people refer to themselves as that. Most publications/blogslike to use it. Its all over the message boards. Im not a "sneakerhead", im not a gimmick or part of some made up group of glorified shoe nerds.I'll just be a shoe nerd on my own, with my own extremely odd trait of loving sneakers. I like shoes. Nothing more nothing less. I dont need a label or ashowcase. Im fine on my own, with my own preferences, and choices.
Its a shame you let others dictate what shoes you want to keep and so forth. I wish you the best of luck with that. I tend to think if you buy what you wantthen you have no problem with what others are doing or wearing.
Lastly, i think we are all "hypebeats". Another horrible term that "sneakerheads" have coined due to their elitsit attitude. We all buyshoes due to hype and limited quantities and where its sold. Dont pretend you dont because i know i have. But it makes me laugh when a bunch of ballwashingsheep sneaker geeks label another group of the same people something negative. I see the term "hypebeast" used all over the place and whenever i seeit used i like to look who is using it. Its always the biggest trend chasing, followers, that are so quick to *+$# the name of someone else who looks the same,buys the same, and acts the same. This isnt a personal attack on you eeBS7eez. Not remotely. Im just commenting on certain aspects of your reply and expandingwith my own banter. People should embrace another person who likes sneakers and get over themselves like they are the beginning and end all to shoes. Its theelitist attitude of the "sneakerhead", who takes part in the made up "shoe game" and calls others with similar styles and preferences"hypebeasts". Its all a shame. It all comes back to sneakers becoming more than what they are. Sneaker shows, sneaker contests, sneaker summits,sneaker magazines, sneaker blogs, sneaker interviews with sneaker gods, sneaker line ups, sneaker message boards, and eGay. We all built the mess that thingshave become. Might as well admit it and embrace it and get over yourselves with humility and a little perspective.
Again eeBS7eez, this has nothing to do you with you personally. I say this to everyone including myself.
BubbaEla1 wrote:

Resellers were always existent. Some of your holy shoe gods on the message boards were and still are the biggest resellers out there. The problem is that everyone else figured out that people will buy blindly based on hype at over-inflated prices. The reseller exists solely because the sheep buy right into it. I like resellers. To me they always kept the price down. If theres 500 pairs available, somehow 503 will be on ebay. You hold tight, be patient, and you can get a shoe some jerkoff slept on a curb 3 days for exactly what he paid or a bit more. If you are going to invest in shoes you have to do it long term. Not this 6 month or 6 day type stuff. The resellers who hold onto their shoes and put them out later make the best margin. Most dont have the luxary to save shoes because they are spending their last $200 on a shoe that they think they'll get "X" amount for. But they fail to realize that every other person they know and in line with them is doing the same thing. They all undercut each other and flood the market
To me the term "sneakerhead" is embarassing. It makes you seem like a toy novelty. Some people refer to themselves as that. Most publications/blogs like to use it. Its all over the message boards. Im not a "sneakerhead", im not a gimmick or part of some made up group of glorified shoe nerds. I'll just be a shoe nerd on my own, with my own extremely odd trait of loving sneakers. I like shoes. Nothing more nothing less. I dont need a label or a showcase. Im fine on my own, with my own preferences, and choices.
Its a shame you let others dictate what shoes you want to keep and so forth. I wish you the best of luck with that. I tend to think if you buy what you want then you have no problem with what others are doing or wearing.
Lastly, i think we are all "hypebeats". Another horrible term that "sneakerheads" have coined due to their elitsit attitude. We all buy shoes due to hype and limited quantities and where its sold. Dont pretend you dont because i know i have. But it makes me laugh when a bunch of ballwashing sheep sneaker geeks label another group of the same people something negative. I see the term "hypebeast" used all over the place and whenever i see it used i like to look who is using it. Its always the biggest trend chasing, followers, that are so quick to *+$# the name of someone else who looks the same, buys the same, and acts the same. This isnt a personal attack on you eeBS7eez. Not remotely. Im just commenting on certain aspects of your reply and expanding with my own banter. People should embrace another person who likes sneakers and get over themselves like they are the beginning and end all to shoes. Its the elitist attitude of the "sneakerhead", who takes part in the made up "shoe game" and calls others with similar styles and preferences "hypebeasts". Its all a shame. It all comes back to sneakers becoming more than what they are. Sneaker shows, sneaker contests, sneaker summits, sneaker magazines, sneaker blogs, sneaker interviews with sneaker gods, sneaker line ups, sneaker message boards, and eGay. We all built the mess that things have become. Might as well admit it and embrace it and get over yourselves with humility and a little perspective.
Again eeBS7eez, this has nothing to do you with you personally. I say this to everyone including myself.

Originally Posted by G to tha T

Corgi's posts provides some good food for thought.
99% of the people dont want to hear it. Which i think is part of the problem. You dont have to agree but you should be open to others opinions.
Long time sir. I need to see more 9.5 and 10's up there.

Everything you said about the term "sneakerhead" is 100% on. I just love sneakers.

It seems like that term came to the forefront when everything was going to hell. So when I hear the term "sneakerhead", or terms like "shoegame", they make me cringe.

And no, I haven't joined Chute Boxe yet. HA!
Originally Posted by illphillip

Long time sir. I need to see more 9.5 and 10's up there.

Everything you said about the term "sneakerhead" is 100% on. I just love sneakers.

It seems like that term came to the forefront when everything was going to hell. So when I hear the term "sneakerhead", or terms like "shoe game", they make me cringe.

And no, I haven't joined Chute Boxe yet. HA!
if and when i find em i put them up. But a lot will be big sizes because thats what i would have worn. I just at some point started to buy allsizes because the deals were too good to pass.
The sneakerhead stuff is funny. Anytime i think of that term, i think of a bunch of mopes sleeping on a sidewalk waiting in line for a shoe they have been toldto like. And they call them selves a sneakerhead but will be quick to call some other person in line a hypebeast and hate on everyone and anyone who is doingthe exact same thing as them. Dont get me started on "shoe game". I cringe at the thread "IM RETIRING FROM THE SHOE GAME". Like itssomething special or like you need talent or like its dangerous and tough. Like selling G packs on the corner and buying a shoe on the internet is 1 in thesame. All you need is $$$ and the internet and you can rule the "shoe game"
Try BJJ. If you like boxing then you'll love BJJ. Its so tactical and theres nothing like popping some square on the button, having him get nervous andrush you, let him purposely take you down and as soon as you hit the ground put him in a traingle choke and watch him go to sleep.
Originally Posted by KickJunkee

You are right, it is embarrassing! No doubt, ppl look at you like. . ..huh? why?

Preach man!
to be honest im not trying to be right or wrong. Im just offering my opinion in a thread that has my name on it. It doesnt bother me that mostdont agree with what i say and that i will never reach the pinnacle of "sneakerhead-dom" by being able to pose with a shoe in sole collector or get apat on the ##% from retro kid or whoever is the foremost shoe authority. I just say what i say and leave it at that. My opinion is just as great value as yoursat the end of the day...which is basically nothing in the grand scheme of things. Preaching would mean i was actively involved with shoes, trying to changethings. Im just trying to sell shoes on a free blog because the other arenas to sell them were horrible.

If you happen to come up on any NB 991's while doing your postings in a size 11 or 11.5 let me know...

I cannot find a pair anyplace...and I've been trying to replace my lost pair for the longest time now...
Originally Posted by vegetaray123


If you happen to come up on any NB 991's while doing your postings in a size 11 or 11.5 let me know...

I cannot find a pair anyplace...and I've been trying to replace my lost pair for the longest time now...
maybe an 11.5 but most of my NBs are going to be 12 and 13 because i actually planned on wearing all my NBs since you can store them for years andthey dont crumble or breakdown. But i may have a random 11.5. I'll be mindful of it for sure.
Corgi- thanks for preaching to us bro. In a sense and in one word to wrap it up we are all hypebeasts LOL. I can't wait to get back home man, I'm goingto buy another dog to take with me to my duty station
Originally Posted by itsmedallas

Corgi- thanks for preaching to us bro. In a sense and in one word to wrap it up we are all hypebeasts LOL. I can't wait to get back home man, I'm going to buy another dog to take with me to my duty station sir. That would mean (1) people listen, (2) i care if people listen (3) what i say matters (4) i expect anything to change (5) its thatserious.
Indeed we all do chase hype and are "hypebeasts". The funny part is so many of you want to hold on so tightly to something that isnt there. Its justsneakers. Someone else has all the pairs you have. Its not that special. None of us are as original as we think, our taste and style isnt reinventing thewheel, and we just follow along with what we see. And better yet 99.9% of you will say im wrong.
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