Could you feed yourself on $3.50 a day?

Not me, I eat a lot...Why would anyone want to do this...I aint rationing my money to eat food sparingly, Imma eat when I getready regardless of the price!
Originally Posted by seaner23

Originally Posted by SWOBOYdeHTEEZY

Originally Posted by seaner23

Originally Posted by mases apprentice

3.50 a day.

you guys think u can eat 1 meal a day... smh

3.50 maybe an apple and banana. lunch....ramen..... dinner.....a can of soup
i eat a big bowl of cereal for breakfast, a dill pickle, 4-5 cherry tomatoes, 5 veggie wings, and a rice cake for lunch, 1/2 bag of popcorn for a afternoon snack, and 4-5 cherry tomatoes, 5 veggie wings or a veggie burger of some sort minus the bun, 15 wheat crackers, and a bowl of steamed mixed veggies for dinner. i'm hardly starving. it can be done.

every other week i change it up a bit....

breakfast, soy yogurt with granola, pretty much the same lunch but i do something other than veggie wings, maybe a sliced up veggie dog or something, a granola bar or one of those 100 calorie packs of cookies for a snack, dinner pretty much the same but i switch up the veggies (instead of corn, green beans, lima beans and carrots, i do diced potato, okra, and celery).

if you plan out and buy things in bulk or on sale it's really easy. now if you're eating fast food 3 times a day then of course it can't be done. like i said earlier i spend about $25/week.
Soy has estrogen in it. You're girly.
meat/dairy has blood, p.u.s.s, maggots and creep crawly organisms in it. i'd rather be girly than eat that mess.

thanks for your input though.

All you folks saying it wouldn't be healthy are totally just throwing those words out there. $25 a week is good enough. You just need to buy the rightfoods at the right price and make sure you're not consuming more than you really need. That's the thing with America. Most folks here eat too muchand they're used to too much junky food. seaner23 breaks it down pretty well. You don't necessarily have to get what he hasposted, but you get things similar in that price range. I have oatmeal in the morning, a turkey or peanutbutter sandwich for lunch and a chicken or egg saladfor dinner. Buy all those things individually comes out below $25...
Originally Posted by seaner23

box of cereal $2.99
gallon of milk $2.99
bag of mixed veggies $2.00
box of veggie wings/veggie chicken nuggets 2 for $6
jar of pickles $2.29
box of wheat crackers $2.50
bag of rice cakes $1.99
tub of cherry tomatoes $2.99
box of microwave popcorn $2.00

that comes to about $25 a week.

i don't eat much more than that. i try not to eat out unless i'm with a group of people going out, but i won't just stop at a fast food place on my own. it's amazing how much you save and how much better you eat when you cook it at home.
Originally Posted by WhIpwReCkEr

i eat a lot, but i think i could do it for like a week, just buy in bulk, eat the same thing and not eat as much.

i could not do it for several months. i would be malnourished and sick of the repetition.
And guess what? There's people who have to do it for more than months at a time. For some people this is reality. This is life.

A lot of you guys are missing the point of the article and aren't making connections.
box of cereal $2.99
gallon of milk $2.99
bag of mixed veggies $2.00
box of veggie wings/veggie chicken nuggets 2 for $6
jar of pickles $2.29
box of wheat crackers $2.50
bag of rice cakes $1.99
tub of cherry tomatoes $2.99
box of microwave popcorn $2.00

that comes to about $25 a week.
not bad but its mad empty carbs, thats not gonna hold you down too good. especially in bold.

i personally need a lot of lean meat (nh) so i'd be stuggling big time. my best bet wud be to cook up a #+@! load of tuna pasta and just eat thatthroughout the day
its very possible. it's what dollar stores and ramen were made for. but it probably would be a quite poor diet nutrition wise
wait i forgot this is easy for me if i'm working cause where i got its free food all i want. so that covers my breakfast and lunch or if im working in thepm my lunch and dinner is covered. I'll take that 25 and buy products for whenever I'm not working.
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