Cudi WZRD jan 30th

Will hold out on those snippets 
Snippets didnt sound good at all. Only 30 seconds long each so im not gonna judge just yet.
..good news if yall like the WZRD album.

He's already working on part 2 of the WZRD, so no Man on the Moon album anytime soon.

Him and Dot had a good vibe towards the end of making WZRD; where they felt good enough to continue the same sound.

..don't hate me for bringing the news.

BTW, I hate that this leaked already..
imma just go ahead and say it... this $%@# SUCKS

or SCKS... thats what they should call the 2nd one... THS SHT SCKS
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

..good news if yall like the WZRD album.

He's already working on part 2 of the WZRD, so no Man on the Moon album anytime soon.

Him and Dot had a good vibe towards the end of making WZRD; where they felt good enough to continue the same sound.

..don't hate me for bringing the news.

BTW, I hate that this leaked already..

I think thy said its going to be an EP...not another full fledge album...

btw I think wzrd is great so far....i didnt have high expectation since i didnt know what to expect....
Yeaaaaaaa I'm going to forget Cudi ever put this joint out.
This difference in quality between his previous two albums and this is night and day.
I'm all about artists progressing and evolving but that just isn't the case here.
He's too talented of an artist to be putting such mediocre ##$*.
I'm glad that he seems to be in a good place in life, but its obvious he's an artist that thrives with pain and drugs.
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