DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - Chapter ONE: Gods & Monsters

I want to hear them explain why superman never helped save gothem :lol:

I just don't see this movie working without it being very "cartoony" IMO
Nolan's films don't exist in this Superman world

I know that. I'm just curious to see how the two world collide. In comics and cartoons it's easy but in a movie? I could see the whole movie being about them finally forced to join forces at the end, but them just coming together just because? :lol: naw
Yeah what makes Batman suit up worries me. Including Bruce Wayne in this? Fine, I could see how they could do that. But suiting him up? I'm cautious about that.
Yeah what makes Batman suit up worries me. Including Bruce Wayne in this? Fine, I could see how they could do that. But suiting him up? I'm cautious about that.

In the trilogy it was Bruce being batman so to speak if you get what I mean. Is this movie going to be the opposite? Will it be mostly batman with just a little Bruce just sprinkled in?
In the trilogy it was Bruce being batman so to speak if you get what I mean. Is this movie going to be the opposite? Will it be mostly batman with just a little Bruce just sprinkled in?

It'll be wise to have it mostly Batman IMO. With that way, we could see Batman as the master detective and all of that. Bruce isn't that interesting to me. Of course he needs to pop up everywhere in there to keep his identity secret, but I want it to primarily be Batman.
That's pretty much the golden question huh? Why? Why are they going to work together? Why are they even in the same area? Who will be the costar to who's movie? Like I said I don't see this being anything but corny and cartoony IMO . I hope I get proven wrong
That's pretty much the golden question huh? Why? Why are they going to work together? Why are they even in the same area? Who will be the costar to who's movie? Like I said I don't see this being anything but corny and cartoony IMO . I hope I get proven wrong

My speculation is that this film will be about Superman but he won't be the focus. It probably doesn't make sense but it's the only way I can say it. I believe the first half of the film will deal with the aftermath of the final battle between him and Zod. There will be arguments saying how dangerous he is and all that, and Lex will basically be the J Jonah Jameson type. I suspect Bruce will team up with Lex in rebuilding the city or have already had the discussions of rebuilding the city. I believe whatever villain will star in the movie, will be the reason why Batman and Superman meet. I only say meet because I can't see them fighting.
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My speculation is that this film will be about Superman but he won't be the focus. It probably doesn't make sense but it's the only way I can say it. I believe the first half of the film will deal with the aftermath of the final battle between him and Zod. There will be arguments saying how dangerous he is and all that, and Lex will basically be the J Jonah Jameson type. I suspect Bruce will team up with Lex in rebuilding the city or have already had the discussions of rebuilding the city. I believe whatever villain will star in the movie, will be the reason why Batman and Superman meet. I only say meet because I can't see them fighting.

I see it playing out somewhat similar. Problem is, is they really want to make a good no nice and not just a cash grab I don't see the movie being any less then 3hrs long to really give the story "justice". The alternative would be for batman just to know everything about superman already :lol:
I could see them having Batman know everything about him so they could portray him as a more ruthless Batman than Nolan's. Also that quote they used when it was announced that this would be a Batman Vs Superman film. Something along the line how Batman was the first to defeat Superman. I could honestly see that happening. It'll be insanely lame if that's the case.
Nolan's films don't exist in this Superman world
Even if they did they could just say Clark wasn't Supes yet, he was out on boats in terrible weather and other odd places being a drifter and saving ppl time to time.

Quite frankly, when you think about it a whole lot of **** went down and ppl died while he was out touring the world in most likely threats only he could've stopped :lol:
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^^ that's one problem had with the film. He spends so much time training and trying to rid Gotham of crime yet he only fights for what? A year and a half. Then he vanishes for 7 years.
I wonder if this is going to be a reasonably experienced Batman (it's not his origin story so he'll appear as if he's been doing his thing for a few years after all his travels as a young man etc) helping Superman find his identity - and helping him live a double life.

A lot of that would be Batman's moral code - but sometimes butting up against Superman's boy scout thing. Could be interesting.
Returns was my favorite one until TDK.
I remember being horny as **** as a kid and I can't do anything about it because I haven't learned how to fap yet.
I wonder if this is going to be a reasonably experienced Batman (it's not his origin story so he'll appear as if he's been doing his thing for a few years after all his travels as a young man etc) helping Superman find his identity - and helping him live a double life.

A lot of that would be Batman's moral code - but sometimes butting up against Superman's boy scout thing. Could be interesting.

He's going to be experienced.
^^ that's one problem had with the film. He spends so much time training and trying to rid Gotham of crime yet he only fights for what? A year and a half. Then he vanishes for 7 years.
That's cuz the Nolan trilogy does not portray the real Bruce Wayne. No focus on his incessant obsession with ridding Gotham of crime, no focus on his lack of a real life and dwindling love interests, etc. Only way he stops being Batman for good is those times when his back is broken not cuz it seems like Gotham is on an upswing of positivity. Batman doesn't follow crime rates.
That's cuz the Nolan trilogy does not portray the real Bruce Wayne. No focus on his incessant obsession with ridding Gotham of crime, no focus on his lack of a real life and dwindling love interests, etc. Only way he stops being Batman for good is those times when his back is broken not cuz it seems like Gotham is on an upswing of positivity. Batman doesn't follow crime rates.
One of the many reasons why I disliked TDKR and thought (in retrospect) it shouldn't have been made.
Didn't they switch that to Gordon? He wasn't about crime rates, even during peace time. He was the one pushing so hard, even with no real crime.
That's cuz the Nolan trilogy does not portray the real Bruce Wayne. No focus on his incessant obsession with ridding Gotham of crime, no focus on his lack of a real life and dwindling love interests, etc. Only way he stops being Batman for good is those times when his back is broken not cuz it seems like Gotham is on an upswing of positivity. Batman doesn't follow crime rates.
They hint towards his lack of a love interest in certain parts of the trilogy. The reason for his lack of love interest was probably due to Rachel and him "waiting" for the appropriate time to make his move again. When she died, he was heart broken...In comes Talia as the rebound...7 years later lol

I thought Batman Begins does a pretty good job of the "real" Bruce Wayne, showing WHY he is becoming Batman. I think you're right though, they don't really show much of the "obsession" and the struggle he has separating his two identities...but the storyline  already had so much depth in the trilogy that it may have been real difficult to throw it in...

Lets be honest here...Bruce/Batman are real complex characters, to get every aspect of them right in a movie and also include introductions to each of his complex villians is a lot to do in a 2+ hour movie...
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According to Nikki Finke (formerly of Deadline Hollywood) & El Mayimbe confirmed some stuff.

- May 2017 for Justice League confirmed.

- Following may possibly be announced at WB's panel at Comic-Con.

From Nikki Finke:
"May 2016 – Batman v Superman
July 2016 – Shazam
Xmas 2016 – Sandman
May 2017 – Justice League
July 2017 – Wonder Woman
Xmas 2017 – Flash and Green Lantern team-up
May 2018 – Man Of Steel 2"

"There had been talk of a Metal Men and Suicide Squad movie for sometime in 2016 but that project fell off the schedule."

More info from the source: http://nikkifinke.com/comic-con/

She's been on point for years, so hopefully this comes into fruition.
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Order of movies is interesting.

Batman v Superman sounds like a mini Justice League film already. It would probably be a better payoff to develop WW, GL and Flash further in solo movies before getting them back together for the official JL film.
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Huh. Guess it makes sense why they don't wanna push BvS back.

Can't have their own movies coming out a month apart.

Most interesting one for me is Sandman. Loved those books.
Does that confirm the Rock as Shazam or at least Black Adam as his villain if that film is in the works?

And I'm curious if Reynolds will reprise his role in the Flash & GL team-up film.
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