if anyone has to wear business casual for work and need cheap work clothes (like me) Express is having a 40% site wide sale. There are stackable coupons floating around online as well. Check out the thread on Slickdeals to find some. Just picked up 3 pairs of dress pants for $92 shipped.
Not gonna lie but I am mad that I missed out on the restock of Concords
Got some shorts from Abercrombie for $19.11 shipped :pimp: anybody know anything on boat shoe sperrys?
I think someone was looking for protein deals has cyber monday deals CYBRO20 20% off
For anybody copping from Finishline, use FALLFS12 for free shipping. It's supposed to be expired. Didn't work the first time I entered it, then I get redirected or my page refreshed or something at the code was applied. It's worth a shot to save 7 bucks
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