Da hell is wrong wit kanye

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If this was happening to Diddy y'all would be killing him, but since it's YE people quick to make excuses.
What is he mentally ill from???????

Regular cats have gone thru worse and have stayed focused.

Is he that weak of a human being?

Mentally ill????? Really???

He is not "mentally ill"

I know a few well off people who are mentally ill/emotional unstable. Doesn't matter if you have money
Again. Mentally depressed from what??? Lol

Theres cats who are broke with no car who aren't "mentally depressed"

He needs to ****** man up

I hope this is not the hill he dies on because i still have some respect for him.
High? This is how he has been sounding the past few years. Did you hear that 5 minute rant at that award show
No, I haven't.  Admittedly, this the first time I've actually heard his voice in the last few years.  I hear enough about his tweets and sound-bytes that I haven't cared about anything he has to say aside from his music.
Hes in the hospital? ???

For what??? Millionaireitis ????

Theres little kids who have a worse life than him and dont complain.

Man **** this dude man.
mental illness is a real thing

Stop making excuses for dude.

You say he's mentally ill, other dude said he's high...

Dude is a certified prick. Stop cutting corners for the guy. This same enabling is what allows him do be a ******* d***

Son makes some "cool ****" and people allow him to do dumb **** and turn the other cheek, making excuses for him. Blaming it on other ****.

It ain't nothing wrong with this *****.

Son is just a ******* *******.
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Wired differently =/= mental illness...

Ain't nobody say dude isn't wired differently. We ALL know dude is wired differently..

Son is a habitual line stepper, an over exaggerator, much like someone who can't stop stealing or lying. If you don't call him out on his ****, he'll keep doing it. He see's no repercussions for his ****, he'll continue to press and press until he gets what he wants. He's a grown *** child.

You know what thats called? Being ******* spoiled. He's a grown *** spoiled man child. This is the type of **** that happens when ya father ain't around.

A lot of people don't call this **** for what it is cause they aren't parents.

This ***** acts like my 2 yr old. Straight up.

Cut all the excuses as you want for the dude. I deal with a 2yr old and a 12 yr old every day. It ain't no different.

Nobody calls him out on his **** because he's a grown man. When you see a grown man acting like a child, you leave him to his self. More than likely, people around dude don't take him seriously when he goes off on his rants, so he continues to do this nonsense.
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Mental illness = excuses :lol: :smh:

Some ppl really dont get that everyones minds are wired differently...


I can understand if people don't like him. His behavior isn't commendable. But ever since his moms died he's changed for the worse. Maybe it's the Ye fan in me but I think this man needs help.

I can't tell people not to berate him because he hasn't exactly endeared himself recently. I think if he does indeed have a mental illness we need to give him the benefit of the doubt. And learn about mental illness so that we don't antagonize others who have it.
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You can be mentally ill and a dickhead too

Hope he gets his head on straight. Some of y'all different hoping dude doesn't pull through
Mental illness doesn't give you free reign to act like a fool

I seriously doubt y'all would be as sympathetic to an average joe doing the same **** as Kanye

Bunch of Chris Crockers
Which might explain why he's in the hospital. I'm sure a lawyer let him know Sunday he'd be on the hook for a lot of money if he didn't use a legal loophole.

It's what I'm thinking as well. I think the Man really does need help but with this instance I dunno he just trying to get out of a contract
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There are people who have it waaaaay worse than this guy

Why should we keep this guy above standards to other human beings???

Because he made mbdtf?????lol becuz he made some shoes? ?????

Dis ************ bleeds just like you and i

Why cant it just be so simple as to say "hes ******* up"

If he WASNT famous there would be no sympathy

Just make music and shut the **** up.
I used to low-key root for his demise, but I fear it's becoming all too real.  He's a certified a-hole and I hope he gets help so I never have to hear about him again (except to hear his music).
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Mental illness = excuses

Some ppl really dont get that everyones minds are wired differently...
It's quite sad honestly and until people change their thinking about mental illness instead of thinking everyone who claims they are mentaly unstable is "acting" or "not serious" then these types of discussions go nowhere especially on NT.
There are people who have it waaaaay worse than this guy

Why should we keep this guy above standards to other human beings???

Because he made mbdtf?????lol becuz he made some shoes? ?????

Dis ************ bleeds just like you and i

Why cant it just be so simple as to say "hes ******* up"

If he WASNT famous there would be no sympathy

Just make music and shut the **** up.
stop trolling
I really hate hearing "after his mom died" so many close friends lost parents during our highschool years and they would not get an excuse to act like this 8 years later :smh:
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I'm just so confused as to why you guys think you know him and that he needs help? I swear when it comes to hip hop and entertainers some of you are like wrestling fan who refuses to believe it's fake and entertainment. Besides acting like an egomaniac who says random crap for attention what makes any of you say this is a mental issue problem? He is a successful father with a very high stress job just like a lot of us. When he starts threatening himself or others or maybe self medicates then maybe I will entertain these mental issues, but not yet.
There are people who have it waaaaay worse than this guy

Why should we keep this guy above standards to other human beings???

Because he made mbdtf?????lol becuz he made some shoes? ?????

Dis ************ bleeds just like you and i

Why cant it just be so simple as to say "hes ******* up"

If he WASNT famous there would be no sympathy

Just make music and shut the **** up.

My G.....i definitely agree that Kanye is likely doing this just as another attention grab....

But you gotta re-educate yourself on mental illnesses. Your line of thinking is off.
Mental illness is no joke :smh:  

Its not, so I dont understand why every time a celebrity does some wild ****, someone is quick to pull the mental illness card.

Peoples assumptions for why he COULD be mentally ill is just as qualified as my and others reasons for why he isn't

Nobody in here's a doctor, so for someone to hand out their google researched medical opinions is just as left field as someone who doesn't believe it.

Son went to the hospital, for what, nobody knows. Son could have fallen, got crossed over, slipped in the shower, or just had some flu like symptoms. Its november. We don't know.

But son goes on his millionth rant, ends his tour cause **** ain't playing out the way he expected, and how he's "mentally ill"

Nah, b.
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