DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

the action/visuals in bvs was pretty eh which was surprising coming from Zach... MOS action>bvs
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the action/visuals in bvs was pretty eh which was surprising coming from Zach... MOS action>bvs

I agree. I really thought the action/visuals were going to be much more epic but it wasnt or maybe Snyder was trying to do too much and had too much on his plate.
I'm in the Martha Approved camp, but there are things I feel could be removed from the film.

We don't need to see Jesse Eisenberg feed a guy cherry Jolly Ranchers. They could of had Clark talk to Lois without it being a soft porn bathroom scene. Zack Snyder makes really dope looking visuals, but can go overboard with them too sometimes.
Still need to hear about Snyder not returning to direct the JL pt 2 for them.

Give him Lobo or something.

I don't see how Johns will have time for writing comics anymore let alone running a tight ship for Rebirth. This is a huge promotion from CCO.

Overall this sounds like good news that the execs over at WB are finally realizing **** needs to change, there needs to be a clear line of hierarchy in authority from informed individuals who know how to tell good stories.

Hopefully this ends up being a good thing.

DC Comics is in shambles anyways, they need some new blood to run it.
True, I'm not really looking forward to any new comics but Didio, Lee, etc. aint going anywhere now. Comes down to cash and with all that double releasing they're reaching that threshold.

Cuz he isn't a good director and a big reason for why BvS was bad and underperformed.
legit question: was it the writing or the direction of the movie that was bad in your opinion?
Legit reponse: I am so tired of explaining this to you. The answer is both.

If you didn't get from all my other posts what I siding like about this movie, what I don't like about Snyder as a director, the combination of both things and what I feel he's responsible for then you're either incredibly dense or have a severe long term memory problem.

The story was bad, the direction was bad. However he directed the actors, his fight scenes (exception being Batman in the wearhouse), the editing, the look of the movie, the choice of tone, etc. The fact that I never want to see it again.

Its like you can't accept or understand that I don't care for Snyder much and think of him as a pretty. Average director. All style, no substance even when he tries.

No need to keep replying to me trying to shift blame on to someone else other than Snyder. I mostly blame him but from what I know Terrio doesn't get off scott free, nor does Goyer for generally being bad, neither do the producers who saw this **** and even with the extra time didn't demand this be fixed, etc. All off that doesn't change this is yet another awful Zach Snyder flick.
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Finally saw this.

Why was there a random soft porn scene in there 

Also why did Lex/LexCorp give all the JL members logos already 

They could have had a much better movie if they had Bizarro running around pretending to be Superman getting people to turn on him than have him fight Lex's mutant fetus
I agree. I really thought the action/visuals were going to be much more epic but it wasnt or maybe Snyder was trying to do too much and had too much on his plate.

he just made it way too dark. im all for dark and realistic but that was way too dark lol

hope justice league more onthe light side
I'm in the Martha Approved camp, but there are things I feel could be removed from the film.

We don't need to see Jesse Eisenberg feed a guy cherry Jolly Ranchers. They could of had Clark talk to Lois without it being a soft porn bathroom scene. Zack Snyder makes really dope looking visuals, but can go overboard with them too sometimes.

wanted to vomit seeing a tub full of washed amy adams bath water

superman lost
Finally saw this.

Why was there a random soft porn scene in there :lol

Also why did Lex/LexCorp give all the JL members logos already :lol  

They could have had a much better movie if they had Bizarro running around pretending to be Superman getting people to turn on him than have him fight Lex's mutant fetus

Having Bizarro in here seems like they would've been trying to do way too much, which depending on who you ask might be a problem regardless.
wanted to vomit seeing a tub full of washed amy adams bath water

superman lost

Come on now :lol I don't like her any more than the next guy, but it wasn't nearly that bad. Though i'll also be honest, whenever I see scenes like that in films or read about them in stories all I can think about is how X-character is ruining a perfectly good set of clothes that easily could've been taken off beforehand :lol

Also still would've preferred Rachel McAdams in the role of Lois Lane.
Geoff Johns Promises To Bring "Hope And Optimism" To The DC Films Universe

While he wouldn't talk specifics in regards to his new role within DC Entertainment, Johns did discuss the direction he believes the company as a whole needs to head in, and one phrase he repeatedly said was that it needs, "hope and optimism." The Rebirth scribe obviously didn't disrespect Zack Snyder's work in any way, but it seems clear like things will now be heading in a different direction, especially after Johns offered up his take on how a character like Superman should be portrayed across all forms of media. "I think people make a mistake when they say, ‘Superman’s not relateable because he’s so powerful,’" he explained. "I’m like, ‘Are you kidding me? He’s a farmboy from Kansas who moves to the city and just wants to do the best he can with what he’s got.’ That’s the most relateable character in the world."

Taking a break from writing comics for the time being, Johns is clearly going to have his hands full with his DC Films commitments, and that may be no bad thing, especially when he has such a solid grasp on the best way to portray these heroes. "There’s a lot of emotional underpinning of the characters and the stories. It's not that people take it for granted. They’re just not as aware of it. But when it’s not there, you really feel that emptiness."
I read that Johns was involved with the 2011 GL film?

That was an absolute mess.

And it could've been sooooo good, too. Should've stuck with Hector Hammond as the bad guy, maybe adding a Red Lantern to the mix, turned Sinestro heel at the end and had Parallax as a looming threat to the galaxy. If I remember correctly, the OA stuff was great -- haven't seen it since it was in theaters.
Here's the thing.

There is probably nobody on the planet has a stronger grasp on the key thematic under pinning that make the classic DC characters special. He's managed to fix and modernize even the most musty and old fashioned elements of of DC's iconography.Green Latern rebirth is basically the perfect example of why he might be perfect for this job.

If you were looking for a DC Kevin Feige, he's probably it.


while he's been chief creative director or what ever his title is DC comics is in SHAMBLES. They did a much publicized reboot and it failed. The events have sucked, the comics have become homogenized, and they SECOND reboot they are attempting doesn't exactly look exciting.

It's hard to know how much to blame Geoff Johns but he has to get some of it right? WHile he's been a manager and DC has going down the drain.

Geoff was a great writer and he's had sucess with TV but he's record as a manager isn't exactly sterling. I'm cautiously optimistic.
Here's the thing.

There is probably nobody on the planet has a stronger grasp on the key thematic under pinning that make the classic DC characters special. He's managed to fix and modernize even the most musty and old fashioned elements of of DC's iconography.Green Latern rebirth is basically the perfect example of why he might be perfect for this job.

If you were looking for a DC Kevin Feige, he's probably it.


while he's been chief creative director or what ever his title is DC comics is in SHAMBLES. They did a much publicized reboot and it failed. The events have sucked, the comics have become homogenized, and they SECOND reboot they are attempting doesn't exactly look exciting.

It's hard to know how much to blame Geoff Johns but he has to get some of it right? WHile he's been a manager and DC has going down the drain.

Geoff was a great writer and he's had sucess with TV but he's record as a manager isn't exactly sterling. I'm cautiously optimistic.

I think DiDio and Diane Nelson get the bulk of the blame on the comics side. I think they get final say above Lee and Johns.
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