Darius "I'm ready to play" Miles vs Nate "He's got a ways to go" McMillan

Originally Posted by royjonesjr7

Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

EVERYONE is quick to hate on darius and call him a cancer...he was putting up great numbers before he hurt is knee....all it takes is the right situation and to be winning and he'll go from a "cancer" to "misunderstood" like stephen jackson..
real talk. Darius is still a good player and will help the team, dont get all crazy on that last winning streak they had, without darius the team wont go anywhere, with darius they have a chance

LOL Isiah is that you?
That would be nice to have DMiles and Qrich back on the Clippers.

I could resurrect my old Clippers DMiles jersey.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Why do people still talk about this loser? This guy is worthless and I see more threads about him then MJ on his "updates". Can the dude hit a 12 footer? Can he go to his left? Can he pass? Can he go in the post and get a rebound against someone his size? Just because he's 6-10 and can dunk and then bang his head like an idiot does not make him talented. He can't do a damn other thing besides a drive and dunk. He worthless and needs to be let go. He couldn't make it on the CLIPPERS for Christ's sake. He couldn't do it on the Cavs when all they have is one good player. Anyone remember how great Mr 20/10 Zach Randolph was? How's that workin out for New York? But Miles, Darius is going to turn some heads someday? Pay attention people. Quit watching sportscenter highlights thinking this guy is somebody.

And I thought that I couldnt standhim....
Originally Posted by koolbarbone

Originally Posted by royjonesjr7

Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

EVERYONE is quick to hate on darius and call him a cancer...he was putting up great numbers before he hurt is knee....all it takes is the right situation and to be winning and he'll go from a "cancer" to "misunderstood" like stephen jackson..
real talk. Darius is still a good player and will help the team, dont get all crazy on that last winning streak they had, without darius the team wont go anywhere, with darius they have a chance

LOL Isiah is that you?

It probably is Isiah
wow damn ur a bunch of haters, get off your computer and watch some old blazers games before darious got injured, he was contributing very nicely to the team
How old are you sir? Do you bang your hands on your head when you go to the bathroom? Do you think this year's Celtics team is the best Celtic team everassembled? Miles is and always will be hot garbage. That for some reason, way above my head, kids seem to think is good. But think that Lebron James isoverrated. And think that Tim Duncan is boring. But D Miles, he's the truth.
i think he can still play. he was tearing it up before the injury. i like his game and he can probably come back and put up some points if he can get some time
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