Who owns/owned him
Dwayne Mcduffie (RIP) and a couple other black creatives started Milestone Comics in the early 90s and it was an imprint of DC comics but in its own contained universe. This universe contained mostly black heroes and a more urban/hood setting.
Static and the rest crossed over with Superman in like 95 but otherwise they were their own seperate things.
When the Static Schock cartoon dropped, it was originally it's own thing as well (in one episode they referred to Superman and Clark Kent like a fictional character) but later on they decided to put it in the same universe as Justice League, Batman TAS, etc.
Static joined the Teen Titans in 2008 or so and has been in DC titles up until maybe 2012. Static and Icon even appeared in Young Justice.
But if I recall properly, the rights to all of the Milestone heroes have been rescinded and DC can't just use them willy nilly. I think only Milestone has the rights to the characters and are planning some sort of comics relaunch but I may have my facts wrong.
You should check out the original Static comic from the 90s tho. A really enjoyable series
EDIT: saw your post. Guess I was wrong