DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

:lol: Yeah her power is disgusting looking. Should've known that in true Doom Patrol fashion though that at it's most goofy ridiculous moments (the butts are loose?) is going to be followed by something dark.
Loved the original comic book series, movie was cool, not perfect but had it's moments. I've been reading Doomsday Clock. Looking forward to the show. I hope it's a hit because HBO is going to need one after GoT finishes.
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watchmen is an amazing story telling epic....

It's definitely a more intellectual, serious, adult film....hence the R rating and adult themes.....not really a flick to bring your kid or lady too, this flick isn't fun or funny at all.

It surprisingly accurate panel for panel too.....

Such a treat IMO

I expect SPAWN to follow a similar rated R story telling arch, very serious, NO ZINGERS, NO DRY HUMOUR, just a serious all action/thriller.
I enjoyed the Watchmen movie, for the most part felt like I was reading the panels. Same time it's the movie that made me realize that they can't be made to match panel by panel.
I liked the movie, but it was better suited for HBO.. but we'll see because GOTs has fallen off hard

And seeing leindelof involved is concerning, to say the least
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