DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

I wish more of zod's goons did more than just chill in the background. I wanted clark to fight all of them.
Beginning was great. I'd love to see a prequel

Cavill was bland. Dont know if thats was on purpose

Dont really remember anything before Zod showed up besides stupid tornado scene

Didnt care for Lois

Action was whatever. People wanted to see Supes hit stuff. They got what they wanted

Movies a good 6.5 / 10. Could somebody translate that to the infamous /8 scale please. I'm still learning.
5.2 / 8
I actually rewatched Man of Steel for the first time in awhile.. my same thoughts still stand. A lot of good, a lot of eh, and overall the movie didn't land like it should have. It was paint by numbers.

Awesome stuff with Jor-El, Zod, and Krypton. I loved Superman actually fighting. There were moments with Pa Kent that were great... but then there were areas they missed out on. with him. I've been over it before so it's not worth going back into.. but there's snapshots of a great movie. You could list off a collection of scenes and moments and just reading them you can imagine a near perfect Superman movie, but once it's all together it doesn't flow, it's not strong from a narrative sense. The flashbacks were too often and all over the place, the pacing wasn't strong, other than Zod and Clark sometimes, the characters weren't as good as they could have been. I thought Lois was misused, Pa Kent had his moments but I didn't know if I loved his portrayal and message and that death scene was awful.

MOS was basically a 70% great Superman movie. Maybe I'm being too hard on it and should just accept it for what it is, rather than what it should and could have been.. but I was so optimistic and hopeful before it came out. A few different character choices, another pass on the screenplay, a bit of rethinking for the structure and plotting, and it improves the overall movie for me.

I completely agree with this and never understood the utter hatred of MoS here

The fight in Smallville with Hans Zimmer's score is a top tier CbM fight.
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I completely agree with this and never understood the utter hatred of MoS here

The fight in Smallville with Hans Zimmer's score is a top tier CbM fight.
Visually, it's okay I guess. But it's nothing but super strong guy punch other guy, they fall back, fly towards each other, and repeat.
I agree with you and I've always said that I like the film (a lot) but I can definitely see where others do not.

I've also stated this before but I would love to see a cut of the film is rearranged where it isn't all over the place, I think I might have wanted them to just start the film with Clark as a kid who discovers his powers and then move on to his grown up self instead of flashbacks.

I liked that they didn't do that, because we've already seen that route before.

We saw baby Supes, then toddler liftin cars, then high school, etc. In order.

It was better to have flashbacks to key moments, but I do get where someone would feel it was out of pace that way. I get it. I don't agree, but I at least understand why someone would feel that way.

Same with pa death. It coulda been better, absolutely, but everything else from Costner was golden. He was exactly what being a father is about, and imagine having to tell your son to let a bus full of kids die, but mean it with the purpose of what he would someday become. Not to just be a cold hearted human, but to protect him as long as possible for what he will someday face.

I can't imagine having to teach my child that kind of message, when all that child wants to do is help, and to save people, and help innocent kids.

The cloak and dagger of helping people, then having to disappear so the whispers don't get too loud.
Holding back against the dude in the bar, or the kid wanting to fight.
Protecting his mother from Zod.
Saving the military guys, that were shooting at him.
Crowe's advice furthering Costner's teachings

I mean, he nailed all of that stuff, and made Clark Kent a more normal American guy, not the doofus he was always portrayed as. Superman drinking a beer, with facial hair & ****, watchin a ballgame. That hit far more than geeky reporter droppin coffee all over himself and saving cats.

It wasn't a perfect film, but it was really really solid.
I think Snyders take on the kid Clark has more substance because each experience somewhat molded him so I wouldn't mind it not a flashback at all.

I do think it is a bit convuloted because it is out of order, I feel that Deadpool did the flashback better because it is straightforward and in chronological order. I just think it was out of place how MoS transitions from present to flashback.

I really didn't mind it at all though, I got the whole film and what it was trying to convey but I think that tweak would make it more enjoyable to more people.
I completely agree with this and never understood the utter hatred of MoS here

The fight in Smallville with Hans Zimmer's score is a top tier CbM fight.

Visually, it's okay I guess. But it's nothing but super strong guy punch other guy, they fall back, fly towards each other, and repeat.
In the end, it feels like one section of fans or Superman fans just wanted that and if they're hung up on past Supes flicks not giving them that I can get wanting that but there's more to that to a Superman movie imo but I guess that has to do with what you expect of a good Superman movie.
In the end, it feels like one section of fans or Superman fans just wanted that and if they're hung up on past Supes flicks not giving them that I can get wanting that but there's more to that to a Superman movie imo but I guess that has to do with what you expect of a good Superman movie.

I agree, but there was a good amount of people wanting superman to be all brolic and ****. They definitely got it. The story was just average. Me personally, I cant see what story they can tell to make the guy interesting to me. He needs a flaw. Like give him a super ego or something. I know hes supposed to represent the ideal man or some **** like that, but he needs something that makes him stand out other than he's ultra powerful.
In the end, it feels like one section of fans or Superman fans just wanted that and if they're hung up on past Supes flicks not giving them that I can get wanting that but there's more to that to a Superman movie imo but I guess that has to do with what you expect of a good Superman movie.

I agree, but there was a good amount of people wanting superman to be all brolic and ****. They definitely got it. The story was just average. Me personally, I cant see what story they can tell to make the guy interesting to me. He needs a flaw. Like give him a super ego or something. I know hes supposed to represent the ideal man or some **** like that, but he needs something that makes him stand out other than he's ultra powerful.
Well I can see your point but I don't think that's necessarily the case. I agree, he's boring and not all that likeable and it almost seems childish to just give in to he's supper powerful so let him just wreck **** in fights.

But attitude and personality wise, Cap has the same problem. He's boring. Has no real flaws and is pretty lame but that didn't stop Marvel from making a great movie around that character. I feel the same could be done for Superman. They managed to do it from time to time in Superman animated series and Justice League cartoon. It's just about making a really good story to hide w/e the character is lacking. Cap stayed himself in a badass action espionage-esque movie with a good twist.

Supes, his back story, and his villains have the same potential. WB/DC just aint getting the right writers to pen it.
cap and superman 

what everyone should strive to be 
Cap is whack

Superman is an awkward farm boy fron Kansas, raised by loving parents with a great moral foundation, trying his hardest to reconcile himself with his new identity as an alien god, who just wants to do the right thing.

Yall should read Superman Unchained. Best Superman storyline in years
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That's another thing but it's personal preference. Supes story on Earth is so butchered.

QT got it right about Superman that Clark Kent is the disguise. I feel his entire attitude and personality is a lie. He puts it on to deal with humans. The real him is the mystery. He's still good and all that but not some socially awkward lame trying to be unnoticed.

That's why I like scumbag golden age Supes and a bit of the silver age. I wish they'd revamp **** where he had more than one fake human ID. I was liking the recent developments I read about where Lois exposed he was Clark to the world and he basically had to be Kal-El Superman 24/7.

I'd also be down for him to start rejecting this he's the best of us bull ****. He isn't us. He should champion his otherness. If humans think he's morally better that's just cuz he came from an advanced alien world. Not cuz of some farmers who raised him with this dumb idea of don't let anybody know who you are even if our lives are at risk.
That's another thing but it's personal preference. Supes story on Earth is so butchered.

QT got it right about Superman that Clark Kent is the disguise. I feel his entire attitude and personality is a lie. He puts it on to deal with humans. The real him is the mystery. He's still good and all that but not some socially awkward lame trying to be unnoticed.

That's why I like scumbag golden age Supes and a bit of the silver age. I wish they'd revamp **** where he had more than one fake human ID. I was liking the recent developments I read about where Lois exposed he was Clark to the world and he basically had to be Kal-El Superman 24/7.

I'd also be down for him to start rejecting this he's the best of us bull ****. He isn't us. He should champion his otherness. If humans think he's morally better that's just cuz he came from an advanced alien world. Not cuz of some farmers who raised him with this dumb idea of don't let anybody know who you are even if our lives are at risk.

Ironic that you feel some type of way about a story you wanted but didn't get but back the hell outta Lucas for his bull ****. Interesting. :lol:

"Marvel" did go a great job with Cap, by naming the movie on the bad guy, and having maybe the best scene in the film be based on Nick Fury's character, and Cap just kinda rides the coattails of his own movie. Yay for Marvel, you suck DC.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Cap is whack

Superman is an awkward farm boy fron Kansas, raised by loving parents with a great moral foundation, trying his hardest to reconcile himself with his new identity as an alien god, who just wants to do the right thing.

Yall should read Superman Unchained. Best Superman storyline in years

My man :pimp:,Jim Lee's lazy *** made it take forever to finish but it ended up being worth the wait imo :lol: :pimp:.
That's another thing but it's personal preference. Supes story on Earth is so butchered.

QT got it right about Superman that Clark Kent is the disguise. I feel his entire attitude and personality is a lie. He puts it on to deal with humans. The real him is the mystery. He's still good and all that but not some socially awkward lame trying to be unnoticed.

That's why I like scumbag golden age Supes and a bit of the silver age. I wish they'd revamp **** where he had more than one fake human ID. I was liking the recent developments I read about where Lois exposed he was Clark to the world and he basically had to be Kal-El Superman 24/7.

I'd also be down for him to start rejecting this he's the best of us bull ****. He isn't us. He should champion his otherness. If humans think he's morally better that's just cuz he came from an advanced alien world. Not cuz of some farmers who raised him with this dumb idea of don't let anybody know who you are even if our lives are at risk.

Ironic that you feel some type of way about a story you wanted but didn't get but back the hell outta Lucas for his bull ****. Interesting. :lol:
What story did I want but didn't get?

You're confused again CP. I wasn't talking about MOS. I had no expectations AT ALL :lol: I think I thought it was gonna suck.

What I'm talking about in that post is Superman overall from the comics to the movies. It's a general disagreement with how Superman is viewed and written. What I'm talking about is the Superman that's always existed in the movies in any form. How could you really draw a comparison to your Star Wars stuff? Superman is based off a comic. Supes was written differently at times. I got comics to draw from to support my argument. You're disagreement deals with the creator and storyteller of the franchise. Been crying a river since I disagreed with you about it ever since. This aint the place. These things are not the same no matter how much you want to rationalize it down to that.

As for you making this about Star Wars and Lucas again *sigh*. There is no irony cuz there is no comparison. **** Superman. There is no storied trilogy to this characters name and if you want to whittle this down to my opinion about MOS compared to your constant *****ing about the prequels it's totally one sided with the lengths you have gone. Just check your post history for the evidence.

What I back Lucas on tends to not be about the stuff you constantly whine about but I'm really not gonna get in to you and your whole Star Wars thing. You still can't let it go :smh:

"Marvel" did go a great job with Cap, by naming the movie on the bad guy, and having maybe the best scene in the film be based on Nick Fury's character, and Cap just kinda rides the coattails of his own movie. Yay for Marvel, you suck DC.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
The movie is based off of a Captain America comic dealing with the return of Bucky and the Secret Warriors comic (go read it) obviously adapted and changed for the movie. Stayed pretty faithful to both when dealing with the twists they used. Outside of that the movie was still strong given how they gave Cap an ensemble, built his relationship with Falcon, and had him on the run with BW. Only time Cap is on his own is in fights.

Marvel took a superhero who I think isn't all that interesting (just my opinion) and made a really good movie around him. Effectively hiding most about what I don't like about the character and elevating what's generally likable. It was a great improvement from the first movie and his showing in Avengers.

I feel Superman has the same potential, you disagree? Oh well. I don't really see how you could frame it in another way to make this about praising Marvel stuff you seem salty about :lol: or Star Wars and George Lucas :smh:
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But attitude and personality wise, Cap has the same problem. He's boring. Has no real flaws and is pretty lame but that didn't stop Marvel from making a great movie around that character. I feel the same could be done for Superman. They managed to do it from time to time in Superman animated series and Justice League cartoon. It's just about making a really good story to hide w/e the character is lacking. Cap stayed himself in a badass action espionage-esque movie with a good twist.

Supes, his back story, and his villains have the same potential. WB/DC just aint getting the right writers to pen it.

That's another thing but it's personal preference. Supes story on Earth is so butchered.

QT got it right about Superman that Clark Kent is the disguise. I feel his entire attitude and personality is a lie. He puts it on to deal with humans. The real him is the mystery. He's still good and all that but not some socially awkward lame trying to be unnoticed.

That's why I like scumbag golden age Supes and a bit of the silver age. I wish they'd revamp **** where he had more than one fake human ID. I was liking the recent developments I read about where Lois exposed he was Clark to the world and he basically had to be Kal-El Superman 24/7.

I'd also be down for him to start rejecting this he's the best of us bull ****. He isn't us. He should champion his otherness. If humans think he's morally better that's just cuz he came from an advanced alien world. Not cuz of some farmers who raised him with this dumb idea of don't let anybody know who you are even if our lives are at risk.

Looks an awful lot like wanting to see something a certain way, but not getting it.

I think I thought it was gonna suck.

What a shocking development.

What I'm talking about in that post is Superman overall from the comics to the movies.

MOS isn't about the comics tho, is it? Aren't we past needing to follow any comics in these movies? Bits and pieces, adjust a few things, update, modernize, etc, use as a guide more than a step by step draft of how to make a film?

What you don't see is I don't care about Marvel, or DC. Movies are movies. I love Marvel movies, I love DC movies. I dislike some Marvel Movies, I dislike some DC movies. You seem to feel a certain way towards anything on one end of the spectrum. DC doesn't hire this, DC doesn't do this right, DC shoulda done this......DC rumors are all true no matter how many times RFX points out they're not. Just seems suspect to me.

I know, you're gonna point out 2-3 nice comments you've made about something DC, you liked The Dark Knight or something, I'm full of ****, etc etc, I know. No need to type it out, I'll just "believe" you and move on. No worries.

I'll also pretend you haven't already judged Batman v Superman and no matter how good it is, or isn't, it won't change your opinion one damn bit from January 2016 to April of 2016, it sucks, Snyder sucks, writing sucks, Superman sucks, Affleck sucks, Wonder Woman sucks, everything about the entire movie, franchise, studio etc all suck.

But you just spittin "truth", not some bull **** narrative you'll trump up. It's all in "our" heads here on NT. :lol:

You just post in here a lot, for a movie franchise you hate even before seeing the films. Kinda like Sunshine, but a Knicks fan.
No no, not tryna battle or nothin, I like Zik, he's a good dude, we just disagree on a couple items is all. Just choppin it up, no biggie.
But attitude and personality wise, Cap has the same problem. He's boring. Has no real flaws and is pretty lame but that didn't stop Marvel from making a great movie around that character. I feel the same could be done for Superman. They managed to do it from time to time in Superman animated series and Justice League cartoon. It's just about making a really good story to hide w/e the character is lacking. Cap stayed himself in a badass action espionage-esque movie with a good twist.

Supes, his back story, and his villains have the same potential. WB/DC just aint getting the right writers to pen it.

That's another thing but it's personal preference. Supes story on Earth is so butchered.

QT got it right about Superman that Clark Kent is the disguise. I feel his entire attitude and personality is a lie. He puts it on to deal with humans. The real him is the mystery. He's still good and all that but not some socially awkward lame trying to be unnoticed.

That's why I like scumbag golden age Supes and a bit of the silver age. I wish they'd revamp **** where he had more than one fake human ID. I was liking the recent developments I read about where Lois exposed he was Clark to the world and he basically had to be Kal-El Superman 24/7.

I'd also be down for him to start rejecting this he's the best of us bull ****. He isn't us. He should champion his otherness. If humans think he's morally better that's just cuz he came from an advanced alien world. Not cuz of some farmers who raised him with this dumb idea of don't let anybody know who you are even if our lives are at risk.

Looks an awful lot like wanting to see something a certain way, but not getting it.
I'm not talking about MOS the movie though.

Why can't you get that? That 2nd post came right after KF's post and that description imo about Supes being awkward calls back more to the comics which is why I leaned in to that about my view on Superman being written a different way. I'm well aware of what Superman has been. This isn't about me wanting something I didn't get. It's about there being another way to do it that I'm not the only one aware of it.

I'm talking about Superman overall. There was a time Superman was written a different way. Then DC ignored all of that and made him the blue boy scout. Then I think Morrison or Waid or Byrne gave him that farm life childhood. Ma and Pa Kent weren't there from the start. It's been basically like that ever since except alt versions.

All I'm saying is if you look at the other comics there's another way to go

I think I thought it was gonna suck.

What a shocking development.
Well given you actually were assuming the opposite a post ago now I'm lost on what you're even talking about at this point.

You were wrong about me wanting or expecting the movie to be one way so instead of dropping it I'm getting sarcasm. C'mon man, why even bother replying?

What I'm talking about in that post is Superman overall from the comics to the movies.

MOS isn't about the comics tho, is it?
No it isn't and if you don't want to discuss that it's okay. You can post about something else or have a convo with somebody else.

Now you're basically trying to take what I'm talking about and make it fit this small thing you want to argue about :lol:

Aren't we past needing to follow any comics in these movies? Bits and pieces, adjust a few things, update, modernize, etc, use as a guide more than a step by step draft of how to make a film?
This has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with what I'm talking about

What you don't see is I don't care about Marvel, or DC. Movies are movies. I love Marvel movies, I love DC movies. I dislike some Marvel Movies, I dislike some DC movies.
Are you on your period or something? :lol:

Are you really taking a post you completely misread and/or misunderstood as a chance to whine and complain to me about something you don't like in my posts or a trend you're aware of? So ******* what?

Get over it.

You seem to feel a certain way towards anything on one end of the spectrum. DC doesn't hire this, DC doesn't do this right, DC shoulda done this......DC rumors are all true no matter how many times RFX points out they're not. Just seems suspect to me.
When it comes to the movies I do not like a lot of WB/DC decisions and movies they've come out with. Not counting Batman which has for the most part satisfying if not amazing.

I felt they should've done Superman Lives and the JL movie. I feel they've hired **** directors or the wrong ones for certain franchises.

Exactly what are you suspecting me of? I'm not hiding anything. There is no alternative agenda. It's just they're continuing to do what they do and so far my opinions haven't changed.

If you don't like my opinion that's fine. This is remedial conflict resolution.

I know, you're gonna point out 2-3 nice comments you've made about something DC, you liked The Dark Knight or something, I'm full of ****, etc etc, I know. No need to type it out, I'll just "believe" you and move on. No worries.
Then keep doing that.

I'm not really a big Superman fan. I've stated what I like about the character and what I would like to see from the character across the board.

Where are you with all this complaining when I say this **** about Captain America? We delve in to comic book talk to cartoon talk and other mediums in the MCU thread ALL the time. Might as well keep this whining to yourself.

I'll also pretend you haven't already judged Batman v Superman and no matter how good it is, or isn't, it won't change your opinion one damn bit from January 2016 to April of 2016, it sucks, Snyder sucks, writing sucks, Superman sucks, Affleck sucks, Wonder Woman sucks, everything about the entire movie, franchise, studio etc all suck.
I don't care what you pretend. Just stop all this whining and complaining about my opinion.

Also this is how I know you're developing a bias and it's just pathetic, I've championed Batffleck from the start. It's literally the best casting choice they've made for their shared cinematic universe but I think you just blinded by what you want to read.

I could make a post now about Jeremy Irons and next week you'll be saying how I said their choice for Alfred was horrible :lol: :smh:

But you just spittin "truth", not some bull **** narrative you'll trump up. It's all in "our" heads here on NT. :lol:

You just post in here a lot, for a movie franchise you hate even before seeing the films. Kinda like Sunshine, but a Knicks fan.
Is this not the overall DCCU thread?

Is the movie not Batman vs. Superman? Believe me if it was Green Arrow vs. Superman I'd barely be in here talking about it.

I feel like you just mad a few pgs ago I brought up the MOS topic again and now you're reading any post looking for something to argue about. This literally is going on cuz you assumed wrong again and wanted to bring Star Wars and George Lucas in to it. Now it's about me being suspect and how I post in here a lot and create "narratives". You all over the place :lol:

I get it you loved MOS and hate that I don't like it. Bothers you a lot. That don't mean I can't talk about what I think could make better future movies or talk about the overall potential for a comic book character.

Perhaps if you can not deal with my opinion, stop reading it for a while? You just seem really unnecessarily grumpy about it.
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