crazy teachers

Originally Posted by J Burner

I'm calling ducktales on 99% of the posts in this thread.
i keep reading that article i posted thinking it's ducktales myself
i couldve never let something like that happen to me
Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by Lunatic 809

I had the craziest English teacher in middle school. She would start crying out of nowhere and talk about how her daughter was a drug addict. One day some of my friends started making animal noises and she went crazy trying to figure out where the noise was coming from.

She had the biggest camel toe too
We would tell her and she would just laugh and not do anything about it.
was this in NYC public school

this sounds like the high school of american studies at lehman college in the bronx ...
Originally Posted by GreyScaleMethod

Originally Posted by LifeLessons

my english teacher taught us how to make a bomb out of fertilizer.....and he always wore a leather matter how hot it was....he ended up getting fired


Did he look like this:

i really find it hard to believe allot of yall. i mean, really? some of this stuff is ridigalus. i though mine was crazy for exclaiming giant whale penis witha creepy smile "{. but nyhow glad i never had teachers as psychotic as yall
My teacher was a vietnam when we took tests it would be really quiet.we'd yell "INCOMINGGGG!!!"he'd hide under his
Originally Posted by j671

My teacher was a vietnam when we took tests it would be really quiet.we'd yell "INCOMINGGGG!!!"he'd hide under his
this thread has me

in like 3rd or fourth grade, one of my old friends went under a table to look up the teachers skirt. he said she didnt have anything on underneath but idk.
Originally Posted by CoolGrayMemo

in like 3rd or fourth grade, one of my old friends went under a table to look up the teachers skirt. he said she didnt have anything on underneath but idk.
i remember this fat sub dude tried to fight me because i kept calling him fat albert
this computer guy at my school went ape %+!+ bc we called him by his first name...he grabbed my neck and choked this other kid...he got fired and hacked intothe computer sytems.
Not crazy, but dude was a hella cool teacher. That was in middle school, 7th grade, and recently my friend found this video he made about math.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Not crazy, but dude was a hella cool teacher. That was in middle school, 7th grade, and recently my friend found this video he made about math.
adlibs on POINT
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Not crazy, but dude was a hella cool teacher. That was in middle school, 7th grade, and recently my friend found this video he made about math.

I remember watching this like 2.5 years ago in my math class lol

well heres a few more:

I had a male PE teacher who gave any guys who showered naked extra credit in mniddle school. no one EVER showered lol

There was a sub at the same school who got fired for !!$+%*$ a girl in the bathroom. he was weird as hell and he drove an old jacked up jeep while weearing hisipod cuz it had no radio, he couldnt even hear the rest of the traffic

Then my friends friends dad turned out to be my bio teacher in 9th grade. Dude was on his 3rd mail order bride from China, the chick spoke no english and hehad her working like a slave. chick was like 20 and he was in his 60s, supposedly the other wives disappeared

And finally I had this one COOL @#@ black sub in his early 20s. this was in 9th grade, and by then i had moved to the burbs, so i was one of the only kids inthe school who listened to real rap. Me and him would always be on the teachers comp downloadin tracks and bumpin emin class while all the other kids would complain and he would tell them to shut up. It all started when he one day walked around examining ipods, zunes, etc.and confiscating all the ones who had music he didnt like on them
turned out he was at our school doin community service cuz he had got some kind of drug charge. Idk why he was allowed to work with kids at a school but he wasstill
he had this SICK altima, it was right when the next model yearcame on the market, the only one in the county, and he had already chopped the top, gotten it kandy painted, rimmed up and with PS2s and TVs all over theinterior. He disappeared one day, and I put the clues together from what I heard on the news about an unnamed guy who happened to be a young black malesubstitute and what I heard from the teachers that he had gotten caught for movin birds or something. Hes still in the pen
not half as crazy as you other dudes

buttt, my freshman history teacher made us do wall sits + pushups if we didnt do our hw

and i would always +#@* around in his class so if i took a nap, he'd pour water on my head
lol good *%% teacher tho, and a great football coach
Originally Posted by xxplosiveMusik

when i was in 7th grade i was taking french my teacher (woman) was crazy.. she would filp out for no damn reason. she was happy one minute and angry the next. so when i was in 8th grade i heard that some kid was playing around with a rubber band and by accident slipped off his fingers and she saw it flying across the room and she grabbed by the shirt and got em out the seat to pick up the rubber band and for no reason she kicked him and the kid fell to the ground being all dramatic and then she kicked em again... i dont know if the kids parents sued but months passed by and she was still teaching...

Sounds like she gave him the boots
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