Cubicle Life : VOL: OFFICE SPACE (DRAMA, BEEF, STORIES, TALES, et. al) - Share your work life

Ok so listen to this. Since we're covering for ny my boss decides that she's going to buy food for everyone. There's this guy here it should go without saying that he's fat. So he decides that we should get food from his favorite pizza place. He chooses the pizzas we're going to get as well. Ok cool whatever I'm slightly annoyed but I'm going to let it slide. But this is where it's gone too far. Dude eats the lunch he's brought from home and then proceeds to eat two slices. There's only two pies which equates to 16 slices. There's 16 people in our department. This fat inconsiderate....... I hate this guy now I will never forget this.
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Ok so listen to this. Since we're covering for ny my boss decides that she's going to buy food for everyone. There's this guy here it should go without saying that he's fat. So he decides that we should get food from his favorite pizza place. He chooses the pizzas we're going to get as well. Ok cool whatever I'm slightly annoyed but I'm going to let it slide. But this is where it's gone too far. Dude eats the lunch he's brought from home and then proceeds to eat two slices. There's only two pies which equates to 16 slices. There's 16 people in our department. This fat inconsiderate....... I hate this guy now I will never forget this.
anyone else the youngest in their office? lol I`m the youngest person in my building by at least 20 years.
anyone else the youngest in their office? lol I`m the youngest person in my building by at least 20 years.
I am, it sucks. I'm 23 and the closest person to me is 26 but the vast majority of people there are in their mid 30s. I feel very out of place there sometimes, some things that I do or say simply dont register with them.
Ok so listen to this. Since we're covering for ny my boss decides that she's going to buy food for everyone. There's this guy here it should go without saying that he's fat. So he decides that we should get food from his favorite pizza place. He chooses the pizzas we're going to get as well. Ok cool whatever I'm slightly annoyed but I'm going to let it slide. But this is where it's gone too far. Dude eats the lunch he's brought from home and then proceeds to eat two slices. There's only two pies which equates to 16 slices. There's 16 people in our department. This fat inconsiderate....... I hate this guy now I will never forget this.

:rofl: :rofl:

But how your boss gonna order 1 slice of pizza for each adult though :lol:
I am, it sucks. I'm 23 and the closest person to me is 26 but the vast majority of people there are in their mid 30s. I feel very out of place there sometimes, some things that I do or say simply dont register with them.

I'm 26 and the youngest engineer in my office. The look people get when they come in to meet with me and find out that some kid half their age is the person that regulates on their facilities....priceless
anyone else the youngest in their office? lol I`m the youngest person in my building by at least 20 years.

Youngest in my building, 21 then 22 then 28 then late 30's and so on, no stories that i will share on here just cant trust anybody
anyone else the youngest in their office? lol I`m the youngest person in my building by at least 20 years.

Yes. 24 and the youngest working in my department. I think the next closet person might be in their mid 40's. Can't really talk about everything with them but they are some cool people. Easy to work with. Sometimes I think the only reason I got hired was to be eye candy to the ladies around the office :lol:
I am, it sucks. I'm 23 and the closest person to me is 26 but the vast majority of people there are in their mid 30s. I feel very out of place there sometimes, some things that I do or say simply dont register with them.

I'm 26 and the youngest engineer in my office. The look people get when they come in to meet with me and find out that some kid half their age is the person that regulates on their facilities....priceless

I know this feel.

25 youngest in my department by a good 15 years. Work in finance. When a contractor flies in here to talk budget break down and look at me like this kid is the one responsible for making sure we get paid???? Im always just like....yeah sorry :rolleyes

We have this older vietnamese woman who works down the hall and brings some sort of cabbage soup every day and microwaves it. Makes the whole hall smell like warm cozy farts. There is now a sign on the microwave that says "Don't microwave cabbage here".....ol passive aggressive old women
was busting for a crap this afternoon so i thought for the first time ever id use the public toilets. i walk in there and there was only 2 toilets in there, both taken. so i stood by the sink holding in this mega boris. all i could think about was how good this will feel after i unleash the demon within, and while standing i could slowly feel the head leave its mark on my undies. 5 minutes pass and im still waiting in the quiet, listening to grunting and the 'plop' sound of the boris hitting the water. i couldnt hold this in any further, so i had to sya something. "how long will you guys be?". no answer. "i need to **** real bad i can feel it coming". "shutup and wait your turn" he says. another minute passses and usually i can hold this in but today was real bad. i couldnt do it any longer, so was time for plan b, **** in the sink. pulled down my pants and started grunting loudly and you could hear the boris slide down the sink. one of the guys then yelled "wtf r u doing" and opened his door, so i flashed my penis at him. he qikly closed the door and then i heard the toilet paper begin to roll. i only got one **** out but it was enuf, i used the paper towels to wipe my ***, and turned on the hand dryer so the hot air would make the **** smell even more. i heard his belt buckle and as i ran out i yelled "dont forget to wash your hands" and threw one of my paper towels with **** on it over in his cubicle.
my first cubicle internship job was completely whack

NO eye candy on my floor

and even still, the eye candy upstairs didnt even make me flinch

i did end up linking with another intern who was mad cute with a nice rack, i didnt notice until we hung out and she wore something that was form fitting
Nevermind the fat dude. Who orders only 2 pies for 16 people? :lol:
I would appreciate the gesture no doubt, but 1 slice per person wouldn't cut it for me. Hahaha.
daz my old setup i just work across the aisle but still got the dual monitors.

i hated that chair with a passion so i stole one of plush ones from the executive meeting room. nobody said anything yet.  
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indoor arcade bball
indoor mini golf
indoor badminton
retro arcades
free food + drinks
free in&out
free bi-monthly food trucks
no dress code

working in SF :pimp:
im not the youngest in my office but im the only guy my age in the office. i work in a gynocracy and the women my age are cool most of the time but i can't stand hearing them talk about the most banal, arbitrary ****. they aren't bad looking but not my type at all except this half egyptian woman that works way on the other side of the office. never see her doe so no opportunities to talk. also the communications director for the office is like 40-something (luh that ****) and 

i cant bro out like i did at my other spots 
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indoor arcade bball
indoor mini golf
indoor badminton
retro arcades
free food + drinks
free in&out
free bi-monthly food trucks
no dress code
working in SF :pimp:

Add a pool table and this sounds like my job, lol

daz my old setup i just work across the aisle but still got the dual monitors.

i hated that chair with a passion so i stole one of plush ones from the executive meeting room. nobody said anything yet.  

hahaha really? man i love my aeron chair.
I'm one of the youngest. I might still be the youngest I started my job at 19. I started buying some sneakers and some of the streetwear brands. I wish I had a dollar for every time someone asked me what my shirt meant. I'm 26 and grew tired of nosy people so I just wear sweaters and solid color t-shirts.
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