crazy teachers

Aug 8, 1999
aight everyone has had a teacher who out of nowhere will just curse or say weird stuff or just do something completely unexpected. whats the craziest teacherstory yall got? my english teacher straight up asked everyone if they new what a whale wanker is. everyone just sat there and she proceeded to say "agiant whale penis". i just went to sleep afta that. share
back in freeshman year of HS my teacher overheard someone say"white wash" and he flipped... next thing you know he was sayin the "n word" nstuff I left the class once he said it. but i heard he said it like 5 more times after that. he was white btw.
I had the craziest English teacher in middle school. She would start crying out of nowhere and talk about how her daughter was a drug addict. One day some ofmy friends started making animal noises and she went crazy trying to figure out where the noise was coming from.

She had the biggest camel toe too
We would tell her and she would justlaugh and not do anything about it.
Originally Posted by Lunatic 809

I had the craziest English teacher in middle school. She would start crying out of nowhere and talk about how her daughter was a drug addict. One day some of my friends started making animal noises and she went crazy trying to figure out where the noise was coming from.

She had the biggest camel toe too
We would tell her and she would just laugh and not do anything about it.
was this in NYC public school
Originally Posted by KTaylor

back in freeshman year of HS my teacher overheard someone say"white wash" and he flipped... next thing you know he was sayin the "n word" n stuff I left the class once he said it. but i heard he said it like 5 more times after that. he was white btw.

thats messed up... to know there's racist teachers
Some crazy but more perverted then anything in 10th grade I had a teacher who would hit on all of us girls saying crazy crap like I like your boobs orsomething like that.

Then there was one that slept with all her students and would buy vodka and stuff for class parties, people would be drunk by lunch time and would give lapdances to the guys
professor for african american history, teacher was like a 70 year old dude, yelled like crazy, when we did bad on his insane quizzes he would call us"all a bunch of lazy Niggêrs", dude was
in wild
, i learned a lot in that class though.
I had a spanish teacher in HS who went on extended leave for 2 years. No one ever figure out why. When he finally came back, both my older brother and I bothhappened to happen to have him as our spanish teacher (different classes). My brother was a real bookworm and good in school. One day the teacher asked him aquestion in spanish that my brother didn't know the answer to so he said "no se". The teacher picked up a chair over his head and said, I amgoing to ask you again and you better answer. Don't think I won't throw this chair because I've DONE IT BEFORE.

something tells me his knack for throwing chairs at students might have caused him to be on leave for 2 years.
my english teacher taught us how to make a bomb out of fertilizer.....and he always wore a leather matter how hot it was....he ended up gettingfired
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

I had a spanish teacher in HS who went on extended leave for 2 years. No one ever figure out why. When he finally came back, both my older brother and I both happened to happen to have him as our spanish teacher (different classes). My brother was a real bookworm and good in school. One day the teacher asked him a question in spanish that my brother didn't know the answer to so he said "no se". The teacher picked up a chair over his head and said, I am going to ask you again and you better answer. Don't think I won't throw this chair because I've DONE IT BEFORE.

something tells me his knack for throwing chairs at students might have caused him to be on leave for 2 years.
I'm sorry but
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

my english teacher taught us how to make a bomb out of fertilizer.....and he always wore a leather matter how hot it was....he ended up getting fired


Did he look like this:

Originally Posted by MrsLight

Some crazy but more perverted then anything in 10th grade I had a teacher who would hit on all of us girls saying crazy crap like I like your boobs or something like that.

Then there was one that slept with all her students and would buy vodka and stuff for class parties, people would be drunk by lunch time and would give lap dances to the guys

oh wow. thats different, and na no tourettes i guess it was just a failed attempt at laugs, i guess
Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by Lunatic 809

I had the craziest English teacher in middle school. She would start crying out of nowhere and talk about how her daughter was a drug addict. One day some of my friends started making animal noises and she went crazy trying to figure out where the noise was coming from.

She had the biggest camel toe too
We would tell her and she would just laugh and not do anything about it.
was this in NYC public school
sounds like it

i remember seeing my old band teacher on the news for holding a band practice too long
heres an article nyc teachers are something else
Spoiler [+]
[h5]Newsday, New York, 16 September 2005[/h5] [h1]Ex-basketball coach pleads guilty to spanking players[/h1]
By Luis Perez
Staff Writer

A former Staten Island basketball coach pleaded guilty Thursday to spanking three teenage boys as punishment, and will be placed on a sex-offender list, authorities said.

Drew Sanders, 49, was arrested without incident at his New Springville home Wednesday after authorities received another complaint from a boy, officials said.

The 16-year-old victim told investigators that Sanders spanked him over his shorts while he lay on Sanders' lap three times last year, a spokesman for Staten Island District Attorney Daniel Donovan said. Sanders would spank them for missing shots.

Sanders was held overnight and pleaded guilty to three counts of forcible touching, which included similar complaints from two other boys in July, when Sanders was first arrested.

Sanders was released, but will be sentenced in November and is expected to serve six months' probation, officials said. He will also be placed on the state-wide registry of sex offenders.

Sanders,who recently served as assistant executive director of the Staten Island Jewish Community Center, was a basketball coach at Tottenville High School and a summer camp coach at Susan Wagner High School. He was suspended from those posts.

A spokesman for the district attorney said several other complaints were filed, but charges were not brought because the statute of limitations had expired.

[size=-2]Copyright [emoji]169[/emoji] 2005, Newsday, Inc.[/size]
5th grade teacher always used to dig in her bra and smell her fingers after.

& it's not like we caught her...she would be doing it IN THE MIDDLE OF TEACHING.
Lunatic 809 wrote:
She had the biggest camel toe too
We would tell her and she would just laugh and not do anything about it.

Thats crazy I would never have the balls to tell myteacher that.

5th grade teacher always used to dig in her bra and smell her fingers after.

Originally Posted by Wraith aka invincible

Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by Lunatic 809

I had the craziest English teacher in middle school. She would start crying out of nowhere and talk about how her daughter was a drug addict. One day some of my friends started making animal noises and she went crazy trying to figure out where the noise was coming from.

She had the biggest camel toe too
We would tell her and she would just laugh and not do anything about it.
was this in NYC public school
sounds like it

I had a teacher that was so passionate about his work. He'd always be yelling, by lunch his hair, shirt, pants, even shoes would be covered in chalk.He'd write notes on his forehead to remember them. he flipped a table once in my class at 8am because people were falling asleep. He's thrown chairsout his classroom. the teachers nearby would always have to shut their doors cuz of his yelling. It was pretty much a daily occurance for him to yell"Yes!" or something like that out in the hallway when somebody got something they weren't understanding. Once I guess one of his classeswasn't getting something. And they finally got it, he RAN out of his class and around the second floor yelling "They got it. They got it." Handsup in the air still holding a piece of chalk.

Best damn teacher I ever had. He was at school at 6 am waiitng for the custodians to unlock the doors, and he would leave when the kicked him out to close up.He always had time to answer a question for a student. I've never seen someone care so much about students before or since him.
I posted this on NT a couple months ago so i just copied and pasted

My math teacher back in high school was a racist, I was talking to this girl about her boyfriend and I said that he looked like the guy that was the shooter ofthe virginia tech massacre. We had the discussion a few weeks after the shooting and the guy looked just like him and my teacher busts out and call me a racistin front of the class, the girl i was talking to was like he really does look just like him. I apologized and w.e and the girl was like for what you didnt needto apologize the teacher called you out for no reason.

Fast forward to yesterday I went to visit my old high school with one of my boys and we talked to this teacher and she was like I'm happy you guys arehaving fun at the university of michigan. Then she hit us with the u know I applied there i was already like . She then proceeded to talk about how she got a32 on the act and a grade point similar to mine and she was waitlisted. I was like wow that sucked again lol.

Then she said yea U know its different for me OBVIOUSLY because I was a white female trying to get in, and you guys can imagine how difficult It would be for aWHITE MALE to get in. At that point I was like trying not to say anything and just said I will talk to u later. I was heated man, like I've got whitefriends at good schools that had crappy act scores especially michigan

its really a shame man the whole incident really left a bad taste in my mouth and I'm prlly never returning to my old high school. btw im black lol
One of my teachers would always give the girls hugs and compliment them on how they looked. He was like 50 and we were seniors in college. I found out a fewmonths later from another alumni that he was a pedophile, he offered different girls 1000 each if they would sleep with him.
seventh grade a teacher threw a chair at my friend after we made her fly off the hook. same broad asked me if i was "out of my cotton pickin'mind."
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