Dating a chick with 4 children? vol. RUTHLESS Records in here; Hubble Telescope of rack included

The responses and gifs =
Originally Posted by CaBron James 23

Thanks guys; I signed up to be bdaddy #4. I'll keep you updated.

what's so messed up is that we made you feel bad b/c you really like her...

you thought we were going to cosign... 

naw famb... 3 baby daddies? 

you feel that low about yourself to where you get involved w/ a chick with that many different seeds?

unless you're born prior to 1972, this aint a good look...

smang... keep in contact to smang some more... maybe kick it... 

but do not take this chick serious...
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by CaBron James 23

Thanks guys; I signed up to be bdaddy #4. I'll keep you updated.

what's so messed up is that we made you feel bad b/c you really like her...

you thought we were going to cosign... 

naw famb... 3 baby daddies? 

you feel that low about yourself to where you get involved w/ a chick with that many different seeds?

unless you're born prior to 1972, this aint a good look...

smang... keep in contact to smang some more... maybe kick it... 

but do not take this chick serious...
I'm sayin, don't let some dudes on the internet talk you out of getting %++.
I'm going to keep it all the way 100 with you.
First off, leave her alone. Save yourself the headache.

Those baby daddy's will feel they can come and go as they please, because you are in the picture. They will always try her out of spite

of you. Been there done that. Never will mess with a chick with a kid ever again.

Second, how old are said kids? For her to be doing all of the above, with young kids, she is either trickin, or stripping. That would explain the 

multiple baby fathers.
follow your instincts, and if your instincts tell you somethings not right about her then do what's best for you
Ok.... so you say she is intelligent---

I'm sorry bout how you intelligent and you have 4 kids by the time you 30 ? that actually is the exact OPPOSITE of intelligent. That's great she is putting her way through med school, which shows she may be book smart but in terms of common sense? Nah, I'd say she's lacking.

Then, I could never respect a woman who isn't raising her kids--- what's the story on the other two? Why they not in her custody?

All in all, if you are looking for a relationship I honestly say do not do it. You come off as kinda young, and you don't need that baggage in your life. Period.
Originally Posted by GatorBeltsNPattieMelts

Ok.... so you say she is intelligent---

I'm sorry bout how you intelligent and you have 4 kids by the time you 30 ? that actually is the exact OPPOSITE of intelligent. That's great she is putting her way through med school, which shows she may be book smart but in terms of common sense? Nah, I'd say she's lacking.

Then, I could never respect a woman who isn't raising her kids--- what's the story on the other two? Why they not in her custody?

All in all, if you are looking for a relationship I honestly say do not do it. You come off as kinda young, and you don't need that baggage in your life. Period.

What about dudes who aren't raising their kids? Guys can have 6 or 7, but since they're commonly not in their custody, it'd be a total non issue to most people.
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