Crazy Females Unappreciation...VOL..Slashed tires...Post your stories

Chick is probably just Dominican, they are short tempered like that....definitely stupid move on her part, but going by your story you don't seem like the nicest in a way I got the feeling you deserved your tires being slashed and should consider yourself lucky he didnt poke you up, get a restraining order and avoid her, you might not be so lucky next time.

My uncle got his femoral slashed and almost died because he thought he was cool playing around with 2 girls....keep thinking $%$% is alll
with your humble brag thread.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Chick is probably just Dominican, they are short tempered like that....definitely stupid move on her part, but going by your story you don't seem like the nicest in a way I got the feeling you deserved your tires being slashed and should consider yourself lucky he didnt poke you up, get a restraining order and avoid her, you might not be so lucky next time.

My uncle got his femoral slashed and almost died because he thought he was cool playing around with 2 girls....keep thinking $%$% is alll
with your humble brag thread.
more like Puerto Rican ....Dominicans aren't that wild
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