Crazy video of a destroyed city in Syria

Stop blaming America

Yeah, the US only helped ignite the conflict by creating what became Al Qaeda, pushed for regime change when they realized they F'd up, and supplied weapons to rebel forces in order to further the agenda after they could not install an American-friendly government in Bashar's place.

Definitely no blame for America. Syria should have just been prepared for the freedom, right?
Everyone wants to talk up Putin as usual but the person who ran out of dambs is America's boy Erdogan who arbiters ISIS' oil on the low

No doubt Erdogan is in bed with ISIS but that doesn't excuse Putin's indiscriminate bombing of Syria with zero regard for civilian casualties.
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President of Turkey.

More than that, he's involved in an oil trade with ISIS.

Allegations he has denied...

He has been beefing with Putin on that matter, plus Turkey shot down a Russian warplane last November, needless to say there's a lot of tension between the two nations right now.

We've been siding with Erdogan.
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