
This thread needs to be locked so it can go down in NT history.

OP out here bouncing between feelings like a woman now. lulz
Op lame *** the type to get on a message board and try and get laughs on a dying thread. And keep shooting shots once it's all dried up...SMH

Op the type to clip a girls pubis and not smash and save the hairs

Op the type to cash checks from Craigslist
Op lame *** the type to get on a message board and try and get laughs on a dying thread. And keep shooting shots once it's all dried up...SMH

Op the type to clip a girls pubis and not smash and save the hairs

Op the type to cash checks from Craigslist

The girl posted this from OP's phone?
The girl posted this from OP's phone?

keep reading/reaching. I posted this cause no one could slather the right obscurities. I believe I've grown innoculant. I remember a great, previous NT, would cause people to log off,irate. SMH. I digress. This will do. Proceed.
Not a trap. You started the thread with pics, minus whale continue with them. You can post pics of the 12s also while you're at it.
"I got nothing to prove, and i'm not phased, and i'll prove that by constantly posting nonsense to show ya'll i'm not phased. Ya'll are the insecure ones."
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