Dayton ,Ohio people

I agree with Hatch. I sat in the away team family section (a girl I used to date Cousin plays for the Steelers). We were pretty high up, but it was still a great seat!
Ive only been once (went to a preseason game vs Patriots) but we sat near the goal line and it was pretty dope. No complaints of not being able to see, you should be good where ever you sit Case.

Speaking of football games, Im a lifelong Cowboys fan, but Ive never been to Texas to see them, well my dad is flying my brother and I down this year to see them vs Giants. He got us a package deal to take

a tour of the new stadium, a meet and greet w/ some of the players, and I think we even get breakfast the morning of the game, plus we will be staying in the official Cowboys hotel. I cant wait!

Anyone know whats up w/ infrareds? what stores will be getting them, if not all (I hope this is a mass produced GR so I can buy 20 pairs when they hit sale) but until then I atleast need a pair to beat up this summer b/c my HOA
are staying in the closet.
Im with JC, Im on the look out for the infareds too. Im guessing the usual suspects (Deveroes, FINL, FL, Champs, FA) will have them. JC, that Cowboys thing sounds SICK
! Live that up! Im trying to get down to Tennessee to see my Titans play. Also, might sneak down to NOLA, my boy plays for the Saints.
That cowboys deal sounds sick. You gonna go see them next month in the hall of fame game against the bengals?

CJ, Nashville is an awesome city. The stadium is pretty sweet outside (never went inside) and the city is one of the funnest cities I've ever visited.

As for the infrareds, i will put in some phone calls if yall want. I'm interested in getting a pair on RD and hopefully another 2-3 on the next 50% hahaha.
I think Im gonna try to get as close to the 50 as I can for 125 a ticket..I've never seen a football game live so I want this to be an event to remember..Plus they are playing my Dolphins so the closer the better..And Hatch if you could make some calls that would be great..Yall wanna do a morning meet up and hang for a bit before the stores open?..Be nice for us all to meet in person and put some faces with the names..Plus it'll give us something to do in this boring @** town, lol..
Hatch, I havent been yet so im excited!  Let me know what you dig up as far as those infareds sz 14 or 15(I doubt
Hatch-i wish I could make it up to canton for the hall of fame game but I doubt that'll be happening. And nashville is a dope city I was just down there in may to visit some of my friends. Its just a little too country for my liking

And yeah case I'm down to do a meet up that morning, as long as its on a friday or saturday I'm good. And your a dolphins fan? One of my best friends is too, not many around here...hahah we always give him $#**
Why you give him s$%^?..Dolphins are Super Bowl bound baby!!! pretty sure the Infrared's come out on a Saturday and if so I will definately be at Dayton Mall for the release..Probably gonna wear my Bacons that day..
Why you give him s$%^?..Dolphins are Super Bowl bound baby!!! pretty sure the Infrared's come out on a Saturday and if so I will definately be at Dayton Mall for the release..Probably gonna wear my Bacons that day..
Yall some double postin' fools.

I will make some calls tmw. Im down to do a meetup we could meet up at bob evans or something and get breakfast.

Oh yeah i love the bengals, but they take a backseat to reds for me, and this year were taking the long run into november i hope!

(if the reds win the world series i will finally get my mr.redlegs tattoo i have been planning and head down for the parade to get wild!
Man you know we aint double postin on purpose..Yuke FTW..And I would love to see the Reds win a WS ring..As long as they aint playin The Yankees for the title..I still remember bein a young lad about 25 years or so ago and seeing Pete Rose play..I dont care what dude did as a manager or off the field, the man deserves to be in the HOF for his play on the field..I dont see how he can be banned when the HOF has nothing to do with MLB..Can someone please explain to me how that is even possible..And I am down to meet up for some breakfast on the morning of the release..Which store are you guys gonna try to get you 90's from?
yeah hatch yuku FLMFL....i hate waiting 5 mins for a post to go through, and im all for the reds wining too but come on fellas, we aint even to the all star break yet. and yeah ive always thought pete rose should be in the hall of fame, its prob gonna turn out one of the sad situations where he wont make it until after he is passed away or something stupid. mlb prob doing it for spite just so he never gets a chance to enjoy it. really though, i have no idea why he hasnt been inducted yet.

and i dont really care where the infrareds come from...hopefully the stores have multiple size runs b/c i need that 10.5 case
although i am able to downsize to a 10 so we will see. and bob evens sounds good, isnt there a dennys down there too right off the exit? its up to you guys though.
I think you might be alright with that 10.5 cause my 2001's were 11's and they fit great..However my HOA are a 10.5 and are a little snug..So I will honestly have to try them on and see..But I know for a fact I can go either way and it'll be all good..I got a few pairs of 95's and they are 11's so that'll probably be the way I go..
I think with it being a GR that you should be able to find them in a 15..I know FL and Champs have always got popular models in large sizes..And I would think that Hibbett and Dickssports would carry stuff for people with big feet..What about Deveroes?..They always have some big shoes on display..Look up cincybcats on here and ask him..He works at one of the stores down by cincy..I bet he would know better than anyone or atleast be able to find out for you..
and if they aren't in stores, the online sites will def have them. eastbay too
yea well im ready to hunt them down. Would rather cop in store so I can see if I want the 14 or 15
hey fellas, seen this in the retro thread

EastbayRep wrote:

According to the information on our system and after checking with my Team Lead, it appears that the release date for the Nike Air Max 90 White/Cement Grey/Infrared Black (25018107) priced at $94.99, was moved up a day and is now due to release on 7/22/10 at 11pm Central Time.

Also as long as the expecting date stays the same, all orders including back orders will be shipped on 7/23/10.

As always please keep in mind all back order dates are subject to change.

EastbayRep – Paul
Good lookin out JC..I think I'll try the mall first and if by some chance they sell out of my size then Ima hit up the usual websites..
Man I hate calling the mall stores and Devoroes, the workers are idiots in my opinion, they all either said they aren't getting them or had no idea what i was talking about, SMH!!!!!!

this better not be like the QS am1's last yr and no store gets them, I really dont want any hassle w/ these
I know finishline in cincy got them today, i would wait til mid next week before bothering the mall stores. Footlocker is the only one worth dealing with anyways.
I know finishline in cincy got them today, i would wait til mid next week before bothering the mall stores. Footlocker is the only one worth dealing with anyways.
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