DEA agents lock student in cell for 5 days for pot vol. no food, drank urine, attemped suicide

Originally Posted by psk2310

College student or not, that kid's Asian mom proly whopped his a#@ with a hot wheel track for smoking herb, hanging out with dealers, & getting arrested. I would've preferred jail then face Asian parents...


I CAN'T...
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

Originally Posted by BANG

wow, imagine if this kid was black

al sharpton and jesse jackson would call for the resignation of all government officials that are not black

And the "New" Black Panthers would have a bounty on those DEA
They were talking about this on local radio like a day or two ago and they said that he was held in a make shift cell in a warehouse. Don't know if that is entirely true but it was what they were reporting
I think that people are missing the main point in all of this. It does not matter if he was consuming, producing or selling marijuana or meth or ecstasy or any other drugs. The fact is that the DEA threw another human being into an oubliette, he was thrown into a dungeon and let to starve and die a lingering death of dehydration.

The war on drugs is legalized insanity and the hypermilitarized DEA thugs see citizens as the enemy and they view murder, theft, destruction, injury and torture as merely a means to an end or as collateral damage.
Originally Posted by Tr1ll

That @#@*%%+ sucks! How the hell was there Meth left in a jail cell? And why would you eat it? I've never actually handled meth, but I don't think it would resembles anything edible, much less something nurishing.

In the end doe,
Spoiler [+]
Ain't no amount of money worth almost losing your sanity over bruh. Dude almost killed himself. After eating that meth and being locked up like that he may not live life the same way ever again.
I don't smoke green anymore because its just not for me. And while I don't condone smoking at all, and I've grown to hate marijuana, there is not damn reason in hell for someone to lock you up like that and just forget about you. Dude was just getting high. This whole punishment for weed is getting too damn deep. Its gotten to the point where the feds should like let people smoke their !$*%. These dudes probably weren't bothering anyone. 

Just chillin, smoking some tree, and this dickhead of a cop came in and potentially harmed this guy way more than the weed would have ever harmed anyone. 

Oh yeah, lets bust him for smoking weed but put him in a cell with meth in it. What kinda !$*%? 
Originally Posted by memphissfinest

Originally Posted by psk2310

College student or not, that kid's Asian mom proly whopped his a#@ with a hot wheel track for smoking herb, hanging out with dealers, & getting arrested. I would've preferred jail then face Asian parents...


I CAN'T...
probably took away his lexus or something.
this dude lived in the same dorm building as me when i was at UCSD. I would seem him once in a while so I was shocked to see him on the news. I'm sure what he went through was life-changing and he may never be the same again but from an asian parent's perspective, smoking weed is considered to be just as bad as robbing a bank or a huge crime so he probably got some insane scolding from his parents. 
Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

How did he drink his own piss?

like how he found meth in a makeshift cell... 
Spoiler [+]
I really hope this kid gets ALL $20 million, and somehow blame it on how UCSD is so racist
stick it to those DEA chumps
Originally Posted by memphissfinest

Originally Posted by k00laid

sad thing that happen to him hope he aint too damage
aint trying to thread jack but did y'all see the story on the side lol meet a inmate
they trying to hook up these female inmates would any of y'all write one of them
inmates need love to



ya there also that Crazy P u got to watch for
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