Dallas Cowboys are the most watched Sports Team on TV

at being happy that your team has alot of viewers.

Who the $+%+ really cares about %!+% like that?

This thread:
It's a lot like when people like to watch car accidents happen. You know something awful is/might be taking place so you only partly cover your eyes. Thereality is that it has little to do with the game itself.
Originally Posted by JPZx

Ever stopped to think that football fans will watch them just because a lot of the time they are the only NFL game on?

for real... everytime the ******** play at 1pm and cowgirls play at 4... that the only game on tv. i hate watching this !%!$# $!% team!!
Originally Posted by JPZx

Proof that the Cowboys ARE NOT Americas team

We're Americas Team because you either Love us, or Hate us. There really is no in between with Dallas. I actually think the hate > love andthe h8ters are the ones who make the ratings so high other than the actual fans. I remember in my sports psychology class we did a study on the'psychological sports fan' and well...you already know what I'm going to say

But this is fun. All the h8ters are in this thread. Why even post in here? What is compelling yall to post in a COWBOYS thread? What COMPELLS YOU to WATCH ourgames? I know the truth is burnin ya @#*#! up so just accept it and suck it up.

We may have underacheived all season and we won't make the playoffs. But that obviously doesn't matter because people who aren't Dallas fans STILLcare. ESPN is a media outlet. The media reports what you want to hear. You guys are the ones eating up all the Cowboys stories.

BTW, you can throw the drama excuse out the window as there was no drama last year when we were 10-1 going into the Greenbay game and that game alone generateda 10.1 rating, the highest for any NFL Network game. I remember that day like it was yesterday. All them chumps sitting in the bar all rooting for Greenbay. Imthinkin to myself "Cant be no damn Packers fans in this area." Some dude replied "Nah we're not. We just came here to make sure theCowboys lose

Anyways, yall may continue. This %$%% is fun as hell
^^ This thread could have only had 4 replies which came from my own. Instead it has 44. The same people who hate Dallas are in this thread constantly. This!%%% is hilarious
. Yall really looking like some hypocrites.

We've come a long way. Those 3 5-11 seasons were horrid and we still had a few bad ones after that. Least we are competitive thats all I care about. Thatwhole playoff thing is for ESPN and you guys. We made it 4 times in the last 12 years. I mean honestly, if we win a *playoff game*, the moment we lose the nextone, it will be "Cowboys haven't won a divisional playoff game in (insert years)." Then after that it'll be "Cowboys havent won an NFCChampionship game" , then "Super Bowl" etc etc.

One thing I've never understood: If a team has bye week the previous year and loses, but the following year is a wildcard team and wins but loses in thedivisional round, how is it any better? Just because you "won a playoff game." You still made it to the same round regardless
. This is what Ididnt understand about the Chargers !%%% last year. I know they went to the AFC championship but the "analysts" were saying the Chargers accomplishedsomething and were throwing Marty under the bus when they won that Wildcard round when with Marty, they aint even have to play that @+!+..

EDIT: And lmao @ that pic. That #%+! is hilarious. The one with Owens from this year takes the cake tho
I just don't understand why you have to harp on the 'America's Team' thing constantly.

Okay, people love to hate the Cowboys. People tune in to watch you lose. Alright, now what?

At this point, I could care less. It's just annoying and I don't understand what your real point is.
^^ I just dont understand how people can get mad at the "Americas Team" thing when they are the EXACT REASON they have that title.

Honestly, do you realize this thread is about to have more replies/views that an ordinary game thread for any other team? Its not my fault this $%*@ is at 3pages. Granted, I do have 5 replies, but thats outta like 50

And for the record, this is fun
just got back from 7 Pounds. #+## ametaphor
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