D.L. Hughley Breaks the News Unappreciation

I be glad when this election !!# all over. Yea it's serious for blacks and all. Hell after all the !!# we done been through and helped build this !!#country some are a lil extra excited. I mean u see it coming. Everybody has they time to shine. Yall can kill Obama right after he gets sworn in..........wemade it though. We effin made it. Officialy a president.

I'm sick of this race !!#. Sick of this is on NT. And after yall ridin on Tical and others......NT HAS TOOK A LEFT TURN. Dead this weak @@@ !!#. No more ofthese punk @@@ threads man. The fun has officialy been gone 6 months ago. Act right man. We come here 2 get our minds off of b.s........ we come here tobreathe and have fun. All this negative !!# aint poppin. Ima still go the !!# off and say what I wana say. (Mods keep pickin at me sendin me b.s. Pm'swarning me over some simple !!#) We run and make NT and make yall one of the of the top sites. So fall back on this one)

Kill this stupid !!#
i tried giving this show a chance but it was too hard to watch. i mean... i never thought i'd cringe watching CNN (unless if there were like... pictures ofdead bodies after a battle or something)
I haven't seen the show so I can't speak on that, but DL is one of the funniest comedians of our time, you think they would just put anybody on thekings of comedy, give them their own sitcom, another television show, and host def comedy jam among other things? Some of y'all buggin for real
Originally Posted by RetroJTino

Aight so this is on CNN right now. And I'm sittin' here listenin' to dude play racial cards left and right. He's basically making it clear that he's a voter that's voting based on Baracks' skin color. Not only that, it's constant references about John McCain and questioning how he can possibly bring change being a 72 year old white man.
Now I'm voting Obama, but IMO, this is exactly what's wrong with our society. These are things you should generally keep to yourself. I mean, if people wanna put it out there like that, fine. But should this even have a place on CNN? I can't stand to watch bias political television. Anybody else feel what I'm sayin'?

*btw, D.L. Hughley isn't funny at all.

EDIT: Completely off topic, can somebody post that gif of zangeif piedriving big girl. I just thought about it.
Wanna right click > save as...

*News Flash* despite your opinions on ethical practices. Truth of the matter is this, the election is ALL ABOUT RACE. Regardless of what either party talksabout, the force behind the election is racially driven. 93% of Blacks are voting for Senator Obama.
i thought he had a show... but never seen it.

doesnt look like i care to check it out either.
I had my reservations but I admit everytime I watch I lol.. Its just political satire, not meant to be taken seriously imo.
I had my reservations but I admit everytime I watch I lol.. Its just political satire, not meant to be taken seriously imo.
Did you guys even watch any of them? They were very good and got CNNs goal across. It wasn't a matter of him being funny or not.

The Palin one was the best so far. A lot of people looked stupid.
Originally Posted by Face82

I be glad when this election *+@ all over. Yea it's serious for blacks and all. Hell after all the *+@ we done been through and helped buil this *+@ @@@ country some are a lil extra excited. I mean u see it coming. Everybody has they time to shine. Yall can kill Obama right after he gets sworn in..........we made it though. We effin made it. Officialy a president.

I'm sick of this race *+@. Sick of this is on NT. And after yall ridin on Tical and others......NT HAS TOOK A LEFT TURN. Dead this weak @@@ *+@. No more of these punk @@@ threads man. The fun has officialy been gone 6 months ago. Act right man. We come here 2 get our minds off of b.s........ we come here to breathe and have fun. All this negative *+@ aint poppin. Ima still go the *+@ off and say what I wana say. (Mods keep pickin at me sendin me b.s. Pm's warning me over some simple *+@) We run and make NT and make yall one of the of the top sites. So fall the *+@ back!

Kill this stupid *+@
word. first it was religion, now this.
Originally Posted by Face82

I be glad when this election *+@ all over. Yea it's serious for blacks and all. Hell after all the *+@ we done been through and helped buil this *+@ @@@ country some are a lil extra excited. I mean u see it coming. Everybody has they time to shine. Yall can kill Obama right after he gets sworn in..........we made it though. We effin made it. Officialy a president.

I'm sick of this race *+@. Sick of this is on NT. And after yall ridin on Tical and others......NT HAS TOOK A LEFT TURN. Dead this weak @@@ *+@. No more of these punk @@@ threads man. The fun has officialy been gone 6 months ago. Act right man. We come here 2 get our minds off of b.s........ we come here to breathe and have fun. All this negative *+@ aint poppin. Ima still go the *+@ off and say what I wana say. (Mods keep pickin at me sendin me b.s. Pm's warning me over some simple *+@) We run and make NT and make yall one of the of the top sites. So fall the *+@ back!

Kill this stupid *+@
... thats the realest +@#% i ever wrote [Young Jeezy] And iaint write this +@#% [/Young Jeezy]
yeah its on CNN ... i dont know if they were trying to say they dont discriminate against black people or something, but jesus christ it is HORRIBLE ...

i love debating with people on issues, i watch every damn media outlet and try to read as much as i can on the candidates etc... etc... ive said before i dontthink obama is right for the job, but he may be what we need to progress as a country in terms of equality or whatever ... but to give this fool a show on CNNis a joke ... i mean yall know his stand up, dude is blatantly racist ... theres no two ways about it ... theres no reason why white people shouldnt bepicketing outside cnn headquarters after watching his show, much like black people did for the nappy headed hos shock jock guy ...

and its not even all the racial undertones, its that he isnt intelligent ... he tries to be and gets fed what to say a lot of times by the producers or networkor whatever, but in the end it just ends up being a parade of bull $%%$
I disagree that voting based on race is stupid. Perhaps voting based only on race is, but race being a factor is completely reasonable to me. I can't findthe quote but I remember Tim Russert once telling a story about voting for JFK. His father had put a JFK sign in front of their house and when Tim asked himwhy they were voting for him his father said, "because he's one of us." His father of course meant Irish Catholic, but it's the same idea.Again, that seems completely reasonable to me.

I haven't watched this show, however.
^I agree. It's not unreasonable at all to have that factor into your decision. It makes sense to vote for someone who had shared your struggles and/oryour point of view. It only males sense.

You all do realize that Blacks typically vote democratic anyway. I hate that people are diminishing the black vote as if we all of a sudden went to a differentside becasue Obama is black. That isn't the case at all, and I resent the notion.
^^^ yes blacks historically do vote democratic.....but its amazing that all of a sudden the black voter turn out is so much higher than it has ever been......iam not upset with black people voting for a black candidate...I am upset that there are black people voting for him simply because he is a BLACK candidate....
But why? There are a lot of reasons that black voter turn out is higher than it has ever been; Obama volunteers being one of the main ones. For the first timein a presidential campaign volunteers are being given the task of, pretty much, registering as many black voters asthey can. Other campaigns have registered black voters, but first time black voters have been a serious focus of the Obama campaign. Other campaigns haveignored black voters. Why hasn't Obama? Maybe because he's black. So then what is unreasonable about voting for him because he's black ifyou've been previously ignored because you were black?
Originally Posted by DublBagn

^^^ yes blacks historically do vote democratic.....but its amazing that all of a sudden the black voter turn out is so much higher than it has ever been......i am not upset with black people voting for a black candidate...I am upset that there are black people voting for him simply because he is a BLACK candidate....

And that is where you don't make sense because he is not the first black man or black person to run for president. If anything this is the only blackcandidate that has successfully won over the black vote.
Originally Posted by DublBagn

^^^ yes blacks historically do vote democratic.....but its amazing that all of a sudden the black voter turn out is so much higher than it has ever been......i am not upset with black people voting for a black candidate...I am upset that there are black people voting for him simply because he is a BLACK candidate....
Are you also upset that there are people today and in the past who would never vote for a black candidate? Where is the outrage there?

It couldn't possibly be because blacks who hadn't voted before actually see a candidate they WANT to vote for.
It couldn't possibly be that new voters actually agree with what Obama stands for

Nope it's becasue he's black and ONLY that reason.

Give me a break.

The fact is the number of people who are voting because he is black won't have that great of an effect on theelection if any at all. People vote for the reasons THEY feel are important. Who are you to judge them? I am pretty liberal but I would never say "wowrepublicans are a bunch of idiots for voting in a way I don't agree with". I don't understand some of the logic, but they have their reasons andI have mine.

Stop with the judgments, please

In the words of Bill Clinton "We vote for some people because we identify with them on race or gender... You can't tell someone else that the groundon which they make their voting decision is irrational."
CNN needs to make it clear that his show is comedy hour... i made the mistake of thinking it was going to be a serious show, so when i first watched it i waslike "???? CNN is embarassing themselves"

but if you realize that it's meant to be taken as a comedy, i guess its a little bit easier to watch

and it has its funny moments, but it isn't executed very well.
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