Dear White People

I was just thinking... obviously this movie has struck a nerve because it seems unapologetic in its approach, but instead of dismissing this flick how bout an honest dialogue for once.

The movie seems to be mirroring a lot of what young African Americans are feeling, so why is there such a lack of empathy. Why isn't there at least honest curiosity for why people may echo the sentiments some of the characters are alluding to.

I guess avoiding the movie the easier thing to do.
Corny garbage. 

based on your post history...

You're the one this movie is targeting...

You're jimmies are already knotted up of a damb preview

I mean.... the movie does look corny and extremely predictable.

The only reason people are giving are giving it attention is due to it's provocative name. The title is intended to appeal to upper class privileged black kids and self hating white guilt ****s. It's obvious they are trying to exploit a certain demographic of racially sensitive people. Angry White people and Black people are both part of it and through the controversial title, the movie generates much free publicity that it wouldn't have otherwise. I'm sick and tired of race being used as a tool to reel in viewers with controversy.

Additionally, I assure you black people expecting this movie to take a strong stand will be sorely disappointed...

"They pay millions of dollars on their lips, their tans, Jay-Z tickets because they want to be like us."

- Said by a Black woman wearing blonde wig

>D I can already see where this is going.
I actually think this looks decent, and some of the lines the the second trailer had me :lol:

I'm a white guy, if that matters.
Posted yesterday.

The jimmies...:rofl:

The youtube comments. :wow:


Not 100% American (yah I know that makes no sense) but the word Mulatto doesnt exist in any other country I have lived in. Everywhere else uses the word "half-caste" is "mulatto" derogatory or nah? Is it something no one can say, only certain races can say, or something everyone can say?

I actually think this looks decent, and some of the lines the the second trailer had me :lol:

I'm a white guy, if that matters.

Get outta here honky

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I can't ****** stand watermelon. Grape juice nice but it aint close to the best. Pineapple juice is. Orange in second.

Judging from that pic in the tattoo thread you can't stand food period my dude..:lol:..kidding bro

I don't care about this my skin is somewhat classified as Caucasian but my culture doesn't relate to normal american culture.. We held on strongly to tradition and our roots so it doesn't Co alline with me...but

I don't see nun wrong with movies like the wayans bros did or sum like that..but this is different, this is trolling and segregating people as a whole which isn't needed in this day n age..if Caucasians did a movie on African Americans like this all hell would break loose with anger and possibly violence and sharpton along with Jesse would be all over it .. Will this movie do so maybe or maybe not I doubt it but garbage like this just separates people as ppl and makes you focus on skin color of the person your looking at instead of the character of the person you looking at which leads to wrong doing,

that is true ignorance at its finest..:smh:

But that's just opinions it doesn't bother me cuz I don't relate really.
I've watched movies where my ppl make fun of my ppl in stereotypes and it's funny but this is diffrent..another race taking shots at another race..

How did people react to blackface in the old days? Exactly, alot of time has passed and we're way farther along now as people as a whole no need for this segragating garbage..
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I think this looks rather interesting, a little over the top, but I think it will hit what it's going for. It provides a lot  of vague talking points that people raise on all sides of the spectrum, which I can only assume will be discussed and settled at a reasonable point.
White here, jimmies remain unrustled.

If dude can make some money using race and the tired "not another movie" film formula, then go for it.  

I personally won't be seeing it, not a fan of any of the corny comedies of this genre.
Judging from that pic in the tattoo thread you can't stand food period my dude..:lol:..kidding bro

I don't care about this my skin is somewhat classified as Caucasian but my culture doesn't relate to normal american culture.. We held on strongly to tradition and our roots so it doesn't Co alline with me...but

I don't see nun wrong with movies like the wayans bros did or sum like that..but this is different, this is trolling and segregating people as a whole which isn't needed in this day n age..if Caucasians did a movie on African Americans like this all hell would break loose with anger and possibly violence and sharpton along with Jesse would be all over it .. Will this movie do so maybe or maybe not I doubt it but garbage like this just separates people as ppl and makes you focus on skin color of the person your looking at instead of the character of the person you looking at which leads to wrong doing,

that is true ignorance at its finest..:smh:

But that's just opinions it doesn't bother me cuz I don't relate really.
I've watched movies where my ppl make fun of my ppl in stereotypes and it's funny but this is diffrent..another race taking shots at another race..

How did people react to blackface in the old days? Exactly, alot of time has passed and we're way farther along now as people as a whole no need for this segragating garbage..

but then how else will we get a black lead character in hollywood?

As a black guy who has lived in some countries with literally NO black population and has also lived in suburbs..... NEVER AGAIN. I'm a big fan of self-segregation.

If you choose to try your luck being tolerated in white neighborhoods, more power to you.

I know it is a frowned upon opinion. I dont mind being in the minority here.
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but then how else will we get a black lead character in hollywood?

As a black guy who has lived in some countries with literally NO black population and has also lived in suburbs..... NEVER AGAIN. I'm a big fan of self-segregation.

If you choose to try your luck being tolerated in white neighborhoods, more power to you.
lol. Don't take it too literally. I still **** with people of all races. Just know that if you plan on moving to a suburb, and the suburbs around your city are mostly white.... well you'll learn.
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lol. Don't take it too literally. I still **** with people of all races. Just know that if you plan on moving to a suburb, and the suburbs around your city are mostly white.... well you'll learn.
I hate to break it to you, but best believe most of the good neighborhoods are predominately white.

Besides, I want to bring more black folks to these areas, not go back to "self-segregated" which sounds ridiculous. 

And to be honest, it's the white people that are uncomfortable, not me.

Knowing damn well on my move-in day my neighbors was looking through their windows at eachother like
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You dont have to break it to me. I am aware of that. I am fine with living in an Okay neighborhood.

That's why I cant wait to get to NYC. El-Barrio a.k.a East Harlem :smokin

Hell all those gentrified cheap neighborhoods are on a come up in terms of decreasing crime statistics so why go to a place where I am barely tolerated? Im hearing its the same with Harlem and even Bedstuy
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but then how else will we get a black lead character in hollywood?

As a black guy who has lived in some countries with literally NO black population and has also lived in suburbs..... NEVER AGAIN. I'm a big fan of self-segregation.

If you choose to try your luck being tolerated in white neighborhoods, more power to you.

I know it is a frowned upon opinion. I dont mind being in the minority here.
I can comprehend things very well and I've reread your post over n over
I don't understand what your trying to say....

Will Smith is a lead actor in hollywood and there's many others...

Tolerated in white neighborhoods??
What you talking about your thinking in reverse, it's your choice to give a **** who tolerates you n who don't.
This ain't the old days ppl aren't talking bout white only pies nomore..
Your in chicago right? What neighborhoods?

Self segregation? Bro plz help me understand what it is your trying to say
Man. Its an experience that I think I have failed to describe every time I describe it. Just know that I aint saying that whites should only be in white neighborhoods, blacks in black neighborhoods or anything like that nor am I promoting racism.

This is LITERALLY out of that one Dave Chappelle standup. You might think I am lying but we got cops called on us for moving into a neighborhood. Honest to goodness. Then you deal with **** in school for not "acting black", you deal with people following you around stores cuz you can't possibly afford the **** there or you will definitely start something. Teachers treating you different than others, etc. Some people can handle it better than others. I can only handle so much. Blackintellect can obviously handle it much better than me.

When there are neighborhoods being gentrified left and right why wouldnt I go to there and save the money I could use sending a kid to private school?

Its really just a difference of opinion. I aint tryna change your mind on it so don't try to change mine.

Me tho? I feel bad for the poor black kid who has to grow up in a white neighborhood.
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If you live in a place like England it is much better. Never had that problem in London. In Paris you would have that problem if you were black and born there. If you from England or America they treat you better.

EDIT: But in Paris I wouldnt say it was SELF segragation.

Spain tho... oddly they LOVE black women my sister said. But my experience, being a man.... :smh:
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View media item 1103712
Your thinking in reverse imo...
I no white kids that grow up in black neighborhoods and black kids growing up in white neighborhoods... No problems
And im talking from ghetto areas like the greens to the suburbs

**** happens but if you think everyone that looks at you got a problem with you then your the problem bro...either your mindset or behavior...

I've been in euro country's with very racist ppl that think only they belong there but when Nigeria come thru there not bothered, it is what it is..

I'm saying movies like this dont need to be because it separates,ppl as humans and puts them into groups of color which leads to the very problem your speaking on...

Your for things like this movie which puts different ppl of color into diffrent boxes but saying your being treated diffrent in diffrent areas cuz of the color of your skin? Makes sense right?
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^My bad. I did forgot to include "It is definitely the very few that ruins it for everyone" I typed that line but guess I deleted it.

I actually didnt make a comment on why movies like this need to exist besides. "How else would black characters get lead roles" which was a joke but still true.

But movies like this bring fwd issues that get swept under a rug. In an interview the guy specifically brought "black parties" which do exist and happens more frequently than you would think. White people dressed as caricature black people, wearing blackface, thinking its okay :smh: Happens all the time but it aint newsworthy to the white population so no one cares.

So whats wrong with making a movie about **** that happens or has happened? Because some people won't understand it and those people don't watch it so we get separated in the process? Nah it's cool. No one is forcing white people not to see it. In fact it would be better if they did, but they likely won't.

My college roommates where white and they liked films like How High, Don't Be a Menace, Menace to Society, Friday, Fresh, and other blackspoitation movies that don't bring forth the issues.

The movie is not separating us because a certain group of people CHOOSE not to see it.

EDIT: There is a HUGE difference between something DESIGNED to separate people and something that separates us because we let it. Saying this movie divides us is like me saying Trailer Park Boys or Whitest Kids You Know divides us because I dont watch it.
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It's also showing there is "no correct way to be black" which is something I struggled with a lot almost everywhere I been. Certain "white" behaviors are ridiculed, even amongst black people. Hell I couldn't get a black girl to save my life. I have only ever been with white women. That includes JUST kissing. I see these trailers and think "Yah someone gets it". This movie was definitely made with "Donald Glover type ******" in mind (as well as others).

I have noticed a lot of the time self segregation happens on ACCIDENT because of the **** that I described in my post why I would live in places like gentrified Harlem and El-Barrio over a suburb. I have never been in a crew where we said "No white people here, no sir" it just happened like that. I have also been the only black guy in a hispanic crew (high school) and one of few black guys in a mostly white crew (early college).

I see no harm done with not being racist but choosing to live in a black/hispanic neighborhood. Its the same as the City vs Suburb vs Country debate.

If there was such thing as a neighborhood with a lot of every race I would live there if I could afford it. But until then, I will stay in a neighborhood with the demographics that I like. Again, just an opinion. I see where you are coming from, but it aint me.

EDIT: Also I don't see why we need to pretend that race and culture don't matter (in the sense that it shapes us differently). We are all different and should celebrate being different without shunning those who arent the same as you.
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This whole last page full of that back and forth.... Don't care about a single word typed.
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