DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Yoooooooooooooo :rofl:

They trying to make me not like Batman.

And don't give me a Heath Ledger defense.
Y’all getting upset because he was in twilight. Go look at some of his other stuff
You know I actually have.

Bel Ami
Remember Me
Lost City of Z

All okay to good movies but I cant say I finished watching as a fan of Pattinson's acting ability. He's better than that trash Twilight he starred in though.

But I can see now this is pretty much going to be the stance until the movie comes out.
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Y’all getting upset because he was in twilight. Go look at some of his other stuff
You know i actually have.

Bel Ami
Remember Me
Lost City of Z

All okay to good movies but I cant say I finished watching as a fan of Pattinson's acring ability.
Hey look it's one of the leading men of a multi-billion dollar franchise

Yeah the movies made lots of money.

Pattinson already did similar with Twilight.

And let's be honest Evans is not one of the leading men of any billion dollar franchise. He's a supporting actor just like Ruffalo and Renner. His payment reflects that. There isnt a billion dollar movie Evans has been in that didnt star Robert Downey Jr.

But are we really pretending Captain America is on the same level as Batman?

Are we even pretending like Evans as Captain America put on some greating performance? :lol:

Fam was just believable.

There's a whole lot more to Batman and Bruce Wayne than just the bare minimum. But hey therr hasnt been a good Batman portrayal in decades so if Pattinson can manage to be better than Bale that would be an achievement in itself.
isnt pattison like smaller than tom cruise and more pale than the pilsbury dough boy?

Damn is he smaller than Cruise? I dont think thats right.
I’m not happy about the casting. But at the end of the day, my main gripe with all the Batman movies is the writing. They have SO MUCH good material to pick from. Enough already with his parents dying and him becoming Batman. We get it, his parents are dead. Like if you really wanna go that route, look at the animated film Mask of the Phantasm. So grounded, not over the top, and absolutely killed the story. Just a straight up detective thriller with Batman punch/kick justice and little brushes of how and why he became who he did. I mean, that’s what he grew from, it legit was called detective comics! Like they could make a whole marvel universe with just Batman and his circle of characters and milk it. DC is seriously like an ex that feels cheated and is just wildin trying to get attention not realizing they just look like fools. Imagine if they did Knightfall in 3 movies instead some half assed 3hr movie. Focus on the martial arts, ninja, and detective/csi ish. Let go of the aliens, outer space, magical stones, and larger than life character. Let’s follow in Logan’s footsteps and make a REAL gritty, serious, dark Batman.
Agree so much.

Dudes praise Nolan's Bat movies like crazy. If he had actually adapted some highly acclaimed source material fans would've gone insane.

And yeah, Bats in the Marvel universe is a dream I've had ever since that one time DC was on hard times and there was a chance.
Can y’all answer me lol

Is this Pattinson Batman in the current dceu? Or a separate Batman like the joker film coming out which is its own universe ?
Echoing some more rational members here, he wouldn't be my first choice but I'm reserving judgment based on his past work and Reeves' resume.

Some of you going so far back as Ledger being a dubious casting announcement. Y'all forgetting Gal Gadot? I was extremely skeptical about ol girl till I actually watched her movie and I thought she killed it. Not Joker level, of course, but she did way better than I expected.
Echoing some more rational members here, he wouldn't be my first choice but I'm reserving judgment based on his past work and Reeves' resume.

Some of you going so far back as Ledger being a dubious casting announcement. Y'all forgetting Gal Gadot? I was extremely skeptical about ol girl till I actually watched her movie and I thought she killed it. Not Joker level, of course, but she did way better than I expected.
Gal Gadot sucks bruh.
And so does that Larson chick, but I digress.
Multiple film critics and audiences praised her portrayal of the character. Jenkins had a hand in it too with her direction. Again, she's not Heath level (really, who is?) but WW is one of the few bright spots in DCEU.

What didn't you like about her performance?

Only concerns I have is whether he will work out. It's gonna be a young Batman so he doesn't have to be big but he needs some definition

Also worried about the voice he'll use
Son definitely has that brooding rich pretty white boy look.

But dudes are already crying because "TwiLiGhT"!

Hope y'all had this same energy when "FLAME ON!" Evans was cast as Captain America

Those f4 movies were way better than that twilight garbage.
Can y’all answer me lol

Is this Pattinson Batman in the current dceu? Or a separate Batman like the joker film coming out which is its own universe ?

DC isn't necessarily being stringent on continuity right now. They're more focused on making decent self-contained movies.

As of right now we don't really know where this stands in the DCeU, especially given how young Pattinson is. It's possibly a prequel.

Those f4 movies were way better than that twilight garbage.

Fun fact: Robert Pattinson would probably agree with you. He hated Twilight.
Can y’all answer me lol

Is this Pattinson Batman in the current dceu? Or a separate Batman like the joker film coming out which is its own universe ?
From what i've read this does take place in the DCEU, but it's going to be set in the 90's during the beginning of his crusade.
I don't know if Pattinson can pull being Batman and sure he's got acting chops, but he still has the Twilight stink all over him, for better or for worse.

kristen stewart more believable as batman. No doubt she probably got rough with pattinson.
“Hey, give the new lex a chance. You haven’t seen the movie yet!!!! Snarf snarf!!!”

*sees movie*

“you just don’t like DC anyway!!! Snarf!!!”

“You didn’t see the 4 hour cut!!!!”

“Look at Heath!!” *doesn't understand how statistical outliers work*


Y’all pathetic and it’s hilarious
“Hey, give the new lex a chance. You haven’t seen the movie yet!!!! Snarf snarf!!!”

*sees movie*

“you just don’t like DC anyway!!! Snarf!!!”

“You didn’t see the 4 hour cut!!!!”

“Look at Heath!!” *doesn't understand how statistical outliers work*


Y’all pathetic and it’s hilarious
says the one that keeps coming in here and saying the same things over and over. You have anything better to do? Btw Robert is 6’1 Christian Bale was 6’0 and Tom cruise is 5’7
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“Hey, give the new lex a chance. You haven’t seen the movie yet!!!! Snarf snarf!!!”

*sees movie*

“you just don’t like DC anyway!!! Snarf!!!”

“You didn’t see the 4 hour cut!!!!”

“Look at Heath!!” *doesn't understand how statistical outliers work*


Y’all pathetic and it’s hilarious

Another rational and thoughtful argument. Well done sir
Word, I did give Lex a chance...even after the movie dropped I was trying to justify by projecting that he'd be a more traditional Lex going forward.

I don't have high expectations for this casting. Seems like it could be a miss, but obviously it's too early to day.

I think it says a lot about the tone they're going for with this movie, though. Definitely noir detective style. I'm not sure whether this dude would be good or bad in this role, but I think a lot can be said about the baggage an actor brings to the role with him, and how the fans of DC see him (probably mainly as the Twilight guy).

Of course he has played different roles since then, but the general movie fan and/or fans of the DC films probably didn't go see those movies to get the bad taste of his twilight role out of their mouths.

I don't really see the Heath comparison, because that really was the last thing anyone expected. I don't expect lightning to strike twice for DC in that way.

With that said, we'll see.
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