Dear White People (Promotional Trailer)

Incorrect.  Just by definition alone black people are not racist.  To take it to another level, even if we had the opportunity to be, I HIGHLY doubt black people would want to be racist in the traditional sense.  As a whole, that's simply not in our blood, DNA, or even thought process.  Overall, we are the people's people, meaning we're not out to oppress anyone or anything by way of power or manipulation, we simply are too cool for that and our mind is elsewhere. 
Originally Posted by AIRMATT


Wait wouldn't reverse racism be equality.Reversing racism would be to create a level playing field against the group of people using obverse racism .Nothing about this movie is racist or promotes anything saying blacks are superior the movies basis seems to be the fact blacks what to be treated with respect and allowed to keep their cultural identity and dignity in an environment that disrespects and marginalizes it.
It even states Mooney's claim and then emphasizes anybody can be guilty of it.

Just to clear things up nobody here is getting their talking points from Paul Mooney, most just agreed with what he said because this is information that is or should have been commonly known.  Just to be SPECIFIC, in this day and America right now, black people CAN NOT be racist.  We simply can't..................more importatnly nor do I think we would desire to be as a whole.


Black people can be prejudice but not racist, big difference. 
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Incorrect.  Just by definition alone black people are not racist.  To take it to another level, even if we had the opportunity to be, I HIGHLY doubt black people would want to be racist in the traditional sense.  As a whole, that's simply not in our blood, DNA, or even thought process.  Overall, we are the people's people, meaning we're not out to oppress anyone or anything by way of power or manipulation, we simply are too cool for that and our mind is elsewhere. 

Dude shut the hell up
Originally Posted by AEA18

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

they saw Think Like a Man

which was really good...

and Precious too i think...

i had to watch the trailer again cuz when i first saw it I didn't know it was for a real movie they were trying to make...

i didn't think it'd spark a discussion like this when I saw it...
Those arent movies in this lane....
Look at what movies I named. This movie is in that mold.  Ted Whiteman aint buying tickets and taking the family to see his race get told what they do wrong.  Neither is Ted Jr. the 18 year old hs/college kid.

Think Like a Man was market so hard I was surprised.  They had NBA commericals.  You think this will?  ITs called Dear White People 
  This joint will not do numbers.....ever.  Do whites watch BET? Unless we are being ignorant or entertaining they don't care about us.  They don't want to see us be smart or educational.  They have "their" own movies for that.  They want Big Mommas House 5 or Madea done ran outta Hot Sauce
why does it sound like a possible movie he would make. 
i got hit with a "what's up my ng-a" a few days ago.

i took about 20 minutes to explain to him the problems and possible dangers of feeling waaaay to comfortable with black people.

he was basically under the feel that since his smalltown black friends let him say it, he thought as long as it ends with -a and not -er it was cool with everybody.

and i attended a white jesuit university, the entire trailer exists on the daily. 
Originally Posted by MaxElite

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Incorrect.  Just by definition alone black people are not racist.  To take it to another level, even if we had the opportunity to be, I HIGHLY doubt black people would want to be racist in the traditional sense.  As a whole, that's simply not in our blood, DNA, or even thought process.  Overall, we are the people's people, meaning we're not out to oppress anyone or anything by way of power or manipulation, we simply are too cool for that and our mind is elsewhere. 

Dude shut the hell up

   "Oh you not feeling me cost you nothing"  You finish the rest. 
Originally Posted by lexflex81

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by Jerome in the House

I'm black. To say Black people can't be racist is the stupidest think ive ever heard. Anyone can be racist....

What systematic structure do blacks have in place or have ever HAD in place to say blacks can be racist??
As far as I can understand people seem to think that to be racist goes hand in hand with feeling superior. While this is often a part of racism, it's not a "requirement". Racism, to me, is having certain (often negative, but not necessarily so) preconceptions about a race of people, either based on certain experiences in your life time or what you have been taught. 
In other words, being ill informed. 
rac·ism   [rey-siz-uhm]  Show IPAnoun1.a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among thevarious human races  determine cultural or individualachievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others. 

prej·u·dice   [prej-uh-dis]  Show IPA noun, verb,prej·u·diced, prej·u·dic· unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand orwithout knowledge, thought, or reason.
Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

@Deuce: Thats fine with me my dude, Im just saying I personally dont agree that there has to be physical oppression in order for racism to be valid. You should see the way I get treated at some of the courts I ball at dude (im usually one of the only, if not the only white guys on the court) and some of the dudes genuinely try to hurt me and clearly play overly physical and even dirty at times- but not really with the black guys there. The ones that do that, I consider to be racist- theyre not telling me verbally that i cant play there with them, but theyre clearly sending a message to me that they dont want me there. Whats your take on that, no racism right? They're just being prejudice?

Examples are people being "racist" to whites are always good for a laugh.

A couple %%$*+$ got rough w/ you at the basketball court. 

No justice No Peace. 
Originally Posted by bleach

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

I don't get the black people can't be racist thing. Racist is a title that you give an individual. If you guys are saying racism implies not only prejudice but power over someone, then how come black people who do have influence and power over people and institutions -- black senators, professors, CEOs, employers, Obama, etc -- can't be racist?
a racist, by definition would be somebody that practices the doctrine that a certain race is superior to others, so that person would have to actively participate in the protection of the current racial hierarchy.   by definition, race was constructed, and is maintained by people in power. in america, this means wealthy white people.  a few individuals couldn't change the hierarchy.
If you need to dominate the racial hierarchy per that definition, then Asians and Latinos can't be racist either right?
What about in little pockets of society? Why do we have to view it in such a wholistic way? Even though overall, white people may be ahead in terms of any "racial hierarchy," minorities can definitely exert their power over certain groups of people. They might dominate the hierarchy in certain areas or institutions. Why does that not count?

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Incorrect.  Just by definition alone black people are not racist.  To take it to another level, even if we had the opportunity to be, I HIGHLY doubt black people would want to be racist in the traditional sense.  As a whole, that's simply not in our blood, DNA, or even thought process.  Overall, we are the people's people, meaning we're not out to oppress anyone or anything by way of power or manipulation, we simply are too cool for that and our mind is elsewhere. 

Okay, come on now. That's just ridiculous.
Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

With the first definition of racism(the only one that Dior posted), I think its clear that by and large, is NOT whats going on in America. There are too many hispanics, blacks, and Asians that are in positions of power and controlling things that are going on in theyre respective cities, towns, countys and so on. Not to mention the supreme court and our own damm president currently. I mean, dont get me wrong- it does occur in some places still- but as a majority and by sheer numbers and area- this is NOT the majority of the country fellas. Atleast not the way I see it, but yall are gonna have your opinions and im gonna have mine. Enjoy the day my dudes
The "There's a black president" argument white people been using for the 4 years now 

Ya'll responses are getting too predictable.
Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Incorrect.  Just by definition alone black people are not racist.  To take it to another level, even if we had the opportunity to be, I HIGHLY doubt black people would want to be racist in the traditional sense.  As a whole, that's simply not in our blood, DNA, or even thought process.  Overall, we are the people's people, meaning we're not out to oppress anyone or anything by way of power or manipulation, we simply are too cool for that and our mind is elsewhere. 

Okay, come on now. That's just ridiculous.

It's not though. Show me a group of NONWHITE people at any point in time in history who have colonized, oppressed, discriminated and subjugated a group of people the way white's have. You can't, because it isn't in the in psyche of the NONWHITE MAJORITY around the world.  Racism = the system in place to maintain white genetic survival.
Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

With the first definition of racism(the only one that Dior posted), I think its clear that by and large, is NOT whats going on in America. There are too many hispanics, blacks, and Asians that are in positions of power and controlling things that are going on in theyre respective cities, towns, countys and so on. Not to mention the supreme court and our own damm president currently. I mean, dont get me wrong- it does occur in some places still- but as a majority and by sheer numbers and area- this is NOT the majority of the country fellas. Atleast not the way I see it, but yall are gonna have your opinions and im gonna have mine. Enjoy the day my dudes
The "There's a black president" argument white people been using for the 4 years now 

Ya'll responses are getting too predictable.
Youre responses are predictable too fam, it makes me wonder if you just wanna leave out the other side in this or if you are incapable of seeing both sides of the picture. It seems you only wanna focus on your case, and backing it up- rather than taking everybodys side into consideration and being a realist. But you dont have to do that, right? Because we've oppressed yall for so long its your time to be the close-minded, de facto, authorititarian figure
Ok bro.
Be safe on those basketball courts. It's getting dangerous for whites out here.
Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

@Deuce: Thats fine with me my dude, Im just saying I personally dont agree that there has to be physical oppression in order for racism to be valid. You should see the way I get treated at some of the courts I ball at dude (im usually one of the only, if not the only white guys on the court) and some of the dudes genuinely try to hurt me and clearly play overly physical and even dirty at times- but not really with the black guys there. The ones that do that, I consider to be racist- theyre not telling me verbally that i cant play there with them, but theyre clearly sending a message to me that they dont want me there. Whats your take on that, no racism right? They're just being prejudice?

To keep it real with you, and I say this with all honesty........if you feel like those black guys are being rough or physical with you just because your white, if I were you I would play rough back at them.    Dudes throw you an throw an elbow back at them.  Most likely those dudes aren't going to do nothing anyway even if you do get physical, I'm always for or about somebody standing up for themselves when they feel like they are "under attack" so to speak for no reason. 

For the example you have given without me being there to see for myself I would say that's prejudice, and not racism.  It's probably also stupidity on those dudes end as well, but I'll save that for another day.    
minorities can definitely exert their power over certain groups of people. They might dominate the hierarchy in certain areas or institutions. Why does that not count?

CAN and WILL are two different things.  Sure in certain sectors in America maybe some minorities can exert their power............but do they choose to...........NO.  There's a reason for that.      

@ Deuce, no doubt- thats exactly how i handle it, and most either respect or just accept me now- most have my back now over a lot of others at this point as well. I was just using that as an example

That's good to hear.  I still would say that's prejudice and not racism however.  Either way at least your standing up for yourself given that example. 
Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

@Deuce: Thats fine with me my dude, Im just saying I personally dont agree that there has to be physical oppression in order for racism to be valid. You should see the way I get treated at some of the courtsI ball at dude (im usually one of the only, if not the only white guys on the court) and some of the dudes genuinely try to hurt me and clearly play overly physical and even dirty at times- but not really with the black guys there. The ones that do that, I consider to be racist- theyre not telling me verbally that i cant play there with them, but theyre clearly sending a message to me that they dont want me there. Whats your take on that, no racism righteousness? They're just being prejudice?

Play boi.....stop!
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Incorrect.  Just by definition alone black people are not racist.  To take it to another level, even if we had the opportunity to be, I HIGHLY doubt black people would want to be racist in the traditional sense.  As a whole, that's simply not in our blood, DNA, or even thought process.  Overall, we are the people's people, meaning we're not out to oppress anyone or anything by way of power or manipulation, we simply are too cool for that and our mind is elsewhere. 

Okay, come on now. That's just ridiculous.

It's not though. Show me a group of NONWHITE people at any point in time in history who have colonized, oppressed, discriminated and subjugated a group of people the way white's have. You can't, because it isn't in the in psyche of the NONWHITE MAJORITY around the world.  Racism = the system in place to maintain white genetic survival.

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Incorrect.  Just by definition alone black people are not racist.  To take it to another level, even if we had the opportunity to be, I HIGHLY doubt black people would want to be racist in the traditional sense.  As a whole, that's simply not in our blood, DNA, or even thought process.  Overall, we are the people's people, meaning we're not out to oppress anyone or anything by way of power or manipulation, we simply are too cool for that and our mind is elsewhere. 

Okay, come on now. That's just ridiculous.

It's not though. Show me a group of NONWHITE people at any point in time in history who have colonized, oppressed, discriminated and subjugated a group of people the way white's have. You can't, because it isn't in the in psyche of the NONWHITE MAJORITY around the world.  Racism = the system in place to maintain white genetic survival.
The claim is that black people cannot genetically be racists, I don't have to point to a group of nonwhites that have committed atrocities "the way white's have." Every single race has committed atrocities, and the fact that they even have proves that claim wrong. That's just a flagrant and egregious claim man.

Originally Posted by Deuce King

minorities can definitely exert their power over certain groups of people. They might dominate the hierarchy in certain areas or institutions. Why does that not count?

CAN and WILL are two different things.  Sure in certain sectors in America maybe some minorities can exert their power............but do they choose to...........NO.  There's a reason for that.      

I'm sure that there are minorities who do choose to abuse their power.

But anyway, you seem to be arguing that they can't be racist for a different reason than everyone else in the "blacks can't be racist" camp. You are arguing that they can't be racist because "as a whole, that's simply not in our blood, DNA, or even thought process." That's crazy man. That's not even what the other people were saying. That's just a blatant and egregious insult to white people.
Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Okay, come on now. That's just ridiculous.

It's not though. Show me a group of NONWHITE people at any point in time in history who have colonized, oppressed, discriminated and subjugated a group of people the way white's have. You can't, because it isn't in the in psyche of the NONWHITE MAJORITY around the world.  Racism = the system in place to maintain white genetic survival.
The claim is that black people cannot genetically be racists, I don't have to point to a group of nonwhites that have committed atrocities "the way white's have." Every single race has committed atrocities, and the fact that they even have proves that claim wrong. That's just a flagrant and egregious claim man.

Originally Posted by Deuce King

minorities can definitely exert their power over certain groups of people. They might dominate the hierarchy in certain areas or institutions. Why does that not count?

CAN and WILL are two different things.  Sure in certain sectors in America maybe some minorities can exert their power............but do they choose to...........NO.  There's a reason for that.      

I'm sure that there are minorities who do choose to abuse their power.

But anyway, you seem to be arguing that they can't be racist for a different reason than everyone else in the "blacks can't be racist" camp. You are arguing that they can't be racist because "as a whole, that's simply not in our blood, DNA, or even thought process." That's crazy man. That's not even what the other people were saying. That's just a blatant and egregious insult to white people the whole damn world.
You are arguing that they can't be racist because "as a whole, that's simply not in our blood, DNA, or even thought process." That's crazy man. That's not even what the other people were saying. That's just a blatant and egregious insult to white people.

My statement wasn't meant to be in insult to ALL white people, but the fact remains that racism here in America was created by white people, and white people are directly the benefiiciary of that.  Some people can try to rewrite history all they want to, or erase certain information from high school school textbooks but the fact still remains on how and why racism was created.    

I'm sure that there are minorities who do choose to abuse their power.

Such as??
Anyone else seeing the irony between this thread and the thread it is above?

Originally Posted by TraPpStar


Aint nothin like taking that first bite and realizing you somehow got lucky and figured out the science of picking out one of the good ones. If being black makes you love watermelon then thank God I'm black.

It's gotta be cold. And watermelon after a work out is bliss.
Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

@Deuce: Thats fine with me my dude, Im just saying I personally dont agree that there has to be physical oppression in order for racism to be valid. You should see the way I get treated at some of the courts I ball at dude (im usually one of the only, if not the only white guys on the court) and some of the dudes genuinely try to hurt me and clearly play overly physical and even dirty at times- but not really with the black guys there. The ones that do that, I consider to be racist- theyre not telling me verbally that i cant play there with them, but theyre clearly sending a message to me that they dont want me there. Whats your take on that, no racism right? They're just being prejudice?
If that is what you consider racism then any player in the NBA that has played tough defense on Steve Nash is racist.
Those guys you claim were being racist to you let you still get in the game though. Its not like they said get outta here man you know its no white people allowed.

If the roles were reversed, do you think a black man would be allowed to play in a pick up game full of racist white people?

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by psk2310

Seems like 95% of NT doesn't know the difference between prejudice & racism. To think that some of you guys are going to college...
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