Crazy Subway Stories vol. NYC especially

no subways in california besides frisco, but on the bus when i was in like 7th grade; me and a few of my friends wer chillin in the back and this bum was aboutto leave and he turned to us and said "hey little kids" (gave us the finger) then said "stick this up your *%+HoL3s" then left. it waspretty funny bcuz it was out of nowhere and everyone on the bus wuz staring at us like WE wer crazy.
A bunch of people randomnly dancing on the train, suddenly it turned into a party, club, jam, call it whatever
on the blue line here in los angeles i remember comming home from an LA Kings game one night. There was this ******ed looking guy in a security guard outfit onthe train. Next thing you know he just starts screaming and screeching for an entire stop. It was funny because people were taking pictures with him andeverything.
I once saw a woman defecate at an entrance the the BART (SF) on market street in front of at least 100 people.
i was with my home girls comin out of the club, we hit the 1 train headed back to 181 from 157th street...seem some some pervert masturbating, we all screamedand ran away
-I was on the N train one night meeting my dad in the city to go to a Knick game...Some bum gets on with like 3 garbage bags filled with all different%*%!...He had a beard and there was like 5 pounds of snot in it...he had snot dripping down off his beard and everything...%*%! was nasty

- Another time me and my dad were on the 6 train...Some dude came on with a Saxophone...You can tell the guy wasn't poor or anything....He started playingit mad loud and it dad told him "I'll give you a dollar if you stop playing" dud was like "
ok..." He took the dollar and went to the next cart
some homeless man was masturbating inside his pants and then lit a joint when he finished

a homeless man across from me was sleeping and his hand went in his pants... whatever i've already seen a bum masturbate so it wasn't a big deal... nohe took it out and started peeing in his sleep ... that !%%% projectiled and hit my foot

a homeless person took a crap on the c train on my way to high school

i saw a teenager go in between the e train cars and shoot up something with a syringe

in hs i was on the train and some guy just punched the kid next to me in the face for no reason and dipped

some asian lady went to the end of the j train platform at sutphin at like midnight took out an orange plastic bag and started feeding the rats and wouldsqueal when they responded

theres this beggar on the e train who comes on with a harmonica and sings about feeling hungry....kentucky fried chicken... then randomly cries SHABBA

some lame drunk dude tried to kick it then got mad that i was clowning him ( i cut a lot of !#!) so we started arguing and then screaming and then i punchedthe window

i have a lot of experience with the MTA
i'll write more when i remember them
or how about the guy that walks around with a radio and a microphone and sings very softly and has all these things attached to his torso and news articles anddrags around a big poor dog
i dont even know the message he's trying to send
About 2 weeks ago, some drunk people were singing Rick Astley.

When I was taking the 2 during rush hour one day(
horrible), a dude came onthe train preaching and stuff. Someone from across the train shouted "I bet Jesus would kindly tell you to shut the

Saw about 3 "My name is _ and raising money for my basketball team" come after another on the sametrain.

This one homeless dude had one side all to himself on the F laying there. A couple came on to walk to a seat on thehis side. Homeless guy said "Get the hell out of my house"

Have more but those off the top of my head. Gotta love the subway.
when i was buying a metro card there was a homeless guy standing beside the machine and he started pissing his pants. he was standing in a huge puddle of hisown piss and hes just chillin there like hes not doing anything wrong.
Originally Posted by lalo1333

for all my 6 train people, you know this dude.

a guy that calls himself the Earth Angel rides the train frequently starting at pelham bay. dude has long black hair, always wearing shorts. definitely has to be a registered sex offender. He walks through the carts holding a folder in front of his face because he is too "holy" for you to look him in the eye. he proceeds to try to enroll people in his ministry, which goes something like this:

Ladies and gentlemen, I am the Earth Angel. I am looking for angels to join me. If you are a female under the age of 30, you can be one of my angels. If you are a man, you cannot be one of my angels. if you are over 30, i do not want you

dude is mad creepy but people stay clownin him as they get off
Some other guy does this, he just doesn't like when people look at his face evidently.. he carries a piece of cardboard though and oncepressed my friend for staring. The latter part is hilarious though lol

a whole bunch of 6 train riders I see
one day i was was goin to work.. i used to work in queens some drunk guy was sleepin and dude woke up outta nowhere started to stand up and take a leak infront of everybody... luckily he wasn't facing alot of people... *+@! was funny though
@ Simply

I almost forgot about when I was on the 1 train.. We were passing by Times SQ i think it was and on the platform there was a huge ****** dancing to the dudewho plays the drums with all the tambourines and stuff on his legs.. It was like on some ritualistic stuff.. Everyone on the train stopped what they were doingit was OD silent, @#*# was great
I remember one time I was on the 5 train and one of these people that give out food to the homeless was on there...
He was saying the usully *#!# like I got chips, cookies, sandwiches, and fried chicken (which I thought was weird)...
Nobody takes anything and he leaves....
A couple of mments later a black homeless guy comes on and starts begging for change...
A old white lady sitting down says "excuse me but the fellow in the next car has some fried Chicken"...
I lost it
The dude was like "G thanks lady"...
I was chillin on the metro then this guy dressed in full preadator outfit gets on the train. Dude looked like he came out the movie outfit was on point

I couldn't post the video but here is a screen shot of it
Originally Posted by Dapper D

A couple of mments later a black homeless guy comes on and starts begging for change...
A old white lady sitting down says "excuse me but the fellow in the next car has some fried Chicken"...
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