Dear White People (Promotional Trailer)

Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

To be so condescending, I need to know some credentials: I assume AEA, Deuce, ATGD, and psk all have their doctorates, respectively. Because the way yall act like you know everything and are the highest authorities, and then have comments like: "you should take a community college course" or "to think some of you guys are going to college". I have over 100 credit hours accumulated at 2 major universities in Texas, and am close to getting my bachelors, so I didnt just fall off the turnip wagon. You keep saying I need to open my mind and wise up, maybe yall should open your minds up as well and take into consideration other peoples perspectives, opinions, and life situations that have led them to their own respective conclusions and feelings (you know, somebody that isnt black- like me, who clearly treats everybody as equals)
I actually didn't need Paul Mooney to tell me this. I learned what racism is in school. I took courses on it in college. I'm guessing this definition of the word must be new to you but it's definitely not the first time I've brought this up on this board. I recall going back and forth with Anton because he too was not buying that black ppl were incapable of racism (can't really remember the name of the thread must've been a year or two ago) but you right I shouldn't think everybody would take the same courses as I have; AA literature, AA history, Urban sociology, criminology, etc. At this point I'd say you have a drastically different far more broad and generalized view on the word that does not mesh with reality or history.
Black people can be racist

But its always funny how white folks react when that mirror gets raised
Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

AEA: First, that question/example wasnt for you. Also, if youre that narrow minded and thats all you got from what i said, then you didnt read it all the way through or youre only seeing what YOU want to. That comparison is complete BS as well, we're not talking a pro game and thats a mockery of what i said. We're talking about a few courts, in a pretty ghetto area- they clearly made it obvious they didnt want me there at first, and tried to discourage me from coming back- not by playing tough defense, but some straight up dirty moves with mal-intent (was actually knocked down and lost consciousness for a second when me and another dude was going for a ball, his teammate moved and put his knee out right before my head got there- didnt like it when i got in his face and pushed him, but i kept coming) (makes you feel good that they did that to me, right?). So if you dont think some of those individuals were guilty of racism: we obviously dont see eye to eye. But for you to try and completely de-value and invalidate what i was saying and twist it into a simple joke, i have nothing more to say to you, because you cant get past your own personal agenda. I dont know why, but I'll answer youre question anyways, YES, and it they were truly racist they would probably get the same treatment i did. But that would actually be REAL racism though, right?- because it would be them white devils. I've got no hope to talk to some of you straight up cuz you wont open your ears and listen, you just wanna regurgitate the same negative stuff youve been told all along.

You really need to figure out what racism is. 

Dudes probably would have played dirty if anyone they didn't know showed up and joined their pick up game no matter their color. 
Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

 (was actually knocked down and lost consciousness for a second when me and another dude was going for a ball, his teammate moved and put his knee out right before my head got there- didnt like it when i got in his face and pushed him, but i kept coming) 

Can black people have racist attitudes, yes, everyone can and does have some prejudices.
Do black people actually practice racism? hell nah. Name some powerful organizations that black people posses the majority of control over.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by psk2310

Seems like 95% of NT doesn't know the difference between prejudice & racism. To think that some of you guys are going to college...

Check the composition of the United States Senate, Your Boss, Your Boss's Boss, and pretty much every CEO/Chairmen of every top 250 Corporation in the United States and tell me if Black people can be "racist"..........
Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

@ATGD, fair enough- i guess the teachers in my majority black school didnt wanna teach us what racism is. Listen to your logic, if you learned it in school (which is government controlled, all the books and info my friend) Then why would you even believe what they say, because according to you, racism still is practiced by the government and institutions. So wouldnt they be trying to hold you down? Why inform you of this past if they want to keep you down. I dont need a state approved book to tell me what the hell racism is, books tend to be biased and only weigh heavy on the facts they want to. Just read a history book that theyre using these days, leaves so much crap out and sugarcoats so much to make our country seem superior and not "as bad" as those other guys. But im wrong as always, because youre only gonna use info that backs up what you believe and feel, and try your best to make me look like a moron and look bad on here. Its fine, youre not the only one
I already answered the bold the last time you asked it but I think you're also assuming I went to a gov't controlled highschool or that every single teacher whether they're white or anything else HAVE to follow that agenda. I'll say it again just like you love to come in these threads and talk about how all white ppl are being labeled as racist when we know that not to be the case is the same way not every school even if it's supported by the gov't will have every teacher avoiding the truth. Again, like I said even with the gov't having this agenda you're suggesting it'd make more sense to let it be taught cuz teaching does not equal it being stopped. It's the same thing as a white person saying they're not racist cuz they have black friends. Furthermore, just cuz they taught it in my school obviously doesn't mean they taught it in your school which has become more than clear to me with yours and other ppl's responses on the topic.

Also I said nothing about state approved books. You're assuming a lot. I don't know why you couldn't simply specifically ask what I'm referring to when I say I learned in school or college and when earlier I say something like parts of the U.S. government practice and actively engage in several forms of racism. You never had one of your HS teachers assign you books to read that were not apart of the standard curriculum? To be extremely clear though, I'm not even talking about those standard history books with the questions at the end of each chapter. I'm talking about watching documentaries, reading actual autobiographies and biographies, primary and secondary source material, researching events, etc. I can maybe understand if that wasn't done in HS (maybe the teachers were not as loose with the course and were pretty strict on sticking to basics) but I'd assume any kind of professor of a research or English literature or history class in college would require you to check those kinds of sources and material to do a paper or presentation. Again though you'd only learn this specific information if you were taking classes on the right topics (I named a few in my last post). I mean just cuz you're school was majority black doesn't mean the teachers have to teach you about racism in America in the past or today. In JHS, I went to an all black school and they glossed over it, they never talked about it in detail. They covered the main facts and moved on. They never actually set the tone for it. In HS, which was also all black but happened to be a private school it took our black math teacher to take a day off math sometimes to discuss some topics about racism for a full period. So please don't give me that whole if the gov't is racist and the school is run by the gov't how can I go learn about what racism really is in school. If you really want to know you can find it, whether it's in college or on the damn internet.

Lastly, please stop acting like a victim. I aint buying that +$#* AT ALL. Nobody's attacking you man. I get tired of reading "you're gonna try your best to make me look like a moron" NO NO NO. I wouldn't waste time doing that. If you don't know about something and I inform you about it that doesn't mean you're a moron and if you really feel everyone is saying you're always wrong, instead of being defensive and replying sarcastically about it how about you consider that you are wrong about it? or ask someone to explain why you're wrong? You keep bringing up that we all should be open minded and that we shouldn't be saying you should do that while we're not but I'll tell you right now starting off your post with "fair enough" or "Agreed" or "I see your point" and then continuing to just revert back to what you're previously saying while ignoring what I just said is not being open minded. You're just side stepping my points and not addressing them and preceding to talk about what you're arguing for. Cuz honestly I'm not even arguing against you, I understand some of your points it just so happens those are the ones I have no issue with and were not even arguing to begin with. Maybe you right and you're just sticking to your point and not taking a break to really digest everything that's being talked about and you're just glossing over posts to type of knee jerk replies to things you feel strongly about.
I don't have the patience to quote or deal with anything I've read in these pages.

quality post though, ThorrocksJs
Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

I remember this convo and haze still said Hispanics can be racist but that argument says different^

The few left talking are just gonna argue whatever is said and twist it to fit what they want- and they aint trying to hear nothing. Beating on a dead mule at this point. Some people actually like to feel bad for themselves and be martyrs so they can always have an excuse and somebody to blame for their own insecurities and failures. Its crazy though how most of the guys discussing in here lately are clearly very prejudiced themselves, just proves how stupid it is to have race threads on here.
Oh the irony. 
Once again, one of the best posts in this thread was overlooked in favor of childish back and forth arguing.

Originally Posted by jomitm

Some good posts in here. Racism is indeed different from prejudice, which a lot of people, have confused.

I will say, however, that I'm not sure what direction this movie is headed towards. I appreciate the fact that it has ambitions and desires to expose current issues that still exist today and prevalent in culture, but it HAS to have an answer. It will only succeed if it seeks to offer a conclusion, a path to progress for all Americans of all races, not just black and white.

Otherwise, if it is just an informational of what we think vs. what you think, it will be another cycle of disagreement and stereotype us vs. them from both sides of the spectrum.

I know the angle is going for shock value to get people going, and this is a great marketing tool. The debate flood gates will indeed open, but I hope that this movie offers more and becomes a cultural mark that will have a great POSITIVE impact on the subject of race and culture in the US. Or it will just be a waste; worse, an angry film that reinforces the divide.
I personally think this movie concept is dope basically because of what it has done in this thread which is to spark discussion! However I think many of you are focusing on the wrong things about who is racists and who is not instead of about racism actually exists period and how blacks are perceived in the media etc and the effects of it on our culture.

Those in here calling the film "reverse racism" IMO are lost. I believe some of you won't admit but you are uncomfortable with the message of this movie. However, if executed properly this movie should make you want to think about the perception of Black America, discuss it and maybe feel a bit uncomfortable about it if you are white. If a movie where black people are vocal and have strong viewpoints on the perception of themselves by white people makes some uncomfortable then so be it. It's just interesting that those same people (who are calling it reverse racism) aren't the ones saying anything when black stereotypical characters are regurgitated throughout Hollywood. SMH
to be general, u don't have an understanding of what something is until you've experienced it. Until then, you're pretty ignorant to the idea of it (it being racism)
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

I personally think this movie concept is dope basically because of what it has done in this thread which is to spark discussion! However I think many of you are focusing on the wrong things about who is racists and who is not instead of about racism actually exists period and how blacks are perceived in the media etc and the effects of it on our culture.

Those in here calling the film "reverse racism" IMO are lost. I believe some of you won't admit but you are uncomfortable with the message of this movie. However, if executed properly this movie should make you want to think about the perception of Black America, discuss it and maybe feel a bit uncomfortable about it if you are white. If a movie where black people are vocal and have strong viewpoints on the perception of themselves by white people makes some uncomfortable then so be it. It's just interesting that those same people (who are calling it reverse racism) aren't the ones saying anything when black stereotypical characters are regurgitated throughout Hollywood. SMH

Yep pretty much all this.  Don't get offended get educated.
I just want to say that the movie concept is good, the execution is poor.

BUT I hope that if/when this movie is made and the ripple effect occurs where time passes and whites somehow integrate with blacks more because of it, someone doesn't make a thread like "white people get your own culture" or "why do white feel like acting black all of a sudden"

I think I'll call that happening in the future anyways
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

I personally think this movie concept is dope basically because of what it has done in this thread which is to spark discussion! However I think many of you are focusing on the wrong things about who is racists and who is not instead of about racism actually exists period and how blacks are perceived in the media etc and the effects of it on our culture.

Those in here calling the film "reverse racism" IMO are lost. I believe some of you won't admit but you are uncomfortable with the message of this movie. However, if executed properly this movie should make you want to think about the perception of Black America, discuss it and maybe feel a bit uncomfortable about it if you are white. If a movie where black people are vocal and have strong viewpoints on the perception of themselves by white people makes some uncomfortable then so be it. It's just interesting that those same people (who are calling it reverse racism) aren't the ones saying anything when black stereotypical characters are regurgitated throughout Hollywood. SMH

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by illadelALLDAY

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Dudes get threatened by this and it's premise.A movie were black people are vocal and have strong viewpoints on white people makes them uncomfortable .Its the reason why Spike Lee is blackballed and hated venomously by a lot of white moviegoers.White people want to be viewed as tolerant cool and fun to get along with. it's like the one kid who wants folks to laughter at their jokes at the expense of other people and get mad and wants to fight when a person does it back.You all don't complain about the tower heist,the help,blindside or legendary.When it's time for magical negroes,super negroes or stepping fetch it's or mammys nobody says a damn word.Yet when black people are depicted as intelligent self aware and concious of the things going around them it's reverse racist .Lol y'all disgust me
I will agree to everything you said verbatim, if you say that "A movie where white people are vocal and have strong viewpoints on black people makes them racist". It's cool, if you disagree, I know you're delusional.
Example of such a movie

Albeit a silent film, Birth of a nation
I used to be one of the advocates for "getting over it." I saw being aware of your "blackness" as something that hindered progress for the sake of humanly. I can remember arguing, here on NT in fact, that there is only the human race and that differences only exist in the mind of those who do not want to move forward. I received a lot of flack from conscious black NT'ers but some white dudes agreed instantly.

But I was wrong. And I was unconscious. The unconscious play into the rhetoric that we are equal since the 13th amendment and the imancipation proclamation. The fact of the matter is that we are different, despite our longing not to be. The black man was still considered property during the creation of the constitution, so its words can never be thought of as the resonating voice of all Americans, regardless of what the revisions may had you to believe.

I agree with the notion that white people won't watch this film because it depicts black people with a level of consciousness above that of the average black person who is content with what this corrupt system has given him. Thing is, the system hasn't given him anything. It has merely allowed him to have some things to keep him content.

There are white people out there who understand that their dominance in today's society is a result of centuries of extorting other races (not only black), who acknowledge that there is no way for them to understand the black plight, and own up to the fact that their race has served as a critical component in its continuation. Then there are those that say %%%% like "Dear black people. The whole racism thing. Get over it"
Originally Posted by iBlink

I used to be one of the advocates for "getting over it." I saw being aware of your "blackness" as something that hindered progress for the sake of humanly. I can remember arguing, here on NT in fact, that there is only the human race and that differences only exist in the mind of those who do not want to move forward. I received a lot of flack from conscious black NT'ers but some white dudes agreed instantly.

But I was wrong. And I was unconscious. The unconscious play into the rhetoric that we are equal since the 13th amendment and the imancipation proclamation. The fact of the matter is that we are different, despite our longing not to be. The black man was still considered property during the creation of the constitution, so its words can never be thought of as the resonating voice of all Americans, regardless of what the revisions may had you to believe.

I agree with the notion that white people won't watch this film because it depicts black people with a level of consciousness above that of the average black person who is content with what this corrupt system has given him. Thing is, the system hasn't given him anything. It has merely allowed him to have some things to keep him content.

There are white people out there who understand that their dominance in today's society is a result of centuries of extorting other races (not only black), who acknowledge that there is no way for them to understand the black plight, and own up to the fact that their race has served as a critical component in its continuation. Then there are those that say %%%% like "Dear black people. The whole racism thing. Get over it"
yes...THIS. End the thread HERE! 
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by illadelALLDAY

I will agree to everything you said verbatim, if you say that "A movie where white people are vocal and have strong viewpoints on black people makes them racist". It's cool, if you disagree, I know you're delusional.
Example of such a movie
Albeit a silent film, Birth of a nation
It's funny cuz I've seen it. Clearly racist movie is racist.
Clearly racist movie is racist. Archaic as it may be, these sentiments are still held to this day and blacks still live with the ramifications one hundred years later.
I disagree with the dudes that try to tell you all what you're guilty of. Everyone's taken US history. Everyone knows what's happened. Thing is, some of you know about the past, benefit from what the past has created (white privilege), but insist that the past is irrelevant. I can't rock with that logic. I applaud the white people that own up to the fact that their race has put mines through atrocities. Thing is, I expect nothing from a guy who owns up to the sins of his forefathers. He understands that he stands a better chance at "making it" than someone that looks like me because of white privelage. I commend his being aware and respectable of the truth. I'm not condemning white people because there are those who get that.

And My dude, I'm all for progress being made. But to merely be told to turn the other cheek because things have been made equal is unacceptable to me. For one, black people have been repressed for centuries. How can you legitimately expect for us to forget that? Especially when the effects of that repression persists today? We are constantly made to feel out of place in a place that is so indebted to us. That debt is ignored, and we're taught to merely sweep it under the rug. We're taught to ignore our history for the sake of moving forward, while white people enjoy the fruits of our labor to this day. I'm sorry, but I simply cannot do that. Your suggestion therein lies that exact notion which I abhor. "Yeah, it all happened, but let's move forward." How can we move forward together when your people are paces ahead of mines?

Is my logic without error? I doubt it. But I know for sure I'm making some sense. Of course they'll be some black guys out there that don't ascribe to my beliefs. I won't argue with those guys. That's counter productive. But I do ask that you venture off the internet and outside of your college history classes and pick up a book that will enlighten you on who you really are. Because if you're a black man in the United States who believes in the notion that we have overcome... You're asleep.
Originally Posted by iBlink

I disagree with the dudes that try to tell you all what you're guilty of. Everyone's taken US history. Everyone knows what's happened. Thing is, some of you know about the past, benefit from what the past has created (white privilege), but insist that the past is irrelevant. I can't rock with that logic. I applaud the white people that own up to the fact that their race has put mines through atrocities. Thing is, I expect nothing from a guy who owns up to the sins of his forefathers. He understands that he stands a better chance at "making it" than someone that looks like me because of white privelage. I commend his being aware and respectable of the truth. I'm not condemning white people because there are those who get that.

And My dude, I'm all for progress being made. But to merely be told to turn the other cheek because things have been made equal is unacceptable to me. For one, black people have been repressed for centuries. How can you legitimately expect for us to forget that? Especially when the effects of that repression persists today? We are constantly made to feel out of place in a place that is so indebted to us. That debt is ignored, and we're taught to merely sweep it under the rug. We're taught to ignore our history for the sake of moving forward, while white people enjoy the fruits of our labor to this day. I'm sorry, but I simply cannot do that. Your suggestion therein lies that exact notion which I abhor. "Yeah, it all happened, but let's move forward." How can we move forward together when your people are paces ahead of mines?

Is my logic without error? I doubt it. But I know for sure I'm making some sense. Of course they'll be some black guys out there that don't ascribe to my beliefs. I won't argue with those guys. That's counter productive. But I do ask that you venture off the internet and outside of your college history classes and pick up a book that will enlighten you on who you really are. Because if you're a black man in the United States who believes in the notion that we have overcome... You're asleep.

I agree 100% with this post....I have the exact same view and feelings.

I have enjoyed reading the recent discussion between iBink and Nowitzness41. It's dope to actually see a good intelligent conversation about race on NT where thought provoking questions are actually raised and others perspectives are respected.
All people struggle. This is an obvious fact. But my man, if you can argue that you have had to work hard to prosper in a system where your people prevail, imagine the argument that can be made for a person seeking prosperity in a system dominated by a race other than his own. Does being white ensure you success in life? Of course not. It's no secret that suffering does not discriminate fam. This has never been an argument about which race has it the worse. It's always been about getting people to realize that the veil of equality this system supposedly perpetuates is, indeed, a fallacy.

How can there ever thought to be equality/equal governance among man when not all men were deemed as equal during the inception of a new system of governance?

The point is this, the voice of the conscious black person is repressed in favor of the unconscious black man. Those who argue that the system is flawed are always silenced. The puppets on Capitol Hill, who go along with the rule of law that wasn't created with his equality in mind, is viewed as the way we ought to be. Because they accept what has happened and see coherence as the only option for progress.

I don't have all the answers. But I can assure you that so long as the current system governs the land, there will never be equality.
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