Could this be a competitive team in the NBA?

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Definitely would be a scrappy bunch.  Really high basketball IQ's all-around.  Maybe not the most naturally gifted group, but you know they would work harder than any team around.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Definitely would be a scrappy bunch.  Really high basketball IQ's all-around.  Maybe not the most naturally gifted group, but you know they would work harder than any team around.
this is what larry bird was tryin to do after the malace in the palace
Theyd certainly act like theyve all been there before after a critical play and especially after oohing and ahhing the crowd during meaningless minutes...
Play hurt(like warriors)
Be solid off the court citizens
Be excellent, media-saavy individuals
Be all about winning, not about stats, the spotlight...or most of all...the money.
and most of all..fundamentally sound. GRITTINESS FTW.
Theyd certainly act like theyve all been there before after a critical play and especially after oohing and ahhing the crowd during meaningless minutes...
Play hurt(like warriors)
Be solid off the court citizens
Be excellent, media-saavy individuals
Be all about winning, not about stats, the spotlight...or most of all...the money.
and most of all..fundamentally sound. GRITTINESS FTW.
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