CRAZY B^&*$! crazy ex-girlfriend unnapreciation vol.2

over a ps3??.... :lol:
i had a similar situation when me and my wife had one of our break ups some years back, she called me telling me to give her half of what our couches were worth since she had helped, needless to say, i went to the cashier and got 500$ worth in dimes and took them to her crib.....we laugh about it now, pretty stupid on both our parts but damb it felt good then. :lol:
she obviously aint over you OP.

Clearly she still wants him. Chicks still wearing his tees and all.
I've had ex girlfriends blow up my phone, run at on me at my job, threaten suicide :smh: and save condoms. One even spent me pics of it with and a turkey batser :smh:

My girl's brother was in a fatal attraction last year. He and his ex would go back an forth trolling one another.

Best one she pulled was saying she hired a hitman to take him out. He played it off, even though she had sent goons to jump him like twice before. Like the same night the bish hid out in the bushes across the street from his house, and point a laser pointer at him when he came out the house. Homeboy was probably drunk or high because the though thought is was a sniper and was acting like a Gears of War character, roadie running, roll dodging and wall bouncing to get back in the house.
OP is there any chance you can get just the outside case of a PS3??...I'd fill tat up with poop and give it to her...troll mode activated...wonder how long it'll take her to figure it out..
OP is there any chance you can get just the outside case of a PS3??...I'd fill tat up with poop and give it to her...troll mode activated...wonder how long it'll take her to figure it out..
NT's infactuation with feces is at an all time high now 
she from atl? i see she on twitter talkin bout "its jugg season" & tweetin young scooter lyrics :lol:
Why wait 2 years to ask for the PS3 back? Seems like you avoided a potentially crazy relationship and be glad kids or anything other than a PS3 were involved. didn't ahve a child together did you? As I look you said she went in your parents store asking if you had "the girls" PS3 system...
I swear Rusty's stories about anything with the scene he paints are just ridiculous :rofl:
her moms came to my dads shop and did her daughters dirty work(my ex) :smh: asking for her stuff back after 2 years! I been with a different chick for a year now split up with that crazy oh altogether around 20+ months. I didn't sweat the chick over the Jordan collection I provided the chick and the stuff I left over but she's expecting me to fork over some crap of hers? What type of crazy women logic is that?!
I had one of my exs do some crazy ish. I broke up with her but she followed me home and came in my room and took a nap with me. She woke me up crying telling me not to do this. I just went back to sleep.
I play street fighter 4 and I've even gone to tournaments and won money in the past. This girl took that game and left 4 dead 2 and prolly threw them out! Cause I was lookin for them about 2 days later. I knew my mom ain't misplace them cause she don't touch my ish.
I know you salty cause of the break up but resorting to this? Childish as f
I can relate. This chick grown to the NT'er that asked. And her tweeting "Mom (FUNA) turnup blah blah blah" :x was about me, she like 19-20 now. I got her number from someone and sent her a text from this app that doesn't show my actual number and I told her stop having mommy do your dirty work and drive you around etc. she tried SO HARD to sound tough and etc. :lol: chick was talking about getting checks and having cards and her old car messed up and she gonna buy a new one! super irrelevant stuff. :smh: I feel for you man. These itch cray.
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someone make a gif at 44 min 30 sec to 44 min 33 sec, heres the youtube link tried to make my first gif but failing, i just get a still pic of a almost starting position of the movie.     devil, devil, devil.
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