December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

Like they're gonna let the walking botch machine Beluga Banks win the title again..
Jordan Laughing.gif
Who do you think will be champ by Survivor Series?
Who do you think will be champ by Survivor Series?

Status Quo bubba..I'm sure some of the secondary/tag titles could change hands, but nobody cares about those..I don't see the major titles on any brand changing before SummerFest and wouldn't be surprised if we go into fall with everything the same..I think Vince gonna try to ride out his 'rona before any big belts change hands (so they changes can be done in front of big crowds)..
Tegan gotta let this “LadyKane” stuff go, she’s not strong enough for chokeslams :lol:

Priest’s ring attire was kinda questionable :lol: :lol: he really should be doing video game and cartoon villain voiceovers. He has an excellent voice for it.
Io :pimp::pimp:
Wish Kairi never got called up. Want to see her and Io run a feud in NXT.

Can definitely feel the energy missing for this ppv.
But with the current landscape in WWE I wouldn’t be surprised if they moved some pieces around so that could happen..
Charlotte has to start something with either Shayna or Bianca. I don’t need anymore Asuka/Charlotte for a while. I fear with Bianca they won’t let her be herself. But I’m sure Survior Series and the Rumble Vince saw something in Bianca to call her up. Her and Charlotte athletic wise has to be damn near close and I want to see that. Plus, I want Asuka and Shayna to just straight up talk #%@& to one another in a hard hitting match.

I HAVE NO FAITH IF DREAM GETTINF CALLED UP AND VINCE KNOWS WHAT TO DO WITH HIM! I can already see Riddle being paired with Braun to do stupid comedy spots with Morrison and Miz.

Drew dropping to Lashley would be good. I want to see what Lashley/Brock looks like. Plus Drew has solidify himself as a star so him always being around will be dope.

I want to see Cole vs Finn for the title. I think Kross & Ciampa will continue. Same goes for Keith and Johnny to the next PPV.

None of the women in that 6 tag is Ready to get in the ring with Rhea or Io so so this will be a long storyline going forward.
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