Courts Cancel Washington's Name Patent VOL: "Disparaging"

Yeah, the owner said since the beginning he didn't want it changed and I don't see him backing down now. He's already hired fake native Americans to back him up :lol:
Just curious, why all the outrage just now?

White people always need to be offended on behalf of some minority group, basically. Changing the name ain't gonna solve anything other than let some people feel better about themselves. A pro sports team being called [insertnamehere] ranks near the bottom of the list of problems in the Native American community. It just happens to also be the easiest and most satisfying problem to solve, though (America likes to work small to big, rather than big to small).

And don't interpret that as me saying it's not offensive/derogatory/whatever, because it is. But, honestly, what tangible effect will changing the name have? Ultimately, nothing.
And looking at it from his perspective, a person who spent hundreds of millions of dollars to own the team (not from a moral perspective) he doesn't have to change the name if he doesn't want to.

None of the people who want him to change the name have any type of ownership percentage in the team so why does he need to answer to them? The team is drawing a profit right?

Until it effects attendance numbers significantly, looking at it from his perspective he has no reason to cave in and change it.

Like I said before, I'm sure a decent percentage of the crowd at games and who's purchasing the teams apparel feel some sort of way about the name yet continue to spend money on the team and put money in his pocket. That's part of the problem in my opinion.
White people always need to be offended on behalf of some minority group, basically. Changing the name ain't gonna solve anything other than let some people feel better about themselves. A pro sports team being called [insertnamehere] ranks near the bottom of the list of problems in the Native American community. It just happens to also be the easiest and most satisfying problem to solve, though (America likes to work small to big, rather than big to small).

And don't interpret that as me saying it's not offensive/derogatory/whatever, because it is. But, honestly, what tangible effect will changing the name have? Ultimately, nothing.

Waits for someone to take partial bits and pieces of your post to spin it another type of way while conveniently disregarding the part where you acknowledge the name is offensive.
Makes sense. I've was just curious to why all of a sudden people have come forward to be against it. But like you said, one day it was bound to happen. Skins are inevitably going to change their name. Most likely something lame like the wizards did from the bullets.

I thought the wizards name change was so worthless....
I thought the wizards name change was so worthless....

Man I remember being in elementary school and having some guest speaker come in telling us why they were changing the name. We also got to vote on what the next name could be. Well more like submit name ideas. To this day, the wizards might be the worst name in sports history
I thought the wizards name change was so worthless....

Gun violence is a problem? Well, let's get rid of the name "Bullets", because then people won't be reminded of guns and killing people! Problem solved!
how is it offensive. if anything its hyping them up like they bad ***. don't agree. yeah its this ppl are changing and are sensitive. the worlds gone soft. I hope it doesn't change.
Wow, in your world there would be little change. Luckily we as a society don't simply go by majority rule
south park family guy episodes. censorship etc etc .  that's how I think.

whats going to be next that someone gets offended that  they are going to have to change. this world is super sensitive now . u prove my point. ill  say no more.
Are you a real person?
Quick question. Is it a FACT that this word originated and was initially used as a racial slur? Its just I never heard anyone in real life refer to a Native Americans with that name and I lived right next to the Miccosukee tribe in Miami for 6 years. Sometimes I just think people (not native americans) are making it a bigger deal than it is. But hey if there are a couple Native Americans upset by it then change it. I've just never met any that have cared.

I think it's origin is debatable. But still ..

What if we called asians yellow skins, blacks blackskins .. just don't sound right.
Why don't you just answer the question? I'm not the only one who doesn't understand. *******....nothing about it sounds like a slur. If we are all so simple minded, explain it. Don't just throw your opinion and run.

You don't understand how the term "*******" can be offensive? Really, gee, let's see. Is their skin red? It's as ignorant as if someone started a team named "Yellowskins" and put an Asian on the helmet. What about the Brownskins, and put a (insert a Latino nationality here) on it. How about "Blackskins" and put a black dude on it. As a matter of fact, go up to a black dude, an Asian dude, and a Latino that you don't know tomorrow, and call them those names and report back.

God, how ignorant can some people be? Also, let me ask you a question, what ethnicity are you?
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You don't understand how the term "*******" can be offensive? Really, gee, let's see. Is their skin red? It's as ignorant as if someone started a team named "Yellowskins" and put an Asian on the helmet. What about the Brownskins, and put a (insert a Latino nationality here) on it. How about "Blackskins" and put a black dude on it. As a matter of fact, go up to a black dude, an Asian dude, and a Latino that you don't know tomorrow, and call them those names and report back.

God, how ignorant can some people be? Also, let me ask you a question, what ethnicity are you?
THIS, when it's put in this scope and comparison I'm lost how anyone could not see a problem.
It's an offensive word to a specific group of people. Why does anybody feel the need to question that?
100% Truth. 
Its just I never heard anyone in real life refer to a Native Americans with that name and I lived right next to the Miccosukee tribe in Miami for 6 years. .


Some of you people can't be serious with things being said in here. Because you don't find it offensive doesn't mean it's okay.
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You don't understand how the term "*******" can be offensive? Really, gee, let's see. Is their skin red? It's as ignorant as if someone started a team named "Yellowskins" and put an Asian on the helmet. What about the Brownskins, and put a (insert a Latino nationality here) on it. How about "Blackskins" and put a black dude on it. As a matter of fact, go up to a black dude, an Asian dude, and a Latino that you don't know tomorrow, and call them those names and report back.

God, how ignorant can some people be? Also, let me ask you a question, what ethnicity are you?

I'm not ignorant at all. I just don't see the huge deal with it.

Their skin is not red. But how many folks are going to walk up to a native American and say what's up red skin? Just like I have the sense enough to not go to black, Asian, Latino person I don't know and say those things.

Just because a team is named ******** doesn't not mean I associate it with native Americans. I'm not going to call a native American a ******* because of the team name.

I'm African American.

Like I said my disconnect is how this became a slur. There are names I have heard as slurs for years in reference to my race, Latino's, Asian's ECT. So for me when I hear ******* I don't think of a native American, I think of a football team. If that is ignorant in your opinion so be it...

BTW what is your race? I know you said before if we aren't native american then our opinions shouldn't matter....

Some of you people can't be serious with things being said in here. Because you don't find it offensive doesn't mean it's okay.

But here is the thing... not everybody is going to agree with everything that happens. I understand that there are slurs that have a DEEP routed history. This ******* thing is new to me and since I have only associated "********" with a football team, I don't get how its a slur.

Just me though...
I'm still curious what incentive Daniel Snyder has to change the name. Put all the moral stuff aside. This is a stubborn dude who by all accounts would probably hold onto the name out of spite and to prove a point.

How would you feel if you spent a huge amount of money to own something and people who have no ownership percentage or money invested in it at all demmand that you change the name for whatever reason. Many who've never spent a single penny on tickets or apparel for what you own.

Like I said before people may not like the name and that's totally understandable. I just don't see the name changing anytime soon and thinking about it from the perspective of Daniel Snyder he shouldn't cave in. Its his team, he doesn't need to listen to people who have no type of $ invested in it whatsoever.

Like I said, put the moral stuff aside and look at what were dealing with here. A stubborn billionaire who doesn't care if some people are going to be upset because he knows he's going to turn a profit with the team and until that doesn't happen I doubt he caves into public pressure
This ******* thing is new to me and since I have only associated "********" with a football team, I don't get how its a slur.

Just me though...
Below you will find what I wrote in the Diplomats thread and the NFL thread.  The part in quotations will give you your explanation.  It is from a Native American book that I read that I can't remember off hand, but I will try to locate the name of the book for you. 

as I understand it the name ******* was created by Native Americans, particularly during battle times.............

"So in conclusion just to let everyone know, the origin of the name "*******" was created and used by Native Americans but then Europeans and Americans later on began to use the name "*******" as a derogatory term against Native Americans.  That is where the mix up comes into play.  Meaning that the word has negative or disparaging connotations as used by some currently"
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Below you will find what I wrote in the Diplomats thread and the NFL thread.  The part in quotations will give you your explanation.  It is from a Native American book that I read that I can't remember off hand, but I will try to locate the name of the book for you. 

as I understand it the name ******* was created by Native Americans, particularly during battle times.............

"So in conclusion just to let everyone know, the origin of the name "*******" was created and used by Native Americans but then Europeans and Americans later on began to use the name "*******" as a derogatory term against Native Americans.  That is where the mix up comes into play.  Meaning that the word has negative or disparaging connotations as used by some currently"

That's all I needed right there. It was a term native americans came up with but Europeans started to use the term neagtively.

Now why was the team allowed to use the name to start? Just seems like this could have been avoided. I'm going to look into the teams history see if I can come up with something.
"I don't get why it's a slur" is exactly why this country is as racist as it is

And black folks defending this are pathetic...y'all gumps better not ever cry about any kind of prejudice
Below you will find what I wrote in the Diplomats thread and the NFL thread.  The part in quotations will give you your explanation.  It is from a Native American book that I read that I can't remember off hand, but I will try to locate the name of the book for you. 

as I understand it the name ******* was created by Native Americans, particularly during battle times.............

"So in conclusion just to let everyone know, the origin of the name "*******" was created and used by Native Americans but then Europeans and Americans later on began to use the name "*******" as a derogatory term against Native Americans.  That is where the mix up comes into play.  Meaning that the word has negative or disparaging connotations as used by some currently"
That's all I needed right there. It was a term native americans came up with but Europeans started to use the term neagtively.

Now why was the team allowed to use the name to start? Just seems like this could have been avoided. I'm going to look into the teams history see if I can come up with something.
Are you serious champ??  If you have to ask that then I would have to give you a history lesson on RACISM in this country.  Basically that team being "allowed" to use that name was just another way for the dominant society to take advantage of Native Americans in this country, without any repercussions.  The Native Americans had no say so in the determination of the team name and had no way of truly trying to stop the name from being carried out at the time. 
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