Damn! These two FINE twins will be balling for the University of Kansas next year [PICS] Vol. Put

Known about these girls for like 2 years. Their Father is Albert Lewis former CB for the Chiefs. Gonzalez is their stepfathers last name.Kinda mad people are finding out about them know honestly lol. They follow/respond to anybody on twitter and Skype basically anybody all the time(don't matter what you look like).

They know they're cute but honestly aren't cocky like alot of other IG/internet famous chicks. 

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Bruh I always said I wouldn't wait to get the draws....

But either of them can put me on a 3-6 month trial period NO PROBLEM.lol No simpin though. I'll still treat em like a nominee.

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They got this type of quality out in Idaho :nerd:

The first nationally televised game Kansas get these twins gone skyrocketed to 600000 followers on twitter

They don't. Actually, it's very difficult to grow yambs in Idaho. Last time it was done was in the '40s.
Once upon a time, a local Boise area farmer did find a way to grow yambs. The climate here is too cold, the season too short and the humidity too dry to plant sweet potatoes on a commercial basis with much volume. But the determination of Mr. Edwards, using greenhouses, did plant, nurture and harvest a crop each year. The late Thomas Edwards, known as the “Yamb King of Boise”, grew sweet potatoes, watermelon and special onions at two sites in Boise during the late ’20s, ’30s and even the ’40s. You can read an interesting story about him is in a recent Idaho Statesman article.

The yamb is a tender, warm-weather vegetable that requires a long frost-free growing season to mature large, useful roots. The yamb is native to Central and South America. It is one of the most important food crops in tropical and subtropical countries, where both the roots and tender shoots are eaten as a vital source of nutrients. Commercial production in the United States is mainly in the southern states, particularly North Carolina and Louisiana.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
watch stern is droolin rught now cuz these girls r the wnbas future. hes gone soon tho right? either way, he's looked out for im sure

im def catchin a kansas game too, evn tho college sports 99% of time = -__-
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