Crazy stories from your job.


So not only do I schedule meetings and put them in outlook, meetings you were to attend but I get harassed by Accountant and you because I am at said meetings and not in the office?  I can not be in two places at once no matter how I try.  I am out trying to develop YOUR business, yet I get reprimanded? You told me last week that 'LADY is not my boss so do not text her if I'm late,' the same holds true for Accountant.  Accountant is not my boss nor will she ever be so why would I text her that I am in a meeting that is on YOUR outlook? The kicker is that I told Accountant yesterday I'd be in around 1:00PM because I had two meetings in VA today, because I knew that she (the rat) would be the first to text you at 9:01AM saying I wasn't at my desk.  Then when you text me and ask where I am I tell you exactly what I am doing.  At that point I could have just axed the whole 11AM meeting with COMPANYABC and NEW VP, but because I have a working relationship with Joseph I decided to go so that NEW VP was up to speed and introduced properly.  Afterwards HE is the one to inform me that you accept my resignation? Is that serious? NEW VP is not my boss either. You are. Yet per the norm you hide behind empty threats and email/texts.  If you want to accept my resignation at least have the gull to do it yourself.  But couldn't even do that.  I know way too much about how your company is run to not go out swinging.  Underpaid, over worked, no leadership, no charisma, no guts.  Since you continue to be unprofessional towards me I'll continue to play at your level. I guess by letting me go you'll be able to afford a 5th of NEW VP new salary. Best of luck.
This fellow I used to contract with blind copied me on this, his final, email at a company in the DC area (the crossed out portions clearly have been changed to protect the guilty).  The bold part had me 
I don't foresee ANY action with my new job so we need to get this thread cracking again so I can live vicariously through you all.
I've had hella jobs but nothing too crazy happened, that I can recall. I guess the most memorable was at my first job, selling lemonade at a new minor league stadium in the city.

This was in the late 90s and the protective netting wasn't shielding the crowd. I was standing about 6 feet away from my coworker, he was in his late 20s. He was in the middle of a sale and was getting someone their change. All of a sudden we hear a loud crack, the batter smashed a line drive straight in our direction; it was hella loud so everyone's eyes went straight to field. Next thing I know, the ball smashes homie right on the nose, and it ricocheted off of him and hit me in the shoulder. I recall the force being substantial so I can only imagine how fast it was going when it hit him :smh: blood was EVERYWHERE. Like it was pouring out of a 2 liter or something. Homie collapsed but he managed to keep his composure and make it to the ambulance.
Back at my old job my supervisor who had been working there for well over 10 years got a promotiin to regional manager. Well at this time she was also going through a divorce so her ex husband posted videos of her all over the "hub" giving service to three different dudes with her full name and job title as the title of the vids lol. And she was done with the company just like that. (Shes well over 350 lbs trust me nothing yall wanna see)
Back at my old job my supervisor who had been working there for well over 10 years got a promotiin to regional manager. Well at this time she was also going through a divorce so her ex husband posted videos of her all over the "hub" giving service to three different dudes with her full name and job title as the title of the vids lol. And she was done with the company just like that. (Shes well over 350 lbs trust me nothing yall wanna see)

I worked at footlocker in the West End Mall. I literally witnessed an armored guard get his head blown off by a thief in front of my store. It happened the same day that Michael Jackson died.
Trust me yall really dont want that lol like I said shes a big one. Sad thing about the whole situation is they had 3 kids together
Story was passed down to me since it was before my time there, but it's worth telling:

About 2-3 years ago, my current team was interviewing a graduating senior for a position. With finals around the corner and him being several states away, they let him interview over Skype after the initial phone-screening interview. He had a solid major, a good amount of experience, and came across well in both interviews so they decided to hire him.

In person, he was the complete opposite. He would regularly make racist/sexist comments, was somewhat socially awkward, and was apparently one of the laziest employees they had ever seen. To this day, we have to take extra steps with some of the programs and databases we run because his shortcut methods to finish work last-second caused permanent problems. To top it all off, he would constantly complain how his work was beneath him while consistently doing it wrong. My team hated working with him.

He ended up finding another job about a year later that he was more "qualified" for back in his home state and left the company. Several months later, my office got a call from the FBI asking about him. Apparently he got busted in a To Catch a Predator-type sting (minus Chris Hansen) with someone posing as a 14-year old. He and a few others who showed up to the house were arrested. People will check every so often for updates on his trial and it's always talked about around the office.
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Worked at Blockbuster back when.  Our manager looked like a gay mexican Cartman with a mustache.  Calls an employee meeting saying theft is rampany and we need to be more aware etc.  Get a call the same week from my coworker saying the police arrested him with loss prevention there. Supposedly stole 20k in merchandise.

 Current job folks beating their meat in the stalls leaving goo puddles. It's the same dude usually who wears too much cologne.  Savage life Webbie.
Worked at a bar, minutes from UC campus (Cincy). Manager was 35, owner was a 56 Arabic Immigrant who spoke broken English. Both got first dibs on any female staff, as well as the 100s of college shawties who came every night. Common knowledge if you read "RedPill" and PUA stuff, but funny to see occur in real life.
definitely know about those red pill savages. I mean if it worked for those older dudes then good for them
What the heck are these red pills about? I'm lost bros

The term derives from the matrix: the red pill is the harsh reality.

To sum it up, they feel that women are full of ****, they are manipulative, treacherous and emotional by nature and society kisses their ***, yet they constantly insist that they aren't treated fairly. Ex: When unfair treatment is in their favor (such as getting in clubs free, or men paying for them) they call it chivalry, however when the unfair behavior is at a disadvantage to them, they call it sexism.

It basically implies that women in general have no clue what they want in relationships, and what they say they want greatly conflicts with what actually attracts them.

They feel that the idea that women should be treated respectfully and like a unique flower is naive and that's not what women really want themselves.

It definitely has some harsh undertones, however lots of women are definitely insecure and emotional so I think that's why lots of things they say don't align with what they respond positively to.
In my late teen years, I worked at an electronic store that is no longer in business.

I worked in the stock room which was a very chill atmosphere, we weren't watched by managers like the rest of the store. Our stock room was was in the back corner of the store and the only time customers went over there was to service an item.

It was blocked off to everyone except managers. Only way into our area was through a door with that had a pad lock and you couldn't get through without the code.

We kept all high priced items back there, like cameras,video cameras, tvs, tvs for cars, car stereos, etc. Anything that had high value, we had it back there.

Every time a sales person sold a high priced item, we would get a slip, pull the item and have it ready for the sales person.

I had a lot of fun working there because a lot of managers kept their distance and like I said, no on messed with us.

Let us speak about the managers, the managers at that store were all jerks and thought they were gods because they had that "manager" title. They treated employees (mainly sales people) like crap.

After a couple of years working there, majority of the Employees that were treated like crap, got fed up with the managers and their ways so they decided to make a plan to get them back.

They weren't trying to physically hurt them but to hit them where it hurts, in SALES. If employees don't sell, managers get in trouble by corporate for not meeting quotas.

Their plan was made and before you knew it, some stock people and cashiers were in on it.

The plan was to have friends come in during a long weekend sale (think like presidents day sale, memorial day sale etc.) and purchase things by paying with cash.

Man this was one of the craziest weekends Ive ever worked. We had sales people coming to the back almost every minute or so to get an item. Tvs, cameras, camcorders, dvd players, big screen tvs, everything was flying out the door.

Sales people had smiles on their faces and so did the managers. I've never seen anything like this.

Managers bought the whole store lunch on Sunday which has never happened. But since we were doing so well, they decided to treat us all.

By the end of this weekend, numbers were up and ooked better than past years. This made the store and managers look great on paper and to corporate.


Employees evil plan was going the way they wanted and now it was time to go forward with the attack.

The Attack was to get the receipts from their friends. Once they had the receipts, the sales person would hand the receipt to the cashier and the cashiers would then process a return for the items without returning physically the items.

After the transaction, the cashier would pocket the cash and give it to the sales person at the end of the day. The sales person would hand a percentage to their friends and cashier for their troubles.

Returns would happen randomly so there wouldn't be a pattern. And only a couple major returns were allowed per day so it didnt look obvious.

All original and returned receipts were burned by the sales person.

As far as the item that was purchased, everyone did something different with it. It was either kept for themselves or was given away or the popular one was to sell it for crackhead prices.

About a month or so corporate hit up our store telling us that our numbers were off/down and that something was up. Corporate thought customers were steeling from us so they brought in Lost prevention to see if that would help.

They caught a few customers steeling small stuff here and there but nothing that hit us hard.

Corporate decided to scheduled an emergency inventory at the end of the month. Well a week before the inventory, 70% of sales and other people quit.

By the end of inventory, the managers notice that stuff was in the system but not in the store. They were so dumb they still didnt catch on.

After everything was said and done, the store was down nearly $400K. Our Store manager was fired shortly after inventory (he was the biggest jerk of them all) and miraculously no one was caught.

This was one of the best thought out plan I've ever seen happen. Till this day, I dont know if anyone was caught. I know for a fact no one kept contact with each other afterwards.
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