DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

thats what most are doing by pushing films back a year or two

they'll definitely hold as much as they can
Also I saw an ad on YouTube that said theaters are opening up again like now but they having only a lil bit of people in theaters at a time, spread out seats and sanitization between each showing.

I wouldn’t be mad if theaters opened back up nationwide with the above measures + like plexiglass or something between people. Use disposable seat coverings or something. It’s time for these folks to get creative :lol:
Tenet didn't bring back audiences in the U.S. and it scared off the studios any of the big flicks until next year at the earliest.
yall think Endgame woulda brought people back?

Also when films DO return the visual fx better be AMAZING!!

All this time they had to get it perfect
Perhaps the smart move would be to release all the movies that are done on demand, then release them in theatres again whenever they fully open
Disney was the proverbial lamb to slaughter when they took what more than likely would’ve been a proven hit based on the box office trend upward of remade Disney classics and put it on their popular streaming site. 66 mil later it’s safe to say that they aren’t getting the ROI on a 200 mil investment. WB was better off pushing back WW to 2021 if the streaming rumors are true. The movies will open again, they already have but people have been understandably cautious.
Disney was the proverbial lamb to slaughter when they took what more than likely would’ve been a proven hit based on the box office trend upward of remade Disney classics and put it on their popular streaming site. 66 mil later it’s safe to say that they aren’t getting the ROI on a 200 mil investment. WB was better off pushing back WW to 2021 if the streaming rumors are true. The movies will open again, they already have but people have been understandably cautious.
And will be whenever they open back up vaccine or not. Those first few movies won't make their money back. Its a lose/lose situation currently.
Also I saw an ad on YouTube that said theaters are opening up again like now but they having only a lil bit of people in theaters at a time, spread out seats and sanitization between each showing.

I wouldn’t be mad if theaters opened back up nationwide with the above measures + like plexiglass or something between people. Use disposable seat coverings or something. It’s time for these folks to get creative :lol:

Tenet didn't bring back audiences in the U.S. and it scared off the studios any of the big flicks until next year at the earliest.

My theaters are at 40% and I just looked at Tenet and they have it in the Dolby room all week for 35% off. Room's are totally empty too, I got no problem rocking a mask either, for a couple hours watching a movie.
The problem with that is, I don't think people would be willing to go to the theaters and pay to see a movie that was already out on streaming.

People who appreciate watching on a big screen would. Not sure if thats a lot of people though. Nothing compares to watching in a theater, I dont care how big a tv you got
I'm definitely one of those people who would choose the theater over streaming. I'm just not sure if there are enough people like me out there
My wife and I prefer theaters over the crib too. But we also prefer our safety over everything, so I honestly don’t know when we would go back to a theater.
maybe its time to fully invest in drive-in theaters

That would be perfect here in Southern California, in Los Angeles. It's just sad that a lot of the old historical Drive-In spots were bought out to be made into random parking lots or shopping areas. Would love to see them comeback though.

Time to watch this “Batman: Death in the family”
I like the move. They can use the show to test out concepts/visuals and see how it turns out before committing to the big screen with the Green Lantern A-Team.
I mean is the show really gonna be connected to the movie anyway?

Like who they cast as Sinestro is gonna be the same guy for the movies? (I cant imagine they do GL movies with no Sinestro).
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