Crazy Subway Stories vol. NYC especially

Crazy Subway stories?

Man....this one dude named Jared lost over 240lbs eating straight Subway food for lunch and dinner. There's pictures and stuff of what he looked likebefore he started the diet and after, you should definitely check them out!

Don't think that was in NYC though....
Originally Posted by ralphsody

Originally Posted by Lazy B

F Train:
-Some bum threw newspaper all over the seats and then proceeded to take a %+*!. The entire car ran to the other side.

A Train:
-Some flaming homosexual guy was wearing high heels, nuthuggers and lipstick. He was swishing while walking through the car. When he went through the door to the other car, everyone erupted in laughter and started giving each other pounds and hi fives.

man that A train always had me at mo
walked into the first car cuz i like to be alone when im taking the train at night and BAM! saw some dude giving another dude head..
that was on the 1 train towards its last stop in the Bronx by van Cortland..
on the A at 145 st bunch of harlem hs kids going to fight some bk kids, little did they know the bk hs kids they was gonna fight was waiting for them at thenext stop, and them crews was deep (harlem had like 11 and bk had about 13 i think). Besides them it was me and like 3 other older folks. It looked just likethat scene out of "adventures of babysitting". I got off at the next stop, eff that.

Back like early 90's when kids was subway surfing, me, moms and sis was going to a furneral in the bx (i think the 5), one of the kids fell off thetop.
Last week some bum that was high off of something kept walking back and forth through the car. Then when we get past Berkeley bart, the train got a littlecrowded so then he stops walking and stands near the door for a while. Then when we get to around downtown Oakland, he puts his hands up on a hand-rail, slowlylifts his legs, and starts swinging while screaming "WEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!....." until we got past Oakland. Me and a few other people startedbusting out laughing and everyone else was puzzled as hell. Dude hung on the rail from Oakland to San Francisco and I couldn't help but laugh the wholetime because he kept swinging in all directions because the train kept slowing down and people walked around him when they got on or off. He finally casuallyplanted his feet on the ground, started whistling, and got off at the second downtown San Francisco stop (Montgomery). As soon as he got out everyone startedlaughing and clowning.
the 6 train ftl especially lexington avenue, its so freakin crowed and it gets people including myself tight as hell

I saw a man punching a woman once because she cut him online to the escalators.

Another time there was fresh crap in between car platforms and I happen to walk by it.
was on the 6 train.. some bum/crazy white lady sat across from me.. a minute later i see her stand up and proceed to take her pants off, and thats when i andeverybody ran to the next car.. she ended up taking a piss, and then she came to the car where we all ran to and she started screaming saying how we are allgoing to hell and some other random stuff.
- One time on the D train I was going to school and about two stops before I get off some really big black dude started screaming from the top of his lungs,and mind you i had earbuds on and I heard this, "Who ever wants to take a swing at me do it, I don't give a %!!#, swing at me I deserve it, Iwon't even do anything just swing at me." Everyone just proceeded about their business and kept it moving.

- Another time I saw some dude dancing and singing to one of the vertical handrails on the train, dude was all in to it, pretending he had a mic in his hand,putting his face really close to the handrail like he was singing to someone. He tried to get some lady to dance with him but no luck.

- Not crazy but one time I got on the train and it was daytime and summer and it was crowded with no A/C so I looked into the other wagon and saw no one insideso I said eff it and switched cars. The second I walked in I got hit with the funk of a bum sleeping. Turned around real quick to go back into the other wagon.People we cheesing and giving me the "that's why we're here in this heat" look.

- Heard two crackheads having probably one of the funniest conversations of my life. One guy was trying to sell his out of state ID to the other dude. Theother dude had just bought some iPod radio and was trying to sell it to the other guy for like $10. Started saying perverted things about a girl next to them,just OD'ing. I was just laughing my head off the whole time. Dude even tried to sell his iPod radio to my friends.
for all my 6 train people, you know this dude.

a guy that calls himself the Earth Angel rides the train frequently starting at pelham bay. dude has long black hair, always wearing shorts. definitely has tobe a registered sex offender. He walks through the carts holding a folder in front of his face because he is too "holy" for you to look him in theeye. he proceeds to try to enroll people in his ministry, which goes something like this:

Ladies and gentlemen, I am the Earth Angel. I am looking for angels to join me. If you are a female under the age of 30, you can be one of my angels. If youare a man, you cannot be one of my angels. if you are over 30, i do not want you

dude is mad creepy but people stay clownin him as they get off
Originally Posted by FL0ETiCNOSTALGiA

maced a guy that was fapping behind me...because he kept talking !!@@ to me and was getting wayyy too close.

it was at 12 noon, in a crowded subway, btw.
Wait so you sprayed mase in a crowded subway? lmao
...I bet everybody around was heated.
was on the 6 train.. some bum/crazy white lady sat across from me.. a minute later i see her stand up and proceed to take her pants off, and thats when i and everybody ran to the next car.. she ended up taking a piss, and then she came to the car where we all ran to and she started screaming saying how we are all going to hell and some other random stuff.
Originally Posted by Rawk On

The guy in the green jacket, what's his name? He looks familiar just by that piece of his face that's showing

Originally Posted by FL0ETiCNOSTALGiA

maced a guy that was fapping behind me...because he kept talking !!@@ to me and was getting wayyy too close.

it was at 12 noon, in a crowded subway, btw.
That is amazing but it sounds scary too. Props to you for carrying mace.

another one

I remember one time these black kids came on the f train at delancey and saw some debo brolic @%# blackk dude in super tight skinnys with the new perm and ##@% and dangle earrings and all on some
tip. They started talking about him mad loud and whatever and he was just there taking it.

All of a sudden he gets us and yells "@#*! YOU !%$!$%%, I'm a (n word expletive) too, i can still whoop your @%#." And proceeded to take off his dangles and get in the fighting stance.
They were looking shook cause dude is HUGE and was about to whoop that @%# and then they stared at each other for about 15 seconds then got off at the next stop.

On some real prison %#$%% stuff
not the subway, but the LIRR...
long story short, a young 18 year old ashley was drunk and puked on the back of this old hag's peacoat.
and by puke, i think i mean more of a projectile vomit
she took it off yelled at me, and hit me with her purse in the head and i handed her money for dry cleaning

oh the good ole days
man that A train always had me at mo
walked into the first car cuz i like to be alone when im taking the train at night and BAM! saw some dude giving another dude head..
that was on the 1 train towards its last stop in the Bronx by van Cortland..
A train:
As soon I step on to the train, Saw one crackhead dude smack the living daylight of his crackhead girlfriend. Dude just showed no sympathy at all for what hedid. Started cussing at her, people just stared like i was. The woman who got smacked was just balling till the conductor came out to see the situation, Helooked and went straight back in.

A train:
You'll swear people should do things behind closed doors if their going verbally abuse someone in public. Anyway, this one insane person just calling hisgirl B this H that. I'm just observing just like every New Yorker. Besides the White people, no offense when they see some kind of danger they go towardsit. This one dude just wanted to intervene saw his expression like "Oh my God that lady needs help, maybe I can do something. I'll yell Police"Please nobody didn't do anything. Dude just kept getting into the chick face yelling throwing newspapers.

Homeless Aka Mr.Homeless & A train:
Okay dude calls himself Homeless Aka Mr.Homeless. Dude didn't want any money (surprising), he wanted cheeseburgers, if you don't like meat or your avegetarian he said "I accept veggieburger as well" dude is straight comedy.
@ dude stripper what the hell!!!

I almost forgot.. When I was on, I think it was the R.. This old Haitian woman who clearly was a crackhead came and sat right across from me.. got in my faceand started sniffing me and was like "The white voodoo.. I can see it in your nose...." I was like
and everybody was staring.. then she got up andleft n everyone just busted out laughing
Originally Posted by lalo1333

for all my 6 train people, you know this dude.

a guy that calls himself the Earth Angel rides the train frequently starting at pelham bay. dude has long black hair, always wearing shorts. definitely has to be a registered sex offender. He walks through the carts holding a folder in front of his face because he is too "holy" for you to look him in the eye. he proceeds to try to enroll people in his ministry, which goes something like this:

Ladies and gentlemen, I am the Earth Angel. I am looking for angels to join me. If you are a female under the age of 30, you can be one of my angels. If you are a man, you cannot be one of my angels. if you are over 30, i do not want you

dude is mad creepy but people stay clownin him as they get off

I remember seeing this when I was in HS around there.
Originally Posted by AJChick23

Originally Posted by FL0ETiCNOSTALGiA

maced a guy that was fapping behind me...because he kept talking !!@@ to me and was getting wayyy too close.

it was at 12 noon, in a crowded subway, btw.
Wait so you sprayed mase in a crowded subway? lmao
...I bet everybody around was heated.

na the coincidence is, it happened as the train pulled up, so itpretty much cleared out anyway...i jumped right in. but %@+% it if they were heated...everybody was just watching him violate me and didn't do anything.(understandable...ppl don't wanna get involved)
Young cat comes through the car selling bootleg DVDs. Old lady buys a copy of Dreamgirls off of him. As he starts to walk off, she grabs his arm and then sheadds "If this #+%* don't work, I'll have you killed. Dead serious. I got people in these streets." I was like

The kid looked shook.

Another time...I'm on the train and this group of teenagers gets on. We get held up at the station for a few minutes. These clowns start trying to breakdance in the space by the doors. They stopped as the train starts moving. Then one of them tries to start again, the train starts braking and this fool getshis face mushed by a pole. Everybody on the train cracked up...
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