Customized Cool Grey III's

Apr 10, 2007
Not sure if this is the right forum to be posting this, but do not have pics to really post in the sneaker showcase for this..If this isn't the rightforum, please mods move accordingly...I recently, after wearing these around 75 times, had to scrap the paint off the midsoles of my cool grey's andrepaint them, including the grey paint as well..It was kinda wierd but the grey paint they made for these really didn't match exact to the rest of the shoeIMO at least they didn't on my pair, but I took some angelus white paint and painted them the way the mocha III's midsole looked..I have to say theafter viewing them, they don't look half bad..I hated I had to, but because of the chipping I wasn't sure if I could ever match to color of grey theyused on them, but I think they look good for now...If I can I'll post pictures of them after my next coat of paint, as they are not perfectly white as Iwould like to them to be..
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