DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

I'm calling a spade a spade.

You are obviously emotional the lack of character development of Superman. Superman.

Think about that.

I'm not attacking you I'm making an observation.
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I'm calling spade a spade.

You are obviously emotional the lack of character development of Superman. Superman.

Think about that.

I'm not attacking you I'm making an observation.
are you having a seizure? 

is this even english? 

I am discussing character development of a character in a movie that just came out. you're the one getting emotional.

block me and move on, stop crying bout me
Because no gives a **** about Superman.
these simpleton answers :rofl:

Go outside interact with real human beings. You might meet a girl and get some *****.

You have to want more out of life than arguing about sports and super hero movies on a sneaker messageboard

You sound rustled and mad trying to go at dude about getting yambs.

“What’s the point of telling people how much you didn’t like something, how much you think a movie has destroyed your vision of a character or a comic has made you feel like you wasted your money. ”

To motivate them to create something better? To challenge low standards? If you love something, you want it to be as good as it can be, yeah? Or are we supposed to just be grateful that these things exist, no matter how they're executed?

Enough of this “stop hating” stuff, please. Criticism should be taken on a case by case basis, and saying that negativity never has a purpose is completely ignoring all of the legitimate criticism out there.
Criticism is and remains a very valid, even vital, avenue of discourse. Doing away with it makes no sense, as a cogent summary of issues can be invaluable in eventual growth and improvement.
There's an open dialog in the movie about Superman's decisions and heroics. Clark has a conversation with Lois where she talks about the cost of being a hero and the perception of him after thanking him for rescuing her. I thought the movie showed Supes struggle with heroism and perception fine.

The courtroom was just a set-up by Lex to make Supes look bad. He knew Supes would show up because he wants to be fair and do things humanities way even though he is much more powerful than them. Lex took advantage of that and Lex Luthor has been setting up Supes to look bad for decades. Lex can't control the world if Superman can walk (or fly haha) freely.

Superman on screen to me just looked like someone who wanted to help people in need. He flew to Africa. He flew to Mexico to save that little girl in the burning building. He flew to Russia to stop that rocket from crashing and blowing up. Throughout the movie the discussion comes up that sometimes people perceive things wrongly and Superman is starting to be OK with that as long as he can help people.

When he gives his life to stop Doomsday, that continues with the theme of Superman throughout the film where he just wants to do the right thing and protect humanity. Even at a cost to him, whether it's wrongly perceived bad publicity or his life.

This guy gets it.

Martha Wayne as Joker :pimp:

Was lowkey disappointed we didn't get to see more of her in the Flashpoint animated film.
There's an open dialog in the movie about Superman's decisions and heroics. Clark has a conversation with Lois where she talks about the cost of being a hero and the perception of him after thanking him for rescuing her. I thought the movie showed Supes struggle with heroism and perception fine.

The courtroom was just a set-up by Lex to make Supes look bad. He knew Supes would show up because he wants to be fair and do things humanities way even though he is much more powerful than them. Lex took advantage of that and Lex Luthor has been setting up Supes to look bad for decades. Lex can't control the world if Superman can walk (or fly haha) freely.

Superman on screen to me just looked like someone who wanted to help people in need. He flew to Africa. He flew to Mexico to save that little girl in the burning building. He flew to Russia to stop that rocket from crashing and blowing up. Throughout the movie the discussion comes up that sometimes people perceive things wrongly and Superman is starting to be OK with that as long as he can help people.

When he gives his life to stop Doomsday, that continues with the theme of Superman throughout the film where he just wants to do the right thing and protect humanity. Even at a cost to him, whether it's wrongly perceived bad publicity or his life.
thanks for the well thought out answer. 

Again, he talks about things with lois but where's the development and progression of his world view/character?

the world already unfairly blamed him for a bunch of things, from a screen writing perspective blowing the court room up did nothing to change the public opinion of superman. it was just more of the "was he involved?" news clips that dont advance the story. It was simply just a lazy way to get out of having to actually address the issues surrounding superman. 

the clips of superman doing good in the world helped but also emphasise how poor the pacing was, they had to resort to a 30 second montage to show superman being a hero rather than through his actions over the course of the movie. 

The courtroom was for Lex to make Supes look bad because that's what Lex does. I don't think it was intended to help Supes progression.

Supes progresses throughout the movie with his decisions. He runs off to the mountains to reflect on it all like 2/3's into the movie where he trips out and see's the ghost of Pa Kent. Even with Ma Kent's life in danger, he still didn't want to kill Bats. After making the ultimate sacrifice, even though he's able to come back, he made that leap to a true hero.

I thought Supes had a bigger development than people give credit for and he was more defined as a hero than Batman even. Who was a hero because he stopped the bad guys, but was blinded by his fears of Superman's power.
What I just don't get is if Zach Snyder hates Superman so much, why make a Superman movie in the first place? :smh:

They should have just made another Batman movie.
Zach doesn't hate Superman.

Okay fine. Zach hates the Superman that has existed in comics and other media for the last 50 years.

The point is he clearly doesn't agree with the central themes of the best, most famous superman stories. So why make a Superman movie, just stick with Batman something that is closer to is Ayn Randian world view.
Zach doesn't hate Superman.

Okay fine. Zach hates the Superman that has existed in comics and other media for the last 50 years.

The point is he clearly doesn't agree with the central themes of the best, most famous superman stories. So why make a Superman movie, just stick with Batman something that is closer to is Ayn Randian world view.

I don't think the Superman of the last 50 years can work in the universe of contemporary Superhero movies and not seem out of place.
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Zach doesn't hate Superman.

Okay fine. Zach hates the Superman that has existed in comics and other media for the last 50 years.

The point is he clearly doesn't agree with the central themes of the best, most famous superman stories. So why make a Superman movie, just stick with Batman something that is closer to is Ayn Randian world view.

If by hate you mean he stopped wasting our time saving cats in trees and stopping cat burglars, and Lex Luthor screaming MISS TESMACHERRRRR!!!!

And upgraded to actual threats to humanity, or moral dilemmas of friend or foe, or control, or democracy, or in this case working with partners to take down a threat....

Then I guess he hates him.

I look at it like it's about ******* time we started seeing these views. You're worried about red underwear and Boyscout ****, Zach is showing actual collateral damage and how to be a "hero"

Summed up nicely by PA Kent.....we saved the farm, I was a big hero, but later found out the water flooded the next farm over, drown everyone.

Zach is doing fine. Not perfect, but he's trying to modernize a story with real possibilities.

This planet would freak the **** out seein a dude fly around, catch bullets, laser eye beam ****. Whole planet would panic. Zach is showing what some of that might look like.
If by hate you mean he stopped wasting our time saving cats in trees and stopping cat burglars, and Lex Luthor screaming MISS TESMACHERRRRR!!!!

And upgraded to actual threats to humanity, or moral dilemmas of friend or foe, or control, or democracy, or in this case working with partners to take down a threat....

Then I guess he hates him.

I look at it like it's about ******* time we started seeing these views. You're worried about red underwear and Boyscout ****, Zach is showing actual collateral damage and how to be a "hero"

Summed up nicely by PA Kent.....we saved the farm, I was a big hero, but later found out the water flooded the next farm over, drown everyone.

Zach is doing fine. Not perfect, but he's trying to modernize a story with real possibilities.

This planet would freak the **** out seein a dude fly around, catch bullets, laser eye beam ****. Whole planet would panic. Zach is showing what some of that might look like.

thats fine, you don't like superman.

I do.

There in lies my point. They could have picked another less problematic character to deal with those issues, if he wanted instead of changing a character into something that doesn't make any sense.

I don't think the Superman of the last 50 years can work in the universe of contemporary Superhero movies and not seem out of place.

I couldn't disagree more.

I think its an underdeveloped 14 year old adolescent boys thought processes that have people thinking = cynicism, darkness, violence, murder, = realistic.

I mean the first black president was elected in a country who's entire political history is defined by racism/white supremacy....on a platform of hope and change.

So forgive me if I think a Superhero based on optimism and hope is "out of place"
Zach doesn't hate Superman.

Okay fine. Zach hates the Superman that has existed in comics and other media for the last 50 years.

The point is he clearly doesn't agree with the central themes of the best, most famous superman stories. So why make a Superman movie, just stick with Batman something that is closer to is Ayn Randian world view.

I don't think the Superman of the last 50 years can work in the universe of contemporary Superhero movies and not seem out of place.
I think that's more of a challenge to the creative team making the movie not some impossibility in today's contemporary superhero movies.

I will say though that the Superman of the last 50 years obviously can't exist in a world of movies geared specifically to have the tone of Batman's dark and gritty style. That would have to be Injustice or Justice Lord Superman.

Frank Miller is typically who I think of when I imagine someone that hates Superman.

It was crazy to me how somehow it made sense to him that in the darker grimmer world of TDKR that Superman would be the lapdog of Ronald Reagan :lol: :smh: Straight disrespect.
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"Hope in the face of difficulty, hope in the face of uncertainty, the audacity of hope: In the end, that is God's greatest gift to us, the bedrock of this nation, a belief in things not seen, a belief that there are better days ahead. "

OMG Barack Obama is such a LAME boy scout. ****

Realism =/= quality.
The thing is you can have different tones in the same universe. Batman is a dark character, give him dark gritty movies. Superman can have lighter hopefully movies and still have it in the same universe.

Like how it's believable that Jessica Jones and Antman are in the same universe.
The thing is you can have different tones in the same universe. Batman is a dark character, give him dark gritty movies. Superman can have lighter hopefully movies and still have it in the same universe.

Like how it's believable that Jessica Jones and Antman are in the same universe.

There's something to be said about variety.
If by hate you mean he stopped wasting our time saving cats in trees and stopping cat burglars, and Lex Luthor screaming MISS TESMACHERRRRR!!!!

And upgraded to actual threats to humanity, or moral dilemmas of friend or foe, or control, or democracy, or in this case working with partners to take down a threat....

Then I guess he hates him.

I look at it like it's about ******* time we started seeing these views. You're worried about red underwear and Boyscout ****, Zach is showing actual collateral damage and how to be a "hero"

Summed up nicely by PA Kent.....we saved the farm, I was a big hero, but later found out the water flooded the next farm over, drown everyone.

Zach is doing fine. Not perfect, but he's trying to modernize a story with real possibilities.

This planet would freak the **** out seein a dude fly around, catch bullets, laser eye beam ****. Whole planet would panic. Zach is showing what some of that might look like.

thats fine, you don't like superman.

I do.

There in lies my point. They could have picked another less problematic character to deal with those issues, if he wanted instead of changing a character into something that doesn't make any sense.

I don't think the Superman of the last 50 years can work in the universe of contemporary Superhero movies and not seem out of place.

I couldn't disagree more.

I think its an underdeveloped 14 year old adolescent boys thought processes that have people thinking = cynicism, darkness, violence, murder, = realistic.

I mean the first black president was elected in a country who's entire political history is defined by racism/white supremacy....on a platform of hope and change.

So forgive me if I think a Superhero based on optimism and hope is "out of place"

It took the country being in shambles for Barack to become President.

People literally wanted anything the opposite of what was in place.

Same thing is propelling Trump :smh:
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Word of mouth killed it. Remains to be seen if word of mouth will do the same with BvS.

I'm sticking to my prediction that it's going to kill the American audience for upcoming weekends but might still be largely unaffected overseas.

thats crazy i saw it 3 times in theaters and the audiences erupted
and cheered during the movie.

all my friends loved it.

never met a single soul who hated it.
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