CRAAAAAAAAAZY FIGHT on the 6 Train... must watch

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

adrenaline is a crazy +*%**+! thing... if my man was in the middle of a fight on the train... i dont know man i probably would have tried to pin the other guy down or try to smash his head against the pole...not the smartest thing but you can;t help what adrenaline does.

@ this visual.

Simply cracking skulls on some professional wrestling tip.


Spoiler [+]
You might have ended up eating a stiff right hook too if you tried that...
Well I take the 6 train to 110 street almost every month lol

I ABSOLUTELY hate ANY train at night. Crazy, homeless, stinky, people be coming out the woodwork
Real talk if that was my girl I would have killed fam and his fat @(#*#. How are you going to hit a defenseless woman who was trying to restore order?

Doodoo braids was getting his *++ beat by dude and his fat *++ chick just had to get involved. That's why you always have a plan B when people want tostart throwing cheap shots.
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

Well I take the 6 train to 110 street almost every month lol

I ABSOLUTELY hate ANY train at night. Crazy, homeless, stinky, people be coming out the woodwork

i hate riding super late especially if you are drunk and wait for the R when it doesn't run at night for an hour and have to walk what seems like a mile tothe E which has you running into some weird looking people.. i feel like i am in knocked up at the cirque high on shrooms when walking through stops late atnight..
Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

I don't get it. Why was that person banned?

Were his offensive posts deleted or something?
Dirty tends to go thru someone's recent posts
people were callin him a troll so I assume Dirty agreed from his recent replies.
Kakashi be posting /thread or /this acting like dudes were in support of him. Japanese DJ from Michigan? Yeah right...My people have no business being inMichigan.
Originally Posted by Moderate Gatsby

Kakashi be posting /thread or /this acting like dudes were in support of him. Japanese DJ from Michigan? Yeah right...My people have no business being in Michigan.

what kinda !@$+ is that
my ex is half and 80% of the japanese sidelives there
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

Moderate Gatsby wrote:

Kakashi be posting /thread or /this acting like dudes were in support of him. Japanese DJ from Michigan? Yeah right...My people have no business being in Michigan.

what kinda @**$ is that
my ex is half and 80% of the japanese side lives there

Yeah, what I said was a bit of a reach. It's just that most of us migrate to either New York or Cali.
thats Situation where no one gets involved. especially in NYC, everyone for them selves.

I remember got jumped in jamaica and dudes from the deli came out and made a crowd. instead of helping me out.
$#!* suckers.

But she shouldn't have gotten involved i feel bad for her but she should have just told him to get back on the train.
Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

Originally Posted by Super Producer J

Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

You acting like the 4 & 5 are better than the 6

2,3,4,5 & 6 after 96 St is every man for themselves.
Pretty much, same goes for the A, B, C, D trains.

It's only been 3 or 4 years since I've taken the train on a regular basis, but what's the big problem on trains?
All the white people get off after 96 St.

But seriously, I'll just split a cab with my boys back to the Bronx, after a bar night in the city these days.

1 train ftw
we good til 125th st and you might still see a fewsprinkled in here and there at 137th and 145th but their a rare commidity.

really though taking the 2, 4, and 6 trains at night to go visit relatives and family i stay with when i'm in new york is always a fun expierence for me.i'm white and puerto rican but look way more white so once those trains pass 96th street i stick out like a sore thumb.

two of my real close childhood friends live in soundview so i would take that 6 train over there and being a white dude from cali it would be funny buti'm cool with alot of people in my friends building so i'm good there for the most part but i always keep my guard up just because you never know whatcould happen.

i smashed some girl who lived by the brook ave 6 train station during the summer, i met her at the station by myself but took her back to my apartment mainlybecause i didn't know anyone around there and didn't want to be walking to the train station late at night by my lonesome self.

luckily though i've never really had anything happen to me on the train at night but i try to just keep to myself and stay lowkey and leave the ipod and%#! at the apartment just in case
If that black dude hit my chick I woulda beat his %+%. Cant believe that guy didnt do anything but drag his girl in the train. SMH
Just watched the video...really disgusting...

To be honest, as horrible as that was, it could've been worse. Like, someone could've decided to pull out a knifein an attempt to show their "gangsta"...

You live and you learn.

And what's this about the 2 train I'm reading. I've been residing, temporarily, in NY since May and the 2train is the train I take to get to and from the city.

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

adrenaline is a crazy +*%**+! thing... if my man was in the middle of a fight on the train... i dont know man i probably would have tried to pin the other guy down or try to smash his head against the pole...not the smartest thing but you can;t help what adrenaline does.

@ this visual.

Simply cracking skulls on some professional wrestling tip.


Spoiler [+]
You might have ended up eating a stiff right hook too if you tried that...

you prolly right but like i said.. adrenaline is crazy... theres no telling what i would have done... i've been known to do some +@$* when livid. ionoooo
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Just watched the video...really disgusting...

To be honest, as horrible as that was, it could've been worse. Like, someone could've decided to pull out a knife in an attempt to show their "gangsta"...

You live and you learn.

And what's this about the 2 train I'm reading. I've been residing, temporarily, in NY since May and the 2 train is the train I take to get to and from the city.


certain areas that the 2 train goes to in the bronx aren't necessarily the safest of areas if that can be an understatement
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Just watched the video...really disgusting...

To be honest, as horrible as that was, it could've been worse. Like, someone could've decided to pull out a knife in an attempt to show their "gangsta"...

You live and you learn.

And what's this about the 2 train I'm reading. I've been residing, temporarily, in NY since May and the 2 train is the train I take to get to and from the city.


certain areas that the 2 train goes to in the bronx aren't necessarily the safest of areas if that can be an understatement

And what areas would these be?

I'm on 'till the very last stop. Haven't seen anything crazy or had anything "bad" happen tome...

Might I start carrying the "cal" on me...

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