DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

so you’re saying they should play it safe? I’m sorry didn’t most of y’all complain about a certain franchise playing it safe with the force awakens. Might as well cast the joker and start from the beginning with his parents dying if you want to play it safe. Origin story here we go.

Not playing it safe with Star Wars is why majority of “us” are upset now. Take liberties when they make sense but give us a tried and true story and look that we can appreciate and adore. You wanna take a liberty with Batman, start the movie off with “A death in the family” and have Robin get beaten to death and die within the first 20 mins.
I'm watching this Batman v. Ninja Turtles. Joker and Ra's just exposed the entire Arkham Asylum to the mutagen ooze and now everyone's turned into a messed up monster. ****'s wild :rofl:
The original report indicated that all three are co-starring


We cant really **** on Reeves for casting Pattinson and then have crickets for Nolan casting him to co-star in what's rumored to be a huge action movie, which according to Pattinson, is as long as "three movies"

If we're looking at it like that then I'm not really that confident or expecting much from Pattinson in Nolan's new movie either.

But I think of Nolan's last movie which was good but could you tell me who was starring in Dunkirk? :lol: **** was an ensemble flick with no real lead. Most notable actor I think was Tom Hardy but anybody who saw the movie would not call him the lead in that movie

So if anything was questionable I'd just hope Nolan went story first and hid the actors like in Dunkirk.
so you’re saying they should play it safe? I’m sorry didn’t most of y’all complain about a certain franchise playing it safe with the force awakens. Might as well cast the joker and start from the beginning with his parents dying if you want to play it safe. Origin story here we go.
Playing it safe with Stars Wars gave us that lame *** JJ Abrams rehash TFA.

Then Rian went to the extreme opposite and it wasnt even constructed well. Went unsafe to the detriment of the franchise. He just muddied up the story with TLJ.

With Batman its really not hard. DC at least learned from their trash Batman flicks of the 90s.

The mistake they made with Battffleck is not making a solo Batman movie. It would've sold and given the talk from the ppl with poor taste that did like BvS, the Batman action was the best stuff about the movie.

Even though BvS wasnt good by any means there is a good and possibly great Batman movie with the concept of an older Batman who hasnt really succeeded with his war on crime, that has take Ls, and kills his villains now that just came off trying to kill Superman and then formed the Justice League. It's darker but still has plenty of potential.

As far as I see it DC missed a hige opportunity. I mean we're talking since 2017 and this Reeves Batman movie isnt set to come out until 2021 :smh:
If we're looking at it like that then I'm not really that confident or expecting much from Pattinson in Nolan's new movie either.

Pattinson is a fantastic actor man so I'm not sure why you wouldn't expect much from him

Then again you haven't seen Good Time which arguably is his best role to date.

Pattinson has avoided big Hollywood movies on purpose over the past decade or so, by his own admission. If Batman is true, the fact that he has auditioned for and been casted in leading roles for two guaranteed blockbusters by two critically acclaimed directors is significant.

I'm not really seeing an angle from which to be negative about this one.

If dudes are mad because he was in Twilight then that's a personal problem and won't reflect on Pattinson's performance, his critical reception as Batman, the quality of the actual film, or box office numbers.

For the criticisms and complaints....

I'm seeing a lot of people defending the casting actually especially on IG and YouTube.
I'd say one of the issues of an older Batman is that eventually they'd have to recast him/introduce a new Batman after only a few movies. It doesn't help that WB/DC doesn't have a clear roadmap or plan of any sort. Affleck barely survived 2 films before dude called it quits.
Pattinson is a fantastic actor man so I'm not sure why you wouldn't expect much from him.
I disagree.

Hence, my entire reasoning :lol: Not hard to understand.

Fantastic actor simply isnt my opinion of Pattinson and thats because I have seen him in more than those Twilight movies.

I doubt one movie will change that but I'll catch Good Time tonight or tomorrow.
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I disagree.

Hence, my entire reasoning :lol: Not hard to understand.

Fantastic actor simply isnt my opinion of Pattinson.

I doubt one movie will change that but I'll catch Good Time tonight or tomorrow.
you disagree ok and. I don’t mind this casting if it turns out to be true. I’ve seen all the twilights and I’ve seen some of his other movies so including goblet of fire. If you don’t like it don’t see it. That simple
Affleck gave a fantastic performance as Bruce Wayne in BvS, unfortunately it seems that once he realized the movie was a failure he pretty much phoned it in for JL. The best parts of that movie were pretty much any scene containing Affleck and Irons.

There's a lot of nuance to his performance. He plays a really believable drunken rich idiot and flips the switch to serious and Batman-ish on the dot. The first minute of this clip shows what I mean.

I'd say one of the issues of an older Batman is that eventually they'd have to recast him/introduce a new Batman after only a few movies. It doesn't help that WB/DC doesn't have a clear roadmap or plan of any sort. Affleck barely survived 2 films before dude called it quits.
Well that was their plan when they had Snyder in charge. So somehow an older Batman in JL movies and a solo trilogy was somehow gonna work. Trash movies, poor reactions/reviews, and box office not reaching expectations stalled all of that.
you disagree ok and. I don’t mind this casting if it turns out to be true. I’ve seen all the twilights and I’ve seen some of his other movies so including goblet of fire. If you don’t like it don’t see it. That simple
That's exactly why I get to complain and criticize it. It doesnt matter to me at all if you dont mind the casting. I'm not trying to convicne you to not like it. Simply explaining why I don't.

Also it's not like this is a Pattinson led Batman movie directed by Snyder or Singer. I'll still give Reeves a chance with this movie but given how long he's taken, that he still hasnt finalized the script and his choice might be Pattinson I ain't gonna be lenient if its not good.

I mean it's Batman, one of my favorite superheroes. Even if it got BvS reviews I'd still give it a look if not in theaters then whenver it ended up on tv :lol: Just so I could be informed on another way not to do it.
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"Older" Batman as an idea works fine. DC ****** up by making him too old. Nobody asked for a Batman in his mid 40s.

In the original comics Batman started his career at around age 23. Meaning "older" could easily have been a 33 year old Batman (Incidentally Pattinson's age) with 10 solid years of experience.
Well that was their plan when they had Snyder in charge. So somehow an older Batman in JL movies and a solo trilogy was somehow gonna work. Trash movies, poor reactions/reviews, and box office not reaching expectations stalled all of that.

Yup, makes sense. But for arguments sake, let's say BvS and JL worked critically and financially. How many more "I'm too old for this ****"-Batman movies would we have gotten before they'd recast or introduce a new Dark Knight? Two? Three tops...before it just looks ridiculous?

I say this because I assume they had wanted Affleck to be the Tony Stark of the cinematic universe and have him stick around for a while. Problem is Affleck wasn't exactly a spring chicken. And Tony Stark doesn't need nearly the physical demands of a Batman
BvS should have been a solo Battfleck film. Mention of Superman should have been limited to maybe Easter egg type video footage, like here:

DC could have set up the duality of these two characters by establishing contrasting tones for their movies before putting them together. Keep Wonder Woman away for the moment.

After the Battfleck movie, make a WW solo and MoS sequel and THEN start mashing these characters together.
That should play well with the general audience :lol:

Imagine little Timmy crying less than half an hour into the movie
It's Batman though :lol:

If kids can take dozens of heroes turning to dust why not a tragedy in Batman. Its not even like the comic or animation showed the brutal murder.
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Yup, makes sense. But for arguments sake, let's say BvS and JL worked critically and financially. How many more "I'm too old for this ****"-Batman movies would we have gotten before they'd recast or introduce a new Dark Knight? Two? Three tops...before it just looks ridiculous?

I say this because I assume they had wanted Affleck to be the Tony Stark of the cinematic universe and have him stick around for a while. Problem is Affleck wasn't exactly a spring chicken. And Tony Stark doesn't need nearly the physical demands of a Batman
If BvS did a billi + like it should've then we would've got a Batman trilogy and a MoS trilogy.

They could've strung old Batman just as long as they did RDJR as Iron Man, roughly 10-12 years. RDJR started as Tony Stark in his 40s and is noe done in his 50s. Affleck started as Batman in his 40s, 2 movies and like 4 years later he's done.

As far as physical demands, its not like Batffleck was doing his own stunts and all of the most amazing Bat action in BvS was mostly cgi.

And given DC has the luxury of crisis events if they wanted a change earlier they could do a Crisis and bring in a new cast or mix it up 7 years or so in.
BvS should have been a solo Battfleck film. Mention of Superman should have been limited to maybe Easter egg type video footage, like here:

DC could have set up the duality of these two characters by establishing contrasting tones for their movies before putting them together. Keep Wonder Woman away for the moment.

After the Battfleck movie, make a WW solo and MoS sequel and THEN start mashing these characters together.

The rumor that never came to fruition but would’ve been PERFECT had BvS split into 2 parts with the first part being Batman focused and having the subtitle Enter the Knight and the second part being Superman focused with the subtitle we actually got, Dawn of Justice. I’m positive it was entertained by higher ups and Snyder shot so much footage that was left on the cutting room floor or used to flesh out the Ultimate edition that this would’ve been something that would’ve changed the whole trajectory of DC and honestly they would be in a MUCH MUCH better spot had they went this route. WB didn’t want to have the box office profits split like that I would guess. Jokes on them :smh:
They skipped so much to fast track right into a BvS story yet still somehow managed to work in Batman's parents dying again.
Who would y’all pick to play Batman ?

Since Robert Pat isn’t confirmed yet

IMO Gabriel macht would be good
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