Dec. 20th Will End A Era!

Nice collection!!!!!

Size on the Lithuania Hyperdunks
C'mon Bmoore, stop kidding yourself. I've heard so many cats talking theyre' stopping blah, blah, blah. It ain't gonna happen
. Some notables
OSU 5's, 20.5.5 Four horsemamn/laser etchd, brown HTM AF1's, the mostuncomfortable but great looking 2k3 and VC bb's.
Also, thanks foroffering a complete stranger like me if I needed anything on your trip to NYC. Very classy sir.
Thanks for all the compliments & T21D you are right I go back & forth with the idea of walking away & then something drops that I want! Like rightnow I want the purple foams!! I will wait & see what happens. It may have been me tired of the part time job I got to afford the sneakers & the kids!!!:smile:
I'd just like to leave a thought for all of you guys and for the OP. Please read.

First off sick collection.

Secondly let my give you my input on your situation. You've grown up and are seeing the world from a realistic point of view. What once would have been theend of the world for you if you missed out on a shoe, now is just another day faced with the priorities of a real adult life. You have poured your heart intogetting all those shoes and I can tell that you only got them because you, like myself, just love shoes. You don't have hypebeast this and that but haveconsistancy throughout. Your hangup is with the new hypebeast market as well as Nike/JB. You feel as though you made them what they are (to a certain extent)and now the way they show thanks is with horrible cw's, quality, and quantities. Also you don't appreciate the hate from the newbies who look at youlike you are not as cool as them because you just walked into footlocker and aren't wearing any DTRT III (I hate that shoe btw) or the latest SB dunk sothey turn up their nose to you. Without people like you they wouldn't have the stuff they have today. Also the fact that they just buy things becausethey're limited turns your stomach. What happened to those of us who appreciate the history of the shoe and the legacy behind it.

Example would be people wanting and buying the Neon AM 95 only cuz it was released in limited quanties recently makes it a hot shoe. What they don't knowis that the shoes don't need to have LS, QS, laser patterns, etc stamped on it for it to sell. That shoe was once just a GR and it sold because the shoewas hot, and the real og's loved it, not because of a label placed on it generated from the hypebeasts.

So here's the thing. You really have four options.
Sell everything
Keep everything
Give away everything
Historitize(not a word lol) them. Meaning just keep it for memories sake but don't wear them.

My choice would be to just keep them and wear them. Think back to why you bought the shoes in the first place. I bet you bought them because you just lovedeverything about the shoes. You've spent so much money and got no practical use out of them. Start wearing them and learning to love them again. IMO a realtrue sneakerhead never gives up on what some refer to as "the game" (that's a whole nother post though) but will go through times of financialinstability or lackluster feelings about it. These things pass and there will always be more shoes you'll want down the road. Maybe not 2 pairs a week ormonth, but theres always at least one release per year that you're gonna want.

Just sit back and listen to what your heart tells you to do. I know you'll make the right choice. Just don't do anything rash. You could get a nicefinancial boost if you sold all that stuff properly, or you could rock heat til the soles fall off and you rot away in your grave. The choice is yours and onlyyou can make it. Keep your head up bro, and again I really like your collection. I can easily tell you've got the love that I have.
Wow... i feel you on that beater thing. at school people swear im going to wear something brand new. Anyways very nice bron collection.
Originally Posted by abernja

I'd just like to leave a thought for all of you guys and for the OP. Please read.

First off sick collection.

Secondly let my give you my input on your situation. You've grown up and are seeing the world from a realistic point of view. What once would have been the end of the world for you if you missed out on a shoe, now is just another day faced with the priorities of a real adult life. You have poured your heart into getting all those shoes and I can tell that you only got them because you, like myself, just love shoes. You don't have hypebeast this and that but have consistancy throughout. Your hangup is with the new hypebeast market as well as Nike/JB. You feel as though you made them what they are (to a certain extent) and now the way they show thanks is with horrible cw's, quality, and quantities. Also you don't appreciate the hate from the newbies who look at you like you are not as cool as them because you just walked into footlocker and aren't wearing any DTRT III (I hate that shoe btw) or the latest SB dunk so they turn up their nose to you. Without people like you they wouldn't have the stuff they have today. Also the fact that they just buy things because they're limited turns your stomach. What happened to those of us who appreciate the history of the shoe and the legacy behind it.

Example would be people wanting and buying the Neon AM 95 only cuz it was released in limited quanties recently makes it a hot shoe. What they don't know is that the shoes don't need to have LS, QS, laser patterns, etc stamped on it for it to sell. That shoe was once just a GR and it sold because the shoe was hot, and the real og's loved it, not because of a label placed on it generated from the hypebeasts.

So here's the thing. You really have four options.
Sell everything
Keep everything
Give away everything
Historitize(not a word lol) them. Meaning just keep it for memories sake but don't wear them.

My choice would be to just keep them and wear them. Think back to why you bought the shoes in the first place. I bet you bought them because you just loved everything about the shoes. You've spent so much money and got no practical use out of them. Start wearing them and learning to love them again. IMO a real true sneakerhead never gives up on what some refer to as "the game" (that's a whole nother post though) but will go through times of financial instability or lackluster feelings about it. These things pass and there will always be more shoes you'll want down the road. Maybe not 2 pairs a week or month, but theres always at least one release per year that you're gonna want.

Just sit back and listen to what your heart tells you to do. I know you'll make the right choice. Just don't do anything rash. You could get a nice financial boost if you sold all that stuff properly, or you could rock heat til the soles fall off and you rot away in your grave. The choice is yours and only you can make it. Keep your head up bro, and again I really like your collection. I can easily tell you've got the love that I have.

This is so funny b/c i was going to write something similiar as my opening, but didn't want my fellow NT'er to feel as if i was doing the Jerry Maguire Thing!!! LOL! But you have summed up everything that is wrong with the new shoe game. My biggest complaint is with Nike they will put out limited releases of things like the Allen & Richardson VIII, XX3 to a run of like 24, but put out garbage PEs by the dozen!! I would have loved to have gotten the VIIIs but was too late for them.
Bro I feel your pain. I have been in the game for years myself. I have a daughter who is graduating high school this year, a son who has moved up to my sizeshoes now ( who is a sneakerhead also), and a 9 year old who thinks money grows on trees in the back yard. I think all the time I am done with the game,it's time to pass them on to my son and let him do his thing. Then I see that pair and the hunt is on, although it is alot less frequent than it use to be.I wear every single pair I own eventually ( Ueno's to the Nugget's game last week) they are just rubber and leather you know. Enjoy what you have andjust slow it down and you will be OK. If you don't get the feeling back with all these Hypebeast's that are out here now you will have alot of capitalto invest in a down market and just maybe come out smelling like roses in the long run.
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