Daily MARIJUANA Smokers...

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Been smoking err day (exaggeration, but close) for about five years, smoking for around 8 years.

My memory is weird. Don't remember certain things, but I've been a server for a while, and even when stupid blazed I can remember 6 orders (I practice).

Don't smoke if going to serious work, I get to goofy. Otherwise, it's blazed all day everyday.

Not a smoker but I know plenty of stoners who successfully completed difficult majors in good schools and did well. So it's strange to hear just about everyone here feels it's killed their memory.

Just about everyone I know who smokes says it definitely makes them feel lazier though
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Messing with sativa (SD) lately...gets me energized when music hits and retain more with my daily planner...
with indica (GSC) I'll write in my planner what's on the schedule but end up tagging the paper up lol...
I was a near-daily toker for almost 5 years, but I quit 2 months ago. The main reason I quit was because the doctor said it might be affecting my Eustachian tube (I have natural hearing loss so I can't afford to risk this anymore).

I can tell you that my short term memory is A LOT better than it was before. My pockets are definitely more appreciative. Also, getting unnecessarily high usually gets me paranoid nowadays. But I'll take a hit here and there when I'm faded. Lastly, my appetite has been a lot better when I'm sober (I have high metabolism too and it sucks).

But really, I smoked every day for my first two years of college, now I'm a junior and I had to get my act together. I keep smoking to twice a week or so and I bumped up my GPA from a 2.6 last year to a 3.5 this year. I think I'll keep doing things this way...
there's no way you can smoke every day and still succeed to your fullest potential. At least for me it's that way. I'm now forced to see my freshman brother making the same mistakes I did, and it kills me...

THIS.. I really wish I had cut back on my habits when I was in university. Safe to say I graduated but still wish I had devoted more time to studying. A lot of people don't realize how much time consuming toking is. The whole process.. obtaining it, rolling it up, then being lazy. Rinse and repeat. I agree with you on the brother part, mine is in the same position. I blame it on myself for being careless about all those habits...
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Nope, i feel normal.

I smoke when i'm finished with all my *$+ though. I stopped smoking throughout the day.. when i do that i get super tired and also headaches.

At night when im finished with all my work.
3 year old post but I'm in a similar boat. Tryna cut out the day time smoking (unless it's on a Sunday to watch football) and add a little more prestige back to the experience.
For some reason I enjoy being sober now. Plus my girl hates when I am high and won't even see me.


Smoked some blue dreams the other day tho.. Tripppppppppy
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Ima daily smoker but I haven't smoked since Wednesday. I got my tooth pulled so Ima wait till it heals up. Im not about that dry socket life.
I would smoke 360 days out of 365 for 8 years. Stop blowing n selling 4th of July 2010. Picked it up about 2 years later for a few months and haven't smoked since. My mom n my girl are amazed I stopped. I'll prolly see what it's hitting for around next this time next year[emoji]127794[/emoji][emoji]127794[/emoji][emoji]127794[/emoji]
For you guys that stopped or took a tolerance break, anyone notice lucid or very vivid dreams?
For you guys that stopped or took a tolerance break, anyone notice lucid or very vivid dreams?

I remember I took a break because I was looking for a job. I had dreams about smoking up and when I woke up I felt bad because I was trying to stop. It felt so real :lol:
For you guys that stopped or took a tolerance break, anyone notice lucid or very vivid dreams?

I remember I took a break because I was looking for a job. I had dreams about smoking up and when I woke up I felt bad because I was trying to stop. It felt so real :lol:


I get so disappointed in myself cause in my dreams I would be LOVING being high.

I just feel like I'm getting to the age where if I'm gonna be smoking weed it needs to be as a reward or celebration for something.

Like, it's not cool to just get drunk by yourself every night simply cause you had a tough day. But if your with your friends or celebrating a win then by all means go get ****** up.

Even though I'm taking a break, I don't like chicks who don't smoke weed. A broad who looks down on people who smoke weed gets the boot around me quickly.
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I actually feel the sharpest ever.....

However I compensate for smoking daily by taking cognitive vitamins/supps and making sure to read daily as well.....

Sure I get short term memory brain farts every now and then...but alot of my sober friends do as well.

Alot of ppl who smoke MMJ daily use it as a crutch for the reasons they are "slow" or "lazy" but in reality it can be the individual not making a conscious effort to exercise the mind daily and keep it sharp.

It should be understood as fact that the effects of MMJ affects each user individually.
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I've been a marijuana user for the past 11 years. I was a daily user from 2004-2007, then from 2009-2012, and I've been using it daily since June. I can honestly say that my memory is as sharp as its ever been, and that my academic performance hasn't declined at all (It's gotten progressively better, actually). The only time I'm not stoned is when I'm at work. I'll probably have to quit in a year and a half when I become an RN, but I don't plan on stopping or even cutting back until then. It's unfortunate, really. I could go home and get black out drunk every single night and my job wouldn't be in jeopardy, but if I used my vaporizer twice a month I could lose my RN license. Life sucks sometimes.
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I'm guessin the majority of the ppl in here smoke mids, mayb smokin high grade weed is better for the mind or nay?
Bud is bud. I have a better reaction to mid than exotics. Mid is so rare on my side of town now. Popped up with some mids at my girl house, damn there didnt make it out the house with any left for me 

My memory became shot after i stopped smoking for a month. My mind cleared up a lot, but my social trait turned to ****. Sleeping became a struggle (im a chef. i work 32 hours in 48 hours sometimes). Downtime is appreciated by thy herb. I dont know how people can drink after taking a mental beating.
Y'all petty smoking mids or Reggie if you can afford better. If i couldn't smoke loud I won't smoke at all
I'll probably have to quit in a year and a half when I become an RN, but I don't plan on stopping or even cutting back until then. It's unfortunate, really. I could go home and get black out drunk every single night and my job wouldn't be in jeopardy, but if I used my vaporizer twice a month I could lose my RN license. Life sucks sometimes.

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