Crown Royal Maple. Yes it deserves its own thread.

lobotomybeats is right, you fools are drinking like straight females. **** outta here with flavored whiskey. Pour some Johnnie Black or Maker's Mark in a glass full of ice and take it like a man.
Was gonna buy a fifth, but got the CR Black instead. I am pleased. I'll try this in the smallest bottle available. Not something I can imagine wanting to drink very often.
I had it with egg nog and it was good but prefer it straight. I actually prefer all brown liquor straight. It's not sweet at all to me, just taste like regular crown with a hint of maple flavor.

Jameson is still my favorite whiskey though...
try it with coke. its delicious!

Someone recommended this to me but said its a night and day difference when you use vanilla coke instead of regular coke.

I'm going to tread lightly here for fear of coming off as a whiskey\bourbon snob and\or alcoholic. Why are you people mixing blended whiskey (or any bourbons or whiskeys for that matter)? I don't understand. Not only does it ruin the flavor of the alcohol that you, in the case of Crown Royal, just spent entirely too much for, it also makes your mixer of choice just taste flat. Why spend money on something that you will inevitably ruin with sugary mixers? Crown is (too) smooth; why the need to kill it? It's already a blended for ****'s sake! If you aren't really enjoying the liquor for what it is, why not just buy a cheap rail or well liquor?

Also, when you mix your alcohol with sodas you are more prone to headaches and hangovers. I think you are approaching your alcohol consumption from the wrong angle. Enjoy it for what it is. Enjoy what you are supposed to be tasting, not what you can make it by ******g it over with soda. I'm guessing you all aren't frumpy secretaries splitting a MaNgO MaDnEsS Appletini with Saundra from accounts receivable at a TGIFriday's for Becky's 45th birthday (her first birthday since her husband left her for a slightly younger fatty). I'm not telling anyone to 'man up' or what have you. Not my style. I'm just saying you guys are not only wasting your money, but you are also not enjoying the craftsmanship that went into making your tipple.

If you have to mix it to enjoy it, you are drinking the wrong thing. Mixers are the paper bag you have to use to stomach screwing the girl with a hot body and ugly face.


My boys stay buying flavored cirocs, and bacardis, and mixing it with tropicana berry juices and all sorts of other fruity ****. Ciroc berry with berry punch. I always say that they aren't getting the most out of it and it doesn't make since. They need stuff to be sweet in order to drink it. None of them will drink whiskey with me, it's always that flavored crap or patron (which is also very overrated). The only chasers I keep on deck are tonic and sprite occasionally. Anytime they come through I'm like yall know I don't have any of that fruity **** to pregame with.

Needless to say I don't like there drinking styles it is a waste. You cheat yourself when you dump all of that sugar in your drink. I'm going to make a whiskey neat and sip slow, that's how liquor should be enjoyed.
NT recommended!? I'll try it out, most things recommended on here turn out to be pretty good. Will give that Honey Jack a try too.
NT recommended!? I'll try it out, most things recommended on here turn out to be pretty good. Will give that Honey Jack a try too.

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Bought this during Thanksgiving when it first hit the shelves.....tried it again this week and the best part about the purchase was the brown Crown Royal bag. It doesn't suit my taste or drinking style.

To each their own though. I am always open to trying new things before passing an opinion/judgement on it.
you can go on with that maple syrup 
Not that big of a maple fan. If somebody has some and offers I'll take a shot but won't purchase on my own to try. I'll stick w/ Wild Turkey honey whiskey or Jim Bean Red Stag for a sweet whiskey/bourbon
Some of you are letting the word "maple" throw you off. It's just a hint of maple wood taste, it's not sugary sweet and thick like syrup...
All this talk reminded me I have some of that ciroc coconut that i didn't finish.

This chick at my job told me the berry one in good, might buy a little shot.
lobotomybeats is right, you fools are drinking like straight females. **** outta here with flavored whiskey. Pour some Johnnie Black or Maker's Mark in a glass full of ice and take it like a man.

Seriously. This **** tastes awful. Same with Honey Jack :x
Ha.....I agree to the max.
My mom worked part time in the restaurant business and would always tell me this growing up about foods/alcohol.
I'm no alcohol elitist, but if you are going to mix and over saturate your expensive Whiskey/Vodka/Cognac with a sugary might as well get bottom shelf liqour.
Top shelf alcohol doesn't need to be diluted and watered down with mixers. You are defeating the purpose of spending more on quality liqour. The taste is what you are paying for and you are throwing it away.
I'll pour some and dip a cigar in it.

CR is hardly a top shelf whiskey

while ill do agree that good liquor is best enjoyed straight up, candy liquors like this are just fine mixed
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