DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

I seriously have to ask... Is there a reason why everyone spells Snyder's first name z-a-c-H? Is it out of spite? Indifference?

Just wondering if I'm missing an inside joke.

For the record, I really don't care if he gets the "multi-verse" together because I'm not emotionally invested in DC as a whole and they're just biting an idea that they could have applied decades ago, but I really hope he doesn't get to realize his dream of having Bruce Wayne prison raped on the big screen.
Damn, Cavanagh should've kept quiet on this, honestly.
Not like it'll hurt him or DCtv.

Just criticizing a pretty bad director who just had an underwhelming movie.

I mean I bet Tom also read about Zach wanting a Batman movie where he gets raped in prison.
I seriously have to ask... Is there a reason why everyone spells Snyder's first name z-a-c-H? Is it out of spite? Indifference?

Just wondering if I'm missing an inside joke.
Well Zack is short for Zachary. Some ppl who prefer the shortened version do spell it with a h instead of a k.

I think ppl don't care about it either way. Same name.
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I seriously have to ask... Is there a reason why everyone spells Snyder's first name z-a-c-H? Is it out of spite? Indifference?

Just wondering if I'm missing an inside joke.
Well Zack is short for Zachary. Some ppl who prefer the shortened version do spell it with a h instead of a k.

I think ppl don't care about it either way. Same name.

I know what it's short for. I saw that he spells it with a k on his social media and such, but I haven't seen anyone on here spell it that way. And NT is NT, so I figured I'd ask. I'm still trying to figure out why movies are ranked out of 8.
/8 is the only ranking system there is. Whats so hard about that? Look it up, it's the global go-to rating system in place.
I love DC, and while I love DC movies and think that they've generally been over-critiqued, I gotta ask: Has ZacK Snyder directed a single film since 300 (which was nine+ years ago now) that actually BEAT box office expectations???

If not, than I say boot him from the DCEU ASAP. I've seen better directors get kicked to the Hollywood curb in shorter order than that, and this guy still somehow has a key to one of WBs biggest franchises.
Mannn... I dunno. Have George Miller take over? What ever happened to Hurt Locker lady, Bigelow? She hasn't seemed to have been in Hollywood's good graces recently for some reason. Who did District 9, Blomkamp? Neither of them seem to be tied up with anything right now. I'll come up with a list of other folks I think might be good based on who IMDB says have open plates right now...
^ Who'd be the replacement director to helm JL?

Okay, so let's say:

Kathryn Bigelow
George Miller
Alfonso Cuaron
Neil Blomkamp
David Yates
Justin Lin
Michael Mann (if you wanna keep it dark)
Paul Greengrass
Screw it... Kevin Smith

That's what I can come up with for now, and I could probably come up with another 10-15 if I wasn't on mobile and wanted to search some recent comedy / comedy action directors, too.
Suicide Sqaud reaction but ya'll know the deal with these, grain of salt...

Lyssa ‎@GleekMoonwalker

Lyssa ‎@GleekMoonwalker
JARED LETOS JOKER WAS AMAZING! ITS DIFFERENT ASPECT OF INSANITY THAT JUST FITS [emoji]128553[/emoji][emoji]128553[/emoji][emoji]128553[/emoji][emoji]128553[/emoji][emoji]128553[/emoji][emoji]128553[/emoji][emoji]128553[/emoji]

Lyssa ‎@GleekMoonwalker
Margot Robbie was just a perfect Harley Quinn my god. Just perfectly crazy.

nikongmer ‎@nikongmer
got to watch an early screening of suicide squad and it was actually pretty great!

ULTRA starkiller ‎@StarkillerUltra
Saw Suicide Squad today! It met my expectations! Can't wait for the actual release! #SuicideSquad #earlyscreening

Alexis Harrold ‎@AllRealLex
Saw a free first screening of #SuicideSquad last night! The movie was #amazing! All the characters were played incredibly well! #Recommended

DanielR ‏@DanielRPK
Also, Batman has as much screen time in Suicide Squad as Spider-Man had in Civil War. Much more than I was expecting.
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Have there ever been early screening reaction tweets that have largely been negative? :lol

I love DC, and while I love DC movies and think that they've generally been over-critiqued, I gotta ask: Has ZacK Snyder directed a single film since 300 (which was nine+ years ago now) that actually BEAT box office expectations???

If not, than I say boot him from the DCEU ASAP. I've seen better directors get kicked to the Hollywood curb in shorter order than that, and this guy still somehow has a key to one of WBs biggest franchises.
The prevailing rumor - which I think was the case - is that Snyder got the keys by default. Back when WB finally decided to get in that shared universe game and Nolan was done with his Bat trilogy they basically wanted him to direct it, probably wanted him to be their Feige as well. It's a smart choice and the best way to avoid another GL. As we all know Nolan was done with superhero flicks so WB figured the next best thing is to get him to exec produce so he could have influence and cosign the director of his choice.

There was a list of 10 and Snyder was like 12. Apparently every director Nolan went to said no. I forget the rumored names but they were well known mostly all good directors. Harsh schedule, demands from above probably. Lot of assumptions about creative freedom. It's a huge undertaking and most didn't want to deal with WB. Nolan can blame himself for saying he was done with these movies or Whedon for talking about how exhausted he was after Avengers or most importantly blame WB for their past aborted superhero movies. Not just the Batman and Green Arrow movies but the infamous Death of Superman and the most recent Justice League movie that had already started preproduction in Australia which was suppose to be directed by George Miller.

After settling on Snyder who was the only guy willing to do it, it didn't seem like the worst idea given at the time he didn't have a longer list of movies that had mixed reviews at the time. Plus he was excited to do it. I'm sure his head filled with ways for Superman to kill ppl and how to slip in a Bruce Wayne getting raped scene or strong implication.

Nolan is probably just glad to get that over with, collect a check and get back to focusing on movies he wants to do. Its why the comments about the decision on how MOS ended don't really mesh when Nolan and Snyder commented on it separately.

Anyway, MOS comes out, makes a good deal of money for a Superman movie especially coming off Returns and despite the quality it seems like a good idea to the WB execs to hand him the keys with him having first choice on what to direct next. They ignore any kind of fan outcry or quality issues cuz they literally just saw IM3 make a billion dollars and he did a fakeout with his villain and killed a whole bunch of lava ppl in it (who could've been cured) but that's irrelevant cuz the real problem is they probably see no difference between the characters in regards to that.

That's how we got here. Its really only cuz Batffleck has some pride in his work and wants to redeem himself for Daredevil that he's taking more of the reins and trying to lessen Snyder's influence. He must be a bit salty that since that failed DD movie, his friend, the guy who played Foggy Nelson went on to direct the best Iron Man movie helping kick off the most successful superhero movie franchise while he had to wait, go be great as a director with other movies, watch his other friend Matt flourish with action flicks before he came back to a genre he actually really likes to take a 2nd crack at it only to be a part of giving the world BvS :{
Mannn... I dunno. Have George Miller take over? What ever happened to Hurt Locker lady, Bigelow? She hasn't seemed to have been in Hollywood's good graces recently for some reason. Who did District 9, Blomkamp? Neither of them seem to be tied up with anything right now. I'll come up with a list of other folks I think might be good based on who IMDB says have open plates right now...
Some directors are just not in to taking on that toll with that movie a year pace, some need to be inspired. Being a director is hard.

I already mentioned Miller, he hasn't expressed interest in taking on the whole thing since but there's been rumors of him doing the MOS sequel but that's a long awaited movie at this point :lol

We've done the whole who could come in and direct a few times in here and the X-Men thread, the more we go along and more movies come out and start filming it actually gets harder.

Without a reboot nobody can come in and make up for the past ****. At best they can try and make you forget it.

Blomkap has an interesting style and he has vision with his scripts even if they turn out to be bad movies but I can only imagine the reaction to him directing the JL let alone the reaction after ppl see the movie :lol
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Zik coming through with the knowledge. 

To add some more details:

1.) Batfleck is most likely embarrassed because he was basically viewed as a joke in the early 2000s with his films. He's spent the past several years re-routing the ship and creating a name for himself as a great director with Gone Baby Gone, The Town, and Argo. To be part of the debacle that was BvS is disheartening, even though the unanimous thought is that he was a great Batman (in line to be the best Batman pending his solo films) + possibly the best part of BvS. The extra salt on the wound is that Snyder publicly said stupid s--- that made you doubt him as the de facto "leader" of the DCEU. These recent announcements of Johns + Batfleck taking on more responsibilities in the DCEU is basically a subtle coup to remove power from Snyder.

Batfleck must be low-key fuming and probably wants to do this to Snyder:

2.) Exec producer title means nothing. It's basically a guaranteed paid gig and nice-sounding title, where you don't really do anything but be an "overseer" (but you're really not, since that power is in the hands of studio execs, the management team, and director).
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