Crazy Psycho A%# Broads UNAPPRECIATION...


Jun 4, 2008
So im at her crib about to smash... foreplay goin on... then my phone starts vibrating... I check my txt real quick and
chick goes into straight pyscho mode asking me who im txting and why im txting them... so Im like baby chill... she wouldn't stop
stressing me about who I was txting... so at this point im pissed and I don't even wanna smash anymore, I get up and get ready to leave...
she then proceeds to grab my keys and my phone from off the bed and put them somewhere, then locks her room door... so im like give me my damn stuff so I can
go... she says no "you not goin nowhere"... broad pushes me on the bed... lays on top of me and says "I love you"... I push her up off mewith
the strength of the hulk... Im like what are these preposterous words that are coming out of your mouth?
I snatch my stuff get away as fast as I can... haven't talked to her since... crazy chicks FTL...

Im at chicks house about to smash
someone txts me... I txt back...
she grabs my keys and phone and tells me im not going anywhere
pushes me on the bed, lays on me and tells me she loves me...
I push her off and get the hell out...

pic for the beasts

Originally Posted by CJ863

So im at her crib about to smash... foreplay goin on... then my phone starts vibrating... I check my txt real quick and
chick goes into straight pyscho mode asking me who im txting and why im txting them... so Im like baby chill... she wouldn't stop
stressing me about who I was txting... so at this point im pissed and I don't even wanna smash anymore, I get up and get ready to leave...
she then proceeds to grab my keys and my phone from off the bed and put them somewhere, then locks her room door... so im like give me my damn stuff so I can
go... she says no "you not goin nowhere"... broad pushes me on the bed... lays on top of me and says "I love you"... I push her up off me with
the strength of the hulk... Im like what are these preposterous words that are coming out of your mouth?
I snatch my stuff get away as fast as I can... haven't talked to her since... crazy chicks FTL...


I still woulda beat.

Originally Posted by CJ863

So im at her crib about to smash... foreplay goin on... then my phone starts vibrating... I check my txt real quick and
chick goes into straight pyscho mode asking me who im txting and why im txting them... so Im like baby chill... she wouldn't stop
stressing me about who I was txting... so at this point im pissed and I don't even wanna smash anymore, I get up and get ready to leave...
she then proceeds to grab my keys and my phone from off the bed and put them somewhere, then locks her room door... so im like give me my damn stuff so I can
go... she says no "you not goin nowhere"... broad pushes me on the bed... lays on top of me and says "I love you"... I push her up off me with
the strength of the hulk... Im like what are these preposterous words that are coming out of your mouth?
I snatch my stuff get away as fast as I can... haven't talked to her since... crazy chicks FTL...

Why would you be texting when you're about to do the do anyways?

Unless it was a picture message...

She seems crazy, but still, y are you messing with your phone when your about to get yours? That was a mistake, but at least it helped you figure out shecrazy.
Originally Posted by soltheman

Why would you be texting when you're about to do the do anyways?

Unless it was a picture message...


my homie txted me and I was thinkin it was urgent or somethin so I stopped, grabbed the phone and txted him back
... I didn't turn it off when I went over there...
Originally Posted by thelegacyofkicks

She seems crazy, but still, y are you messing with your phone when your about to get yours? That was a mistake, but at least it helped you figure out she crazy.
true... slip up on my part... and I always check my phone not matter where Im at...this mistake will never be made again though...
i know a girl, we gonna call her Afrika.....

Afrika was datin this dude i know, ol girl threw a bottle through his moms house window. now, i know people with "open houses" .....houses wherepeople who dont live there can just walk in without knockin and such, doint whatever they please, but NOBODY is doin any damage to my mama's house.

my sister was pregnant by the guy she use to creep with on the low, she tried to stab my sister with a knife while she was pregnant, mulitple times.

Afrika use to stay with knives tryin to cut people, one day i went in the open house and all my dudes was in there huddled up chillin and there was A SWORD inthe middle of the floor, the sword was just sittin there chillin like eveybody else, everybody just ignored the sword just sittin in the living room.
i asked whose sword it was, and Afrika black !#% comes outta the shadows and sayin "its my sword, they keepin it here for me"
im like

ol girl was on some Hattori Hanzo %%*+

one day me and my boy, and Afrika was chillin in my yard and it was trash day, so the trash can was by us, my boy was like yo it stinks, i think its Afrika,

Afrika lifted her skirt and ........


one day when she was in middle school and i was a freshman in HS, ol girl hopped off the bus and kissed me on the cheek. i was HEATED!

Afrika tried to get me to smash, after tellin me she was ON FIRE.......let me repeat, this wasnt a rumor that she was muy caliente, she told me. and she toldme that she wanted me to poke her (no facebook)

Afrika had a baby, her baby's dad wanted to hold the baby, Afrika said no. Afrika's baby daddy smacked her. Afrikas BROTHER was there and whipped olboys !#%. ...............Afrika had her brother locked up for layething the smacketh down on her baby daddy (or so ive heard)

my sisters baby daddy told me that Afrika got a rough hairy !#%
he was like "yo, her !#% got all these bumps and %%*+, all hairy like a man's !#%"

i aint seen her n the hood no more since she snitched on dudes she caught a lick with. tied an old man up in the closet and robbed his !#%,dont know how theygot caught tho.

this post may not even be relavent to the thread, but the title brought back memories
the end.

congrats if u even attempted to read all that
You played it wrong. You're supposed to play along, beat, then get your stuff and dip. If played correctly you walk out and thinking, "
Shorty is nuts but I got mine tho...", while she's thinking, " Ah... I'd do anything to/for that boy!"

You don't let her know she's crazy....
Man I feel you on that bro..... stand clear of her #$% from here on out.

I was smashing w/ condom once and out of nowhere this breezy yelled out "Our kids are gonna look so good."

Instant softie...........grabbed clothes......... and Exit.
OMG Africa!!! I need a pic of her though, cant visualize this, I keep picturing Afro Samurai
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