Adidas has some of the 3's on sale for $112 (use code UNITE for 10% off sale items) with free shipping.

They have the:

Homes (11.5, 13)

Michigan Aves (11)

Fresh Princes (14)

Brendas (15)
Wow. We don't even get to see him play in the 3.5s and already drafting up some 4s. Gonna hope that is fake though because those look terrible IMO. I liked the 3s the best of all designs and was hoping for something special for the 4s. Not really a fan of the 3.5s for some reason. There is parts I like and parts I don't can't really put my finger on what I dislike about them.
Wow. We don't even get to see him play in the 3.5s and already drafting up some 4s. Gonna hope that is fake though because those look terrible IMO. I liked the 3s the best of all designs and was hoping for something special for the 4s. Not really a fan of the 3.5s for some reason. There is parts I like and parts I don't can't really put my finger on what I dislike about them.

What makes me like the 3's so much is the logo and it something that should be carried forth on all the drose going forward
Gonna hope that is fake though because those look terrible IMO. I liked the 3s the best of all designs and was hoping for something special for the 4s.

I'm afraid those are not fake. They match up with an early sketch like catalog pic someone posted months ago in the thread. I'm not a fan of the color blocking either, but will reserve judgement until we see the final product on shelves.

Similar to you, I think the 2.5s and the 3s are the best so far out of his sigs. 1.5s and 3.5s are close behind, with the 3.5s growing on me after not liking them initially.
I'm afraid those are not fake. They match up with an early sketch like catalog pic someone posted months ago in the thread. I'm not a fan of the color blocking either, but will reserve judgement until we see the final product on shelves.

Similar to you, I think the 2.5s and the 3s are the best so far out of his sigs. 1.5s and 3.5s are close behind, with the 3.5s growing on me after not liking them initially.
Not calling him out for posting fakes or anything, just wishful thinking. I will reserve judgement like you until I see them. At least with Rose's shoes we don't have to buy instantly or risk missing out.

I feel like the 3.5s are just too busy. If you look at the 3s they are just so simple but clean. They look great in person too. I had the YOTS 3.5s but returned them after taking some time to think about it. Finally got my first pair of 3s at the outlet for $80 and love them. Can't play ball in them or they kill my feet, but I love the style on them with jeans anyway.
Not sure about other markets but in LA the 3.5's are still at 160 and just sitting on the shelves. They need to quit playing and put these bad boys at 109 or something.
Not calling him out for posting fakes or anything, just wishful thinking. I will reserve judgement like you until I see them. At least with Rose's shoes we don't have to buy instantly or risk missing out.

I feel like the 3.5s are just too busy. If you look at the 3s they are just so simple but clean. They look great in person too. I had the YOTS 3.5s but returned them after taking some time to think about it. Finally got my first pair of 3s at the outlet for $80 and love them. Can't play ball in them or they kill my feet, but I love the style on them with jeans anyway.

I definitely take it as you calling him out. People were disapointed when the renderings came out and that doesn't seem to have changed with the latest catalog pics. I didn't feel the 3.5s, but they grew on me, so I'm thinking the same will happen with the 4s. Besides, as a Bulls and Rose fan, not going to stop me from continuing the collection.

The Rose line in general has been a bit uncomfy for people with wider feet like myself, especially in the heel area. I've worn my 2.5s casually a couple times now and I can start to feel them breaking in, but there is still a ways to go. I've seen people ball in the Roses, so I'm thinking they're not as bad as some people are making them out to be.
Not sure about other markets but in LA the 3.5's are still at 160 and just sitting on the shelves. They need to quit playing and put these bad boys at 109 or something.

It took them too long to drop the price on the 3s, so I figure it will take at least the end of the NBA playoffs for the price to drop. Maybe they're waiting to see if the Bulls can advance past the Nets and D Rose #TheReturn against Miami. :tongue:
I definitely take it as you calling him out. People were disapointed when the renderings came out and that doesn't seem to have changed with the latest catalog pics. I didn't feel the 3.5s, but they grew on me, so I'm thinking the same will happen with the 4s. Besides, as a Bulls and Rose fan, not going to stop me from continuing the collection.

The Rose line in general has been a bit uncomfy for people with wider feet like myself, especially in the heel area. I've worn my 2.5s casually a couple times now and I can start to feel them breaking in, but there is still a ways to go. I've seen people ball in the Roses, so I'm thinking they're not as bad as some people are making them out to be.
Just passing along info i find, didn't think he was calling me out personally though.

i've worn my 2.5's only a handfull of times as well, just no time to break them in.  Had a chance for the NBC's awhile back on sale at footlocker, but couldn't do because holy hell are they narrow.
on that note, another pick of the (possible) 4's and a 3.5 low (?) (personally, the lows look like unfinished samples)

(note: those 3.5's sold on ebay for 51 bucks or something)
Not calling him out for posting fakes or anything, just wishful thinking. I will reserve judgement like you until I see them. At least with Rose's shoes we don't have to buy instantly or risk missing out.

I feel like the 3.5s are just too busy. If you look at the 3s they are just so simple but clean. They look great in person too. I had the YOTS 3.5s but returned them after taking some time to think about it. Finally got my first pair of 3s at the outlet for $80 and love them. Can't play ball in them or they kill my feet, but I love the style on them with jeans anyway.

I definitely take it as you calling him out. People were disapointed when the renderings came out and that doesn't seem to have changed with the latest catalog pics. I didn't feel the 3.5s, but they grew on me, so I'm thinking the same will happen with the 4s. Besides, as a Bulls and Rose fan, not going to stop me from continuing the collection.

The Rose line in general has been a bit uncomfy for people with wider feet like myself, especially in the heel area. I've worn my 2.5s casually a couple times now and I can start to feel them breaking in, but there is still a ways to go. I've seen people ball in the Roses, so I'm thinking they're not as bad as some people are making them out to be.

My bad nealtastic. I left out the "didn't". I wouldn't have kept up the conversation if I thought you were calling him out.
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Just passing along info i find, didn't think he was calling me out personally though.

i've worn my 2.5's only a handfull of times as well, just no time to break them in.  Had a chance for the NBC's awhile back on sale at footlocker, but couldn't do because holy hell are they narrow.

Thanks for catching that. I meant to reply and say that I didn't think he was calling you out.

One last colorway? And no St Patty's? Adidas you mother father...
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rose better get his *** back on the court

the 4s arent going to move at all with dude out of commission for so long
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