DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Pg13 movie isn't gonna have leather face joker :lol:

Would be cool though.

I think they'll go the slicked back hair "clean" joker personally
Hmmm, maybe. Mad of now I can picture Leto as joker but I was the same way with tdk.

Just looking at him I don't think they'd go the "realistic" tdk route
I'd be happy if they simply made it like the comics similar to this cosplay (which I think is the best Joker cosplay ever out there) then let Letos acting chops do the rest. It being in Snyder-verse I could see a dark and grittier Joker though.

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On a non-movie note, Scott Snyder and Frank Miller are slated to co-write The Dark Knight 3. Artwork won't be done by Miller though.
Give me those two paired with Capullo or Lee and they can have my money already :lol:  

Those two are actually mentioned as an artist but I have a feeling it is Jim Lees to say no.
Not really interested in this if it's not Miller writing. I saw that Snyder wants Sean Murphy to draw it. Lee's style doesn't really match that Dark Knight vibe anyway. Also talk there's gonna just be multiple artists on each issue though.

It's gonna be a story about the female Robin, Kelley something, old like Bruce was going on one last fight as a vigilante Batwoman looking for a successor.
On a non-movie note, Scott Snyder and Frank Miller are slated to co-write The Dark Knight 3. Artwork won't be done by Miller though.
Give me those two paired with Capullo or Lee and they can have my money already :lol:  

Those two are actually mentioned as an artist but I have a feeling it is Jim Lees to say no.
Not really interested in this if it's not Miller writing. I saw that Snyder wants Sean Murphy to draw it. Lee's style doesn't really match that Dark Knight vibe anyway. Also talk there's gonna just be multiple artists on each issue though.

It's gonna be a story about the female Robin, Kelley something, old like Bruce was going on one last fight as a vigilante Batwoman looking for a successor.

I thought it was Miller co-writing it with Snyder and he is just not going to be able to draw?

Seems like many enjoys Snyder Batman run.
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Outside of True Detective, only thing he is doing is voicing a low budget cartoon and that is pretty much it.

I'm guessing he hopes True Detective re-routes his career but I don't see his star rising again just yet.
nah he killed it in Normal Heart and was cool in Lone Survivor too
Yeah I've been seeing a LOT of people clamoring for them to set up Death of The Family in this for the Solo Batman..
Despite those ok to good performances, not many are knocking down at his doors. Again his future project is voice over work on some unknown cartoon. If studios are really impressed by him, he'd at least have a few smaller or independent films in the works but there is none of that.

If he legitimately impress people in True Detectives then that might open more doors but right now, dude ain't doing a thing and you can't say dude is on a "come up" again when dude has practically no projects in the works.

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On a non-movie note, Scott Snyder and Frank Miller are slated to co-write The Dark Knight 3. Artwork won't be done by Miller though.
Give me those two paired with Capullo or Lee and they can have my money already :lol:  

Those two are actually mentioned as an artist but I have a feeling it is Jim Lees to say no.
Not really interested in this if it's not Miller writing. I saw that Snyder wants Sean Murphy to draw it. Lee's style doesn't really match that Dark Knight vibe anyway. Also talk there's gonna just be multiple artists on each issue though.

It's gonna be a story about the female Robin, Kelley something, old like Bruce was going on one last fight as a vigilante Batwoman looking for a successor.

I thought it was Miller co-writing it with Snyder and he is just not going to be able to draw?

Seems like many enjoys Snyder Batman run.
Given what's been talked about with Miller's health. It might be more like Miller gives Snyder the plot/outline and Snyder does all the writing. At this point in his life, I think drawing is pretty much over for Miller when it comes to sequential art, just covers at best.

As for Snyder, I liked his run on Batman but at this point he's seeming like a one trick pony. I read his Superman Unchained and :x Had to drop it. The Wake started off real good but that ending was meh. This DK3 seems like it'll either be Snyder aping Miller's style so we get some by the book stuff infused with Snyder's style or Miller trying to get a bit more notoriety late in the game again and a check while Snyder does the heavy lifting for something I don't think is gonna be all that great anyway especially with some of the stuff rumored sounding like a rehash already.
Is the dark knight 2 "The Dark Knight Strikes Again"?

Most fans think it sucks though. Prepare yourself if you read it right after TDKR.



:x Now this just sounds like that Before Watchmen trash stunt DC pulled last year :stoneface: Rehash the same story, tease the involvement of the OG creator only for him to not be that involved and try to make as much as possible telling reheated stories. I mean really now, old Robin vs. old Supergirl? So transparent.
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Okay, for the curious: in this continuity James Gordon has, at some point in the past, bitten the dust. How and at whose hands I cannot tell you - all that's noted in the script is that there's a memorial plaque to James Gordon. This explains why the role wasn't cast for the film, at least.

What does a dead Jim Gordon mean for BvS? Not much technically - most of the story takes place in Metropolis although there are two major fight scenes in Gotham (one where Superman comes looking for Batman and a climactic fight scene) - but it could have big consequences for the new DC Movieverse. While pre-Terrio drafts of the script mentioned a deceased Robin, later iterations closer to the start of shooting don't - perhaps in this continuity The Joker killed Jim Gordon instead of Robin? That would be an interesting spin, and something that could feed into future Batman movies.

It's worth noting that we simply don't know what Warner Bros' plans are for future Batman movies. They surely have Ben Affleck nailed down for a few films, but will they keep him in the Justice League franchise and then make Batfilms that take place over the course of the character's 17 year career with a younger lead? Or will they make Batfilms that take place in the here and now, with an older Batman and a dead Gordon?

I don't think we're going to be too worried about a lack of solo Batfilms, as Batman is the lead of Justice League - he's the guy who puts the team together - and I'm sure we'll have lots of Batfleck screentime between now and 2019, when Justice League 2 hits. But it's still intriguing to consider how WB will be treating their DC Movieverse playground, especially as they're beginning it so very in media res.

* the actual title.

** although this version of Alfred is very similar to Nolan's, down to his insistence on giving Bruce Wayne advice in the form of lengthy stories. In this movie he advises Bruce on his conflict with Superman by telling him a long tale about two competing samurai who come to blows while trying to save a village.
Now it's 17 years experience for Batman? First it was 40, then it was 20 and then it was 30 and now 17? :lol: I swear Bada** DIgest reported half of those too.
KRYPTON show for SyFY

It's now been officially announced that Syfy and Warner Horizon Television have teamed with David S. Goyer (Constantine) and Ian Goldberg (Once Upon a Time) to produce a Superman prequel series set on the Man Of Steel's home planet.


"From Warner Horizon Television and DC Comics, Krypton takes place years before the Superman legend we know, when the House of El was shamed and ostracized. This drama follows the Man of Steel's grandfather as he brings hope and equality to Krypton, turning a planet in disarray into one worthy of giving birth to the greatest Super Hero ever known."

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