Courts Cancel Washington's Name Patent VOL: "Disparaging"

everything is offensive to if out of one million ppl 10 are offended lets change it.  no.

 majority rules. I just don't agree just mo.  it is what it is.
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I don't think the protests are going to change anything because the effort is minimal. Its people protesting or who dislike the name yet still buy tickets or would take free or discounted tickets. Also its people who don't like the name yet buy rg3 jerseys and ******** apparel.

If it affects the bottom line dollar for Synder then maybe it changes. I don't see that happening though. Like I said before. People got the right to protest and not like the name but that's snyders team, he owns it, he has just as much a right to tell people to kick rocks and buy the team from him and change it if they don't like it.

Them not having that patent means that anybody can make "Diplomats" apparel. All teams except the Cowboys get a cut from selling licensed products for all NFL teams, they share the revenue.. Therefore all owners will be affected by the loss of the patent.
everything is offensive to if out of one million ppl 10 are offended lets change it.  no.

 majority rules. I just don't agree just mo.  it is what it is.

Wow, in your world there would be little change. Luckily we as a society don't simply go by majority rule
You're opinion on the matter is irrelevant if you're not Native American, as is mine.

So because you know ONE Native American that thinks this is ridiculous, they all must think that right?

You know how many young Mexican kids I hear saying "******" and "wet****" because they aren't offended by it? Yet there are MANY Mexicans who would be very upset about it.

Not EVERY Native American will be offended by the word but there are a lot who are, and they are voicing their opinions (look at the commercial). If it does offend them, why not air on the side of caution? Why must people justify using the word because they feel that not enough Native Americans are offended by it? How many need to be offended by it before it stops being used? 51%?

I swear the reasoning of some of you it ridiculous.

So if mine and your opinion is irrelevant why are we here?

All I said I know one person who it doesn't bother. Yes I understand that there must be some native americans that it does bother.

I FEEL its nothing..but my opinion shouldn't matter because I'm not native american? You sound pretty ridiculous to me....its a free country and I can have an opinion if I choose too.

Just because a certain group feels something that has been around for years needs to change, we have to just listen to them? If the owner, players and league don't view the word as offensive why do we have change?

And understand...i'm not trying to get into a contest with you. At the end of the day my opinion on this matter isn't going to change. I just really want to know why ******* is so offensive. If there is a better explanation as to WHY this word is so offensive then I might be able to change my opinion.
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Wow, in your world there would be little change. Luckily we as a society don't simply go by majority rule
south park family guy episodes. censorship etc etc .  that's how I think.

whats going to be next that someone gets offended that  they are going to have to change. this world is super sensitive now . u prove my point. ill  say no more.
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I proved your point because I said we simply don't go by the majority?

I welcome the next conversation of who is offended by what to see the merit. As I said, d-1 universities have changed names and all if these 'ridiculous' and 'trivial' complaints didn't come out. It won't be any different here. Get rid if the slur, let the team move forward

But keep rolling with South Park thinking. That will help in life :lol:

I proved your point because I said we simply don't go by the majority?

I welcome the next conversation of who is offended by what to see the merit. As I said, d-1 universities have changed names and all if these 'ridiculous' and 'trivial' complaints didn't come out. It won't be any different here. Get rid if the slur, let the team move forward

But keep rolling with South Park thinking. That will help in life :lol:

This is just for knowledge...which D-1 schools changed? I'm assuming there is nothing wrong with FSU?

I proved your point because I said we simply don't go by the majority?

I welcome the next conversation of who is offended by what to see the merit. As I said, d-1 universities have changed names and all if these 'ridiculous' and 'trivial' complaints didn't come out. It won't be any different here. Get rid if the slur, let the team move forward

But keep rolling with South Park thinking. That will help in life
no you said "wow , in your world nothing would change"  sounding extra soft.

....... like oh what a jerk I am because I don't think a sports team should have to change its name that its had for forever.
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Quick question. Is it a FACT that this word originated and was initially used as a racial slur? Its just I never heard anyone in real life refer to a Native Americans with that name and I lived right next to the Miccosukee tribe in Miami for 6 years. Sometimes I just think people (not native americans) are making it a bigger deal than it is. But hey if there are a couple Native Americans upset by it then change it. I've just never met any that have cared.
North Dakota also amended there name. Stanford amended their logo. I'm sure there are plenty more. But a big factor with universities is the use of public money and being higher education institutions
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I didn't sound soft, I just followed the trail of logic. I agree with your sentiments that the world is overly PC at times and it takes away from actual insensitivities. But in this case, I don't see it as a "PC" overstep. Again I've been aware and around the change of this name since 97, not just last month
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You're opinion on the matter is irrelevant if you're not Native American, as is mine.

So because you know ONE Native American that thinks this is ridiculous, they all must think that right?

You know how many young Mexican kids I hear saying "******" and "wet****" because they aren't offended by it? Yet there are MANY Mexicans who would be very upset about it.

Not EVERY Native American will be offended by the word but there are a lot who are, and they are voicing their opinions (look at the commercial). If it does offend them, why not air on the side of caution? Why must people justify using the word because they feel that not enough Native Americans are offended by it? How many need to be offended by it before it stops being used? 51%?

I swear the reasoning of some of you it ridiculous.

Just because a certain group feels something that has been around for years needs to change, we have to just listen to them? If the owner, players and league don't view the word as offensive why do we have change?

You, the owners, the players, and the league AREN'T Native American, so it DOESN'T MATTER whether or not YOU think it's offensive. It offends LOTS OF NATIVE AMERICANS. Is it really that hard to understand?

Jesus Christ.

If you really have to ask why the word "*******" is so offensive, then nothing anybody can say will ever change your mind.

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You, the owners, the players, and the league AREN'T Native American, so it DOESN'T MATTER whether or not YOU think it's offensive. It offends LOTS OF NATIVE AMERICANS. Is it really that hard to understand?

Jesus Christ.

If you really have to ask why the word "*******" is so offensive, then nothing anybody can say will ever change your mind.

You, the owners, the players, and the league AREN'T Native American, so it DOESN'T MATTER whether or not YOU think it's offensive. It offends LOTS OF NATIVE AMERICANS. Is it really that hard to understand?

Jesus Christ.

If you really have to ask why the word "*******" is so offensive, then nothing anybody can say will

Why don't you just answer the question? I'm not the only one who doesn't understand. *******....nothing about it sounds like a slur. If we are all so simple minded, explain it. Don't just throw your opinion and run.
Times are changing, Dan Snyder should look at this as an incredible business opportunity for his franchise rather than thinking that the name has been part of tradition for all those years.
A great new team name/logo/jersey and the great universal applause the move will have = more merchandise sales, and will increase the reputation of the brand of the team. I think he will eventually give in and change the name, and with all the pressure swirling in, it'll happen sooner rather than later.
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To the NTers posting about how the world's gone soft because of outrage over the team's name, I'm guessing none of you would take offense to anyone calling you a racial slur right? Cause this team is openly using a racial slur towards every Native American in this country without any consequence
To the NTers posting about how the world's gone soft because of outrage over the team's name, I'm guessing none of you would take offense to anyone calling you a racial slur right? Cause this team is openly using a racial slur towards every Native American in this country without any consequence
Like any of them dudes are a minority
Has any idiot come in here with "What about the Celtics, Vikings, etc" yet?
It's been a growing sentiment but there is always a time where change comes up and will occur. That said, read my link the unhappiness with the term is NOTHING new

Makes sense. I've was just curious to why all of a sudden people have come forward to be against it. But like you said, one day it was bound to happen. Skins are inevitably going to change their name. Most likely something lame like the wizards did from the bullets.
Just change the damn name.

In 200 years, none of this will matter, just like when they named the team, it didn't matter.

It obviously matters now.

Snyder should just be excited he gets to sell BRAND NEW merchandise because noooooooooo one has stuff with whatever the new team's name is.
Snyder seems like a stubborn dude. Stubborn where he would keep the name out of spite to prove a point and because he has the funds to do so.

To my knowledge they've been drawing a profit so he has no real incentive to change it on his end. It may be a marketing opportunity but perhaps he's not interested in that. I'm curious to how this drags out though.

With alot of these situations though you can't make everyone happy. Not going to compare the two struggles but I remember gay people protesting the university of Hawaii back around 2000 when they changed their name from the rainbow warriors to just the warriors. Point I'm trying to make is that your never going to make everyone happy.

Lets see how this plays out longterm though. Snyder is a very stubborn dude, perhaps too stubborn for his own good. I really can't see him changing the name willingly and I don't see how he could be legally forced to change it. I'm going to assume he's worth over a billion, I'm not really sure public pressure will do much to sway him unless its tons of empty seats at the games and their getting blacked out on a level where its making a noticeable impact.
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